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May 21, 1922 - Image 2

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SUNDAY,. MAY 219 1922

A Brief Talk.With Amy Lowell


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(BHy NElisabeth 'hitcomib) champion of the free verse movement. a life of Keats, which will probably be
"The Ann Arbor audience was dif- "I am not especially the champion pIublished next year.
fereit from any other audience I have of free verse," Miss Lowell denied, "I What more might have been discov-
had,' 'aid Miss Lowell, referring to her am the champion of all good poetry. eret by careful inquiry must remain
recent lecture in Bill Auditorium. "It Only about a third of my own work is unguessed, for at this point another
was not life those in eastern univer- in cadenced verse, the rest is in metri- visitor was announced, and I realized
sitie and very 'different from the Ical form. that my talk with Miss Lowell'was
17niversity of Chicago. I don't know "A poet does not choose his medi- over, realized it with regret for that
exactly what the difference was, but um," she said. distinguished lady is, in spite of being
for one thing they preferred the I She explained that an idea comes a celebrity, delightful-as well as diffi-
storter, subtit poems. t'sually I find already clothed in its forticaf to cult-to interview.
fiat asindieice ties not get a shsrti ree verse or conventional metrics.- _
hii'u at one readfing. They like the r Miss Lowell's conversational voice is For the benefit of the stores which
I(nger and more obvions ones. s- pleasant and uisually rapid, and have "funger" among the books on
Ie'eiilly they like the poeiis in Nesw when the fascinating subject of poetics Dietetics and "Growth of the Soil" in
Englend dialect. Out that was not the came up, her tones took on an eager the Seed department, Alfred A. Kopf
coe in Ann Abor." intensity. announces that "Men of Affairs" is not
fiss Lowell scent on to say that she "Vers libre is so different from me- another book of personal memoirs and
never knew what type of audisence to tricil verse," she said, "Words do not was not written by a gentleman with a
expect, and that if she had her reaci- havelithe same values. In vers libre duster, but is a novel.
iigs . Ann Arbor wou l have includ- everything stepends on tthe word. YouI
cd imire of the subtle and exotic imust findI 'le mot juste' or the whole !W. II. Hudson's "Afoot in England,"
She commented with a gt'iiim of effect is lost. In metrical verse you which Knopf has just published, has
asiiiseiuent on the icnfortunate oisoite can depend on the lilt of the lie." teen for some time out of print in
of th' tiht, which had taken so ' iich It is Miss Lowell's custom, as it is ?England, and has never been pub-
tiime ifst her pirogirim was shortenei that of many writers, to write at night, lished previously in America.
ti : iii; tIn i hi ,iind spoke feel- when she can te quiet and undis-
ingty ot tile flicslties of lectrin turbel. Her historical poems require James Branch Cabell's genealogical
in Hill 'ii'iitrium, which is so large a background of enormous reading, study of his own fiction charactersi
that ott 1t nsfusancs of inflection are .snd this also is done at night. iwhich was recently published by Mc-1
lus. Miss Lowell usually gives her work Bride in an edition limited to 365 cop-
M Wiss Iouel is as she says herself, a great deal of revision. irs has already been sold out. The
a siifius iti rsisim to interview. She "It is only the very young and the title of the book is the "Lineage of
sits etnml.. like a not unfriendly trivial who do not revise," she said, Lichfield."
sotilin, slvht IY amuset not question- smiling. "Everyone who amounts to
ig sIt w'stiing to be questionet, her anything revises. Keats' manuscripts, Dr. Walter Leaf's rhymed transla-
theutilt Ishn(fs enviibly at ease. ,;he for instance, are full of revisions." tions from the Greek Anthology, which
di. towever, vtunteer sa correction : Xiss Lowell spoke with authority, have been colected under the title
if ore st the stitemnts inde in Ar- for she has in her possession the "Little Poems from the Greek," will be
il. I IV th, Pet's Series. It is a finesn existing collection of Keats' iblished in America by Robert M.
iotuilar misconie),tih n that she is the manuscripts. She is now at work on McBride & Co.



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Two Minute Talks
by 2. 1. A. P. for
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

N OT long go four young men conceived the
idea of beating the world. In accord-
ance with their plans they entered a bank, shot
two innocent bystanders, cowed the Cashier
and made away with their loot. Thirty min-
utes later they were discussing the robbery with
the townspeople on the street. To all appear-
ances they had succeeded in what they set out
to do.
Six weeks later these same four young men
entered state's prison sentenced to "hard labor
for the rest of their natural lives."
The day they entered prison a young man said
to me, "I am Captain, of their baseball team
and never thought they were criminals." And
that is the pity of the whole thing. They prob-
ably were not criminals and yet they had gone
to the length of committing murder in cold
blood in their attempt to reap without sowing.
When will such mis-conceived and deformed
notions come to an end? How much longer

will the human race have to suffer from the
malady of dishonesty? How much longer will
it have to live before it learns that the best
game in the world is the game of fair play?
When the world comes to such a state that men
will sow before they attempt to reap, when the
business man gives a hundred cents in value for
every dollar he puts in the cash register, when
the laboring man puts forth honest effort in the
interest of his employer, when the Capitalist is
willing to use the world without asking to ex-
ploit it, when the student is willing to learn and
doesn't ask to be taught; in short, when every-
one is willing to pay the price, then we may ex-
pect to see more success in the world and less
misery and we can say that civilization has
truly advanced.
Such a situation need not be an empty Utopian
dream-not while we have the power to make
it a twentieth century reality.


Summer Days
May will soon be over and
then the really warm weath-
er will begin. With the first
days of June Milady will
want to have her summer
wardrobe complete, for it is
- oh, so hot - to shop in
summer. Our stock is ready
for your approval.
The very daintiest and most
alluring of party frocks will
be appreciated for the sum-
mer formals and organiza-
tion dances. Organdies and
dotted voiles in every deli-
cate hue will be a joy to any
Beautiful silk hose with lacy
clocks and Rolette tops in
the popular shades - who
could resist them?
Liberty at Main



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