;Y nomic prohem to a simple nmoral is- inevitably alter the wrd with whih
th e M ndIin th e M k ing A li, and this is a wile of te Father ae have to make terms.* 0
"T h i ir o n ue iv aofi Lies, to wvlich many of us yield *** At present most of hueman
(ocue)readily enough. organization, governmental, educa-
It is, however, posible for the in- tsascaat eiito sdrcet
By James Harvey Robinson dvislal to overcome the fear of aso it asways has een, to holig things
rthought. Ostce I was afraid that men down, and to perpetuating teiefs ad
(Pubhitshetd y Harper Brtothsers) I onse to relort of te teachings of . mights tik too mci; nw, I only Policies which belong to te pass ad
16. Scome Historical Rellections on the 1uspeopleho are already codsemned intdread 1lest they will think too little have hbesthtt too gingerly readjsted
Philosophy of Repression (Co- teir eyes? and fr too tinidly, for so I see that to or new knowldg'andti new ottti-
tinnsed) Of c'osa the criicistti of acceptetd real thinking is rare and difficlt and ions.
Busitness indeed has amsteroine ideas ia offenssive anti will long remain tat it needs every incentive in the a* '* Just as te "reetiker"
our religion; it is defended y ftheso. Atersi, talk and writing are face of innumerahle ancient and in) who, in the eigteentis centry, strove
civil governent even as the later Re-! orms of conduct, and, like all con- ereof discoragements and impedi- to discredit miracles in the name of
mtasn emperors and medieval princes ;duct, are inevialy disagreeable whets ttents. We must first endeavor man- an all-wise and foreseeing God (who
protected te Churcs against attack. they depart from te current stand- fulyo free or own minds and then could not e attpetes of tampering
Socialists and commssunists are the ards of respectahle ehavior. To talk do what we can to heartesn others to with Iis owt laws), was accused of
Wvaidesaans and Aigensians of our;as if our estahlished notions of relig- free theirs. Tojours de I'audace! As b eing an atheist std of rely elieving
say, heretics to e cast out, suppress- (ionst morality, and property, our ideas members of a race that hsa required ist no God at all; so those who wosld
ed, and deported to Russia, if not di- ott stealing and killing, were defective front five husnred thousand to a mul- esnohle nor ideals of social orania-
recty to Itcl as of old. anid it nee of revision, is ideed more lion yeasr to reacts its present state tiot are descrihedI so "Istelectuals"
'The Secret Service seenms inclinted stinkling violate the curent of enlightennment, there Is little reason or "parlor Bolhevits" oto wotld
so play the ipsrt of a mtoderns Isrquisi- ruls of atctiosn. For we are accus- to thistl that asyone of is is likely1 overthrow society and all the achieve-
finn, whicht protects our new religiosn. tossed to actual crinses, misidemeanors, to cultivate intelligence fun assid- 1omerts of te past is rer to fre
tollected in its innumsseahle files is ( tinl sis, wiichs ae happening all the otusly or in harsmful excess. testelves frmssmfisal ad religiouss
te evidence in regard to sspectedj time, but we will not tolerate any sus- otraintos ad nayhsp "get something
heetc wo ae ardtoimun td ttmt o17. What of ItI for nothing, h parallel is very
heeissh sv ae oisPgn 1 e ate°t opalliate them ing"Th
"busissess as usual," or who have dselt theory, * a * Osr as is one of unpreednted c- exact idtled!
too lovingly on peace and good will If se arecounsrageoasly to met and posiility a a * The C'husrch salways arsed that there
assosng nations. Books asid pamphsles, successfully to overconme the dlangers * a a Nothing is 9going to be set wee n new heresies. All would, o
although no longer hurned hy ftse con- oith which our civilizatioss is threat- tied in the sense In whilchs thigs wre exaisation, prove to e old and is-
mttn ihangmsan, ace foridden te nmailsened, it is clear that we eed umore one supposed to be settled, for tie credited. So te Vice-President of the
bsy somtewht undiscersing tefficials. msidtan ever before. It is also clear cimtsple reason thast knotiledge will Usited Statenlhaosrecetly declared
We ihave a pious vocabulary of higi that we can have isdefinitely more prolably continue to Increase and whll (Continsed on page 4)
resentmsent and noble cndemsnation, minisd thasn a' already have if we hits
even as sissy had in the Middle akes, hnste'ly deire it ad avail ouselves
and part of i is gesinse, if usinteii-l of resosrces alreadty at hasd. Misid,
gest, as it wsa then. ian previoussly defised, is out "consciss H VE Y U E N TH S DIP A
Such are some of th ohstacles which {hkowledsge sod issteligesnce, wvhat a's FTH
ftse sudest of husman affairos st sr- ksnsw asid our attitude toward i-our-OFTE-
mount. Yet we may lispsthat it wiltidisposiion to increase ousr inform- M ~ y A O S tM N I
hecosme increasingy clear that the c-tiosn, classify i, criticise it, and apply MOS FA OU D AM ND
pressioni of criticis (evess if such i." *0
citicissis sec'isses fault-fisidissg anti No previous generation his been so, IN FACSIMILE?
takes te trin of a denusiciationsous perpsleed s outic,btotnsone his ever 'oilest yost pass our owindow te ext time,sic better
existing hahbits and institutionns) is in- ess jsstifledh its-hodisng higher hopes sil tswrhcmn u fyu a ose tp
expeitenitt anid inapphroiriate isa this sit- if it couldsi hits reconscile itself to mak- stliIwrhcsssgsi fgu'syt eso
tioinis t which this worlsd finds itself. ig otdanu sdiioussuse of its go- oast se' this isagificest facosiies of this greatest,
00isgreoutrces, nmaterial and inellec- largeotasd isost fatous diamsond in existessce. Yost
'se consstantly hearcis t cgesI tsi stat. I Is fetur'thast holds us bck. sill Ss stoses worthi hundrsies of thoussans of do-
Iis oc that indsiovidulor icgroups tssoss 'Andshfear' is begottenofusigorsice ntl iars ont fossget tose ishsos
siatesthe' vissleisi ovthtrows'oittthe og ui'-estscantiy .,Andsthee mutualliy re-
ecsrsiet, is nt llol to thue Ctstitu-i isstsccs'onic anoter, for ncr feebly to'y'SCHiLAN DERER & SEYFRIED
ut.ntr is l'tie' 'orse'sc thy s'w'rkingstao c nonenot' ignosrance by str sits1hDimond, Wteles, Jewelry ad
or tse abolitisoitof 5pivte, propiety or certainty rnsltioeclie or uncrttain- Silverware
this famitly, us, in'genera~l, is suptpose'd ty byousr inosrasce. 113 East Liberty Street
to be e'ager to "verturns everythiisg Discrlit defense oh our ideas and
wihoust havitsg'any'hinisto'pits inits habulitfs 11oesnot insdicate' anss t 'ats-
place'." lisli esnfieuce its thesmbutt often::,;c "::^5>:,5;-
The Ihistorical stdentmayiwellnorhcih'slt-distust , aisits on'etry In hustle r - "'s".'ssi'"'''.';'s<,' s' .ss';n
onimesid thit ef ' js.a o asoi
agitsst suh acusatisins tscbrught;l"<,.: comusubashfulsess toffsets hiss sense
ineirt gainst groussssYruead indhiiuas. 'csfe. niy ta' n ~v'rict=iss hsbyrse'e''
'nras'o's xrst fut ncshuis var 'ni.I, trexaniple reigusus
youthsansinisfideity ts the ,gustoc.."s; r . 's.isetifs tsad been realty ftrrsty estab
fo lsuss igtou wrtrovthis fis'- ist s t1 tewosuls ase beets no seedi
srnnuent; Luther oas to the officialsof oit°sitdss to faith"; anti so with ousc::":;5:;;:;;LfBIRD PEARLS
hus tnmentis who taught "a loose, self- tisisiess system today, our ptolitics ,f hz::appiu as:
wiliest life, severest russll lassos anth andthsernational relations.sWetread
wholly btruts'h." his see thingsoa. they aould piearP A RL TASS I
' who questionned the popular if we thought of thenm honestly for"'".,z. .....i~
delision' in retard to sitchcaft were! it is this nature of critical thought to :".'"""."";';.ND
declaredi by ccieysten, rufesosand metanmor'those'sour fassilar and p' i'i"" PEARL BRACELETS ?5>t
Judge of the seventeenth century to proved sworld into something strange'i
bo asa good as atheist's, aho sited doubt and unfamiliar. * The Parisian Fad that ;",
on the devil's existence ini orser to P atisanship is our great crse We ~ is Sweeping the Country
ead their gosdless ives ithiout fear inn readily assins that everything has@<'
of future retribution. Htovin is pa- two' sides snot that it i out duty to e t t."':':": 1'1zz? eac
.iblsin view u finsveerae habt ononer th othr. :It hs"I to N
e ofts haionoeoteote. Iht01No mankind, to acesp5 at its face value bieen said thief sie worthy people of 2 0(s:>,^i""" """":81'" -
'lit the poslice or Departmnst of Jun-1 Cantridge are able prompty to re- "J 1N .EI
t~~~O N B.E B E ics or silf-appoisntesd investigators, duces the mot complex socal or eco- '" 1 ot anSre
AI little farther 113s si East Liberty Street0
perhaps but the
extra serbice
makes it wrth < <>.x
y u r iphile.- ,
,ar at W shigto": t