SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1921 Robert Frost--oPoet (Bly It. 1). S) and tlhe hoallelujals ragtime of Lindsay sees him only as a very human, very! Ble is optinmistic as to the future of The following is arecent editorial to the love lyrics of Sara Tesdaletlikable man !literatore is America and is anxious from he Naion:and the delicate verses of Edna St. He is of average height, with streak- !to do all he ran to encourage young fromTheNaton:Viscent lillay. Of these sew poet,,, ed black and gray hair that is neither !'authors, wshom he a dviscs to use as "Theappintentof PrryMacayewho have been woriting for the past de- carefully smoothed nor consciously material for their writinsg the local- last year to a fellowship -,t Miami cadle or so, one of the most conservas-!rumpled. His eyes are kindly and ity with whicls they are moot familiar. University is sos foliowed toy float of five yet probably the finest artist of sympathetic and not without a good T he value of this counsel is shown Robert Frost to one at the Univers ity all is Robert Frost, whose three pub-} humored twinkle; and his mtouth by the fact tha t his own work is the of Michigan-the understanding bemn Iisbed volumes contain sonme of the usually frames a smile. embsodimsent of floe spirit of New Eng- at bhl universities tha t the poets have best American verse since 1900. !Onec is immediately at ease in his land, where he ha. attest the larger no other dties than to live there and And now the students of Michigan ipresence, and fiods him fall of eter- tart of his life. Hit book, North of give thenimselves tot their art. If others thBostos is dlescrihed by Louis Uter- of stir universities have done helter, soeger, ths well-knsown poet-critic, as by poetry' tha ws have sot " one of the mast intensely American heard of it. To tbe intere.sted in thse hooks ever written." vri ) but s supreoly ituselttle of ai- ' Mr. Frost takes a very open minded a;hn orl i sltl t d sympathetic. attitude toward the portant to moake clear to the young -, cannou. art forms., seeing~ both good thsat thse busintess oft so.Ing classic. and bail in alof he .Iehaow gioes tonot trever, Althougto we havethm Heiaow haaito rtr a so srot ever, little interest lon "insectects" -y and otther such generalizations. H~e a-crsty facotlties beftore tis, they hiave ' t believes that a nythinog can be the sub- for hoe moost paort hoeen kepot chrined - --- -, \ jec for ort and :01 s, "I do toot think ho the roootine of oostroeit, tol' igd -a cia n ashottlatb ifoin to stealo fom their acaitions -to pay'+ w; or mnakc -et rales for wohat is o' is to iteir trite; calinss. in thes.e newc tiout beautiful." -Niher does being apontmsents is shutwn a partial retog- fior" oir "agaitnst" anoythinig appeal to -itto of th forttootaootp h nitan o th fif tht aunierstytim. "Costrioversies are good fun," shoulod he of all hptce' ftr 'moost Is.iot- a . at he admits, 'tout I do riot believe much abl toen elenre nd houd wlcoe {isacciomaitished by them." If he is ' creaturer as well at s -choilrs to their!aint ayhng nltetuet commnites.Whie Mr Ma~ay sa wuld seem to be Greenwich Village haordlys mucht sore than a man of, and Psychoanalys-is. While granting marerd ideail Mr. F~ros t tsaop ; that the latter is not entirely without x man. of gesius. A.- the woorld moss, h a , pvalue, he believes its introdutction into that wvouldh hoe qu ite entoughs-to have iterature to be a mistake. sucho appoiintmnts 'to "tofi genitos half His ownt vcrse, which is nostly of the tione." the country, especially New England, Thse cooting of Robhert Frost ho Ann; -w the writes usually in ote si two Arhoor ho, noade Michigan toe subjet[ "shots." tie polishes it very little, of mooc-i congnat othsry comment by _ wricing the contire pe ihu n the pr:: It riiheg tdislt teruption If he flnds that it is not favorably bty titose of thse studetot body~- taking form as he wants it, he leaves who fPod timeo for stoupplementary cul-i his first attemopt and starts afresh, turool putrsouits elton' wcith sods cx- e, -Althotugh his na me is usually as- traclaossroono piastinoe- as footbiall and s-- sciated woith Newv England, Mr Frost the movies. a-as boros in Soot Francisco. At ten, As thoc eidituorial writer point.- out,, however, lie came cast to Lawrence," "the btusiness of mnaking classics goes - Mass., wshere he spent the remainder } 100 foreser," Unfiitntately tis Ifact lof his boyhotod. In 18t5 he was in r- is tsoo seldhom rcognoizedh. The text n red and tot 1897 moved to Cambridge hotokts stoti at 100 or thireabtouts, and anti attended Harva rd for a timse. For tho studenst is apt to believe hhat the next 15 years he led a varied Amnerican pusetry osas interred with the ROETFOTexistence. At the end of that time he hoewhis-bored hbard: of floe post ceontory.,OET RS west to London wisere he became Ntor is this beief entirehy wrong, for From the Original in Plaster by Aroldo Du Cherie acquainted withs a numhser of the liter- mucs of thte pioetry' of te old school org men oit the day and had his first Is reachingo a foissilized stage. But, hibook, "A Btiygo Will", published. The avhile it is totly for classroom tin liter-' net year "North of Boston" was aryclu reerece hatthedus isissused both in Englatnd and in this blion trots Loengfetlow, Whittier, et country. When he retuon ed to the al, Piand Whtn nat least remaits will have an opporiunity to meet and tattling observations and interesting - United States in 1915 he had become a ,s frioh ais ev-n. bcome personally acquainted with Mr. literary rensiniscenses. He has a wide famous, althtough previous to his trip A. tiew sethouto: a arisen, howe'ven I' root. The Untiversity has furnished acquaintance in the literary woorld to Lonodon hc could get nothing pooh- to take the place fci the itid; sll( this him weith -a home on and a huge fund of stories about well Ilished here. it Iast bok was prnrt- sewy schltt is veory mucit alite. It hoat Washteonaw avenue and here he will known people which he tells with a ed in 1916. Since then be has spent broken away friom the old hraditions on resode for a year, holding open house whimsical humor. his time teaching at Amherst, faroing, so mtatnn toat wotold htave shtuckedh any for studensts interested in literary His chief interests in reading are and writing verse which has been tot the cud timters, excepting Whitmnan. attains. poetry and essays, but he does not printed is the magazines. lie nowo has Its general accetptance hais heecn re Mr. Frst is an unosunal mixtiure of confinte himself to these forms. Rec-,- enough verse on hand for at least one hartded tperhapts toy flits spitrit of r evolt. the visionary and the practical. He ently he read the five novels which more book and it is to he hoped he yet tire test of the onew posetry is very' loots a keen sense of beauty, yet there( have attracted so much comment, -sees fit to publlisht this is thoe near goodi inodeed. In form antd cuontentts is nothing of the eccentricity we are "Main Street", Moon-Calf," "Poor' future for, again to quote Untermteyer, scope tis pra'ctically unlioutted, rang- apt, usually erroneously, to associate While", "Miss Lulu Heft," and "Tbe "he its uttered (and is voicing) some too; from the ra cy slansg of Snd- asith puoets. As one talks with hits one Age of tnnocence," and considered of the deepest notes in American burgti hung, the epitapohic irony of Masters, forgets that he is a famous poet and them very good. -poetry."