THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1922 - LL 7J 'din he fortes in education,. Even tw en language usevd to express facts, We are in the ntidst of tite TlP /11 + in the wit techer fre a(]tar better in- ad pturposes and that which amtoutsto greatest intelectaal revoltttion that Mq Inlormtedltitan they are, it would be no to no more than a pious ejaculationt, a has ever overtaken mankind. Our .I .1 Keasy thing to cultivate in the young saave and deprecating gesture, or an! whole conception of mind is under- (toortonnecd tromt Page 3) a justifiable admiration for the inferential accusation directedt againstI going a change. We are heginning to tat: "Me-n have extperimented wvitt arhieventents and traditional ideals of the opposing party, thse yottth shotuldI understattd its natutre, a0(1 50 we fintd radical thteorics in great antismtatiltankittotatnt at fte satme titne develop be instructed itt fite titeory and pinc- j utImtore, intelligence tmay be raised r irs imos withtonumtttber and at- :tttc requtisite ktnowledge of prevailing! tics of ltarty fitdelity attt the effects to a recognized dignity attd effective- was laswt oopeeftsr.atuses, cttlpable stttpidity, cttmnton ot partisanship onthie conutot o f a ottr' te~swhich it haos never ettjoyed before. 'Piney tot ttew ;ttey are otot. Each dishonesty. snot empty ptoliticatlooun- governtoental affairs. * *0 ?Au etouooraging beginning has been failtuetoas(dem5ostrtedtatnew thsat ('tobetot whictt tottooftett losses for ;Thtese direct attempotsa to troodoce a matein- tthie case of the natoral woithottefftort therec is no sotccess. Tise st .testtottsttip. ttt ore intelligently critical snot open- isrcienco.-o ttd a sittilatr ttccess may racetoece gs sttttttig fo ttott- ' Ifthtetre were better books;tmintdeod generatiott areitowcever, likely atwait the studies which have to tin ratt ee. etslt omer tigorIot - t~~ r sovaaltl toouo b otefrlc etit ia h n Ire wititthe critical estimate of mtan's tt. "tli_ tt" Ags 91 possaittenowfor ilbt e ttwolterototbaftfttssfeysbto hshowe idtrtho11is. psPartlyo tbecauseactutttey shwct1hods oatptibcaatethelwiltttreicatdhiour fundamentalnta totuht is this notsa complete reversal ntol how toenmn is sup- arouse strenuous opposition fronthtie itmpoulses attd resources, the needless of theobvios truh. Uness w defie, posd to un, bt howit acuallyis selsocietyed asenand ofataleyrepressions rep whichs w thesehe havev raoical"its thttoo hcthrb never otoes rttn. Thsere are plenty of reports of I nows regulated, and partly because no sufteredotlhrootgh igtnorantce of the past, soteccedtohow cait atonet withth le nmost itnvestigating comttotees, Federal anod1sinmetiate ittspection of hatoitsanaud to- !anth e discovery of untried ovays of etetootay svoist-oos hitoy filtostate, wvhicht furnish attthentic infor- stitutions is so instrutctive as a study o-enrichinsg our existence anod improvinog so-c thtat altotost allthe thtings tostoation in regard to political cortup- ofttbteir origin atid progress antd a otur relatioswoith mar fellow men. wec trize tootay represetl revolts titon; weaste, anti incomotpetetcy. These couttparisots of thtenm with other fornms againost tradit ion, stool sere in thoe be- taco- not hithoerto beettsttpposed to of sociaol attjustmnt. * * (Copyright, 19.21, bty Hartoer & Bros.) gtnnitng swhat sooeotedtoo too shock~ing Isosave anything tot too withlthte science - - -- tivet-rgo ies frootocutrrenst beliefs snot' of govsernmn-t, altitotugh thtey are olovi- Itrot:,tics? 0* 0blThace has at- onuslyatbsolotety essentialt to an Unidetr w:o beetntsgettitng vscthiosg for noth-:- tit nuing of it. *Boil so long as to g. fotr creative thtougtht is, at s-celave ;our scttoolts depsendon tappropriatios crs, cootfiuneot to it verytess. Andt it moatte boyioliticitns, and collegesod, it too coontoecuvostomisto discoourage or ustiersities sare torely supptortetd by tout thsese wh1( orosecouoted it too opettly, toot.uso-estoo-u or by the state, sod are ntso to reswrot thetmtsocordlingt to thttir ostotet the copotrolt of thonse wxho are tmeorits. x nto*ottttt:opreservitngIthe exist ing sys-, Thosse whto sevo, on thtewolsoe, at Itm froms criticistt it is hatrtd to see; leoast, soillthte ficis tbroutght togethbetr- s opte of a kitoo of educatiott wvitih inth sis vssaoysnob, ontthtle whtole, withs woultd effectively. queostions the conven-rr ho- tooaitninfereniceos suggesteod eithet titotaltoottitottsof govertnmentsnd bustti- explicityor impltticitly, wittl propierly no-s..* - Ioo-etlatd thse brave and tegsin totwonottoer hsowc our t-ductional oottspokeon and those supposed to havye andtto oooaoitmssretto be 0o reorrang- tlie coourooge of their totnvictionos .*butl: tot tat ctomtisg genveratiosmay t e eto-o-Inttly wvheon these conviclions are ac-° tor prearedb too tndetrstanod the coudi- cetoble or inodiffe-rentt to ts. Other- - tiottnt lttothantitoesaool totaot-itlbothem- 00ise, hootesty andtbfrankniessbec-onme s(-vvo--fttits boosittottits toore fulls- ttoto-etittudence. *** 0 I- toold guoard otgsinso its datngers more tt** good est wottld be ac-" stkiltullht n 1000pbreviouos getnerations.; ctoosolislso-obifstutdents cosld te hotbi-; y* Thecro- is 00050 e otstoro-totdiso-ontet;t t oted to distinguishsstucessfutllytoe- if soitth oor ltrys tntedutcatiotttltmth-t~os tsseo-tnte emtttttdecolttationts of poll-i- antheireoibotorato fotility; tut it ticiotosoiand statetments of focts, be-- ev coo: o tto-ethatttowe-resrothterroro-ty tow-cen vroseparty pttogratms attd roo- sN,:1t toOsfiset-heto-fondtmtoo alsotditi-, cre-tv recotittetndationos anstoltrtoposls, toy ., 0rit is o!t 00000 Iyso50vecry toorot They shottlobeory learnth lat latnguagte bonost enouagh ttell hturs sindgirls itnfotumatiotn, butstantmotitnal outlo ngew a y andtiul " noin en anto me n i o l t udt-crv-siotttoittg toovariotta tooings,I#., ho tOsetofiui tn thetin an ageof groocings, stnarls, crowings, and bray- -with vacation footwear of t he finest tootot t~ reoot oso- a. u-sogs-ceratetin cud ein' C ih 'n eevrexiwtot ooovito-dtto the rheotorico-tf the bitter-enor-t m a e a k i h e otutic to- toe josotvsent ott toe otung in,-ers intshle iSenaite or the soothing ut- s r nto ct,.= of tftuonmentaltsooctiol.econ-terosno-es of Mr. 1aroditng on sceopting;m a s o ig ak. v ih] h e tno wic, at olithicaotro-oodjustmencot whten thte nootionatioutsfor President * that will alwayvs give a good accoumnt w ovonttsitter the re-atlydotomiating iAfter mastering the difference he- 4- . -Lno .m 1.a c *1 i' lilllllllllli11111111311:11111fill 11i111111111111i111111Illllfllil111111 1ltllililllifl11111111111111! 1 ..* . . .:. r . w w wb w r r r r r s w 1 M i ............................... «..."....-.- -- --- _a _j r r r r r" i r s r r4 _S r Alwavs in the lead! r r r " \ s r v - _ Besimer's Grilled Steaksr _a "One a day would mare you a football man" a 1 oT memseives. White Oxfords For the Summer frock or sports auit, we ore showing appropriate models in smart white footwear. Our display merits your consideration be- cause of the distinction of our styles and the economy of our prices. White reinskin cloth oxfords with flat heels. me- dium round toes, and ivory soles and heels are priced $5.50 White Pumps The particular young girl who selects her shoes with discrim- inating care, will find all her ideas expressed in our shoe department. For wear with sports frocks of every type white reinskin cloth pumps with low heels and trimmed with black patent leather toes and straps are quite the thing. Priced $7.50 - * r COME DOWN AID w SELF TO ONE WILL FIND US w SITE THE D. U. \1D TREAT YOUR- TONIGHT. YOU UPSTAIRS OPPO- R. STATION. w .r r .w r _ r r r w r w r r r s ww w s r i m jig iliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitilitittik fltl Itlll llii iIIIIttittittu [ittui [[[[.. . . . . . . . .[[[[u[[u[. -