SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE3 "THE MIND IN THE -MAING" (Continued) By James Harvey Rooinson (Pub~lished by Harper and Brothers) did; Euripides was an objet of ab- of change were the illusions at the cocorse mak all possible coubi- 8. Beginning of (riicall hilnking horreca to the conservative at his ttogittss sd liha sinpe-minded. ntarsns . ** There was no per- day, and Socrates was actually ee- a nanre aywhiere; all was no more Tlhs Egyptians were the first peo- cutetd for his godless teachings. The l But ther sas one group at Greet thanithue shifting accidental and fleet- Gre-k tinkers furnish tte first in-tinikttrs whose general notions atfimgdcutbiations at the permanets p', so far as we know, whto invented~a stance at intellectual freedom of the! natural alerations corresond in a4stns outshich te cosmos was cor- a highly artificial method of writing, "seelf-detachsmett and self-abnegating! striking manner to the conclusions psed,. about five thousand years ago, andi vigor of criticiotm" which is most of te ost recent science. Thse The Epicsreans believed the gods began to deise new arts beyond those91 toucthingly illustrated in te honest were the Epicureans.tDetmocritus wcas to exist because ***tey thought of %heir barbariotts predecessors *J'know-ttothsingnss" of Socrates. in no way a modern experimnctal sr- te ad an innate ies of ten. But Butt its spite of their extraordinary [lwy diroered skepticism in the ctntist, but hettmet the Eleatic tmeta- te divine being. ed a life of elegant autane is raciculostte -f-fcthighr and proper significace of te piyics with anoter set at stecuia- ase andu toout no accostnt of man; advace n -racical materof-actword, and thi s is their supreme eon. tive cosdrations wvhich htappened to neither his supplicatins nor his knowledge tttey renained very pi- tribsutien to human thought. bts nsarer what is now regarded as the swet-sntetling sacrifices, tsr his bas- thitive itn their belies. The saue One of the finest examsples of earlytruth thanc theirs. le rejctedl the sphenies, cver disturbed their calm. may e sid t te popleof eso Grek kepiniso ws te dscoeryEleatic udecisiotsginst tie reality IMorevr, theIusman soul was dissi- lma and of the pwpetern Astof Xrekoskesmtasa re the soeyof space 5ud motion on the ground 1tated atueath So the Epicureans aoai n ftewst sirona osinhsowimgecelokdthat, since sttion obviously took 1fatteredt themselves ttstthey had de- nations in general-just ahnor w.aout hin, observed the current con- pace, the void musto be a reality, even fieredtmnu from his two chief appre- day the practical arts have got a long ceptions of the gods, compared tiose if te metaputysiian cusd not con- Icsonte ear at the gpts ad the start compared with thte revision of of different peoples, std reached the ceive it. Ite hit upon the sttion that( fear at eat.*** Tius one beliefs in regard to msan anti the gots. concluion that the way fin which a aluithtings aere contposedi of minute, subtol tof Grek thinkers attaied to * * *ritic pictured its gds was not the indestrutibe particles (or atomss) of! a ctnplete rejetion at religios be- smurieoutcomse of anty knowledge of how fixed ktnds. Given noton andt suffi- lies in the nate of ntural science. Itisa elctetak othey really looked and whether they cicnt time, these might by fortuitous (Continued on page 4 what we owe to thta Greeks. Leavingse ad lack eyes or blue, but was a re- aside their supreme achievements in (fectito of the familiarly human.*. ' literature and art, we cast consider The secontdret discovery of the FrSi ouly very briefly the general scopet Greekthiinkers was metaphysics iTipiyO anti nature of their thinking as it 0 * Nosadays netaphysics is re- THE GREAT MVIOGUL reltecs tost closely to our theme. Ivredl by somce as our nolest effort to YTe chief strength of the Greeks reacsh the highest trcuth, amnd scorned. hie iMst ,Ancient sunduCelebrastedi Indisan Diamond lay in their treedoms fro iamper- by otrs as te silliest of wild-goose -- - iils tug ssleiectal taditon. hey h cases. I amm inclind to rate it ike no venerated classics, no holy ooks, smmoing, as a highly gratifying in- THlE 1101'611 STONE WEIGHED 77 , (~aIIs usa ead languages to msaster, no au- dlgece to those who ike it, and, as Its citttsstleis$ltlOtl isrtstocecchifresersta ndulgencies go, relatively innocent. tionm. **Vu** e all engage its reveries how usuosg tiecron jewel of Titcuai For a long tiue no technuical words satd fautasies of a homely, everyday WTt IIOSFi wsere inveuntedito give aloofnmss0,andt--y-cecousAersed ivih oarDdsiresOo tyecocrndwtuutdsrso seing precisicum to pilosophiccand (re :ccusssuus, btinthic-fautasy of tic FAtSiIMIES OF Til EEBRvt~ATED)'DIAMONDS ssicutitic discussion. Ai-tole was!cutaphyslticiancus t0ies itself swith con- ttsc first to use words imcomirehcn-i cctits-5, atstractiocs, distinctions, SCHL NDERER & SEYFRIED c~ to tie acerage citizen. it was tsprche,, pastulates, and logical in- st tesa conditions that the p0ss(il- frenccs. Havitsg- made -certain Ipost- W, iis, ulWstse4, Jewelry acrdu tics at humns criticisms first showved aes of hyptteses, he finds new on- Silerwamre ttemssslves. Thse prinmitive unotins of) ctsian, whirls ie folloscinju a seec- liii Eas Lierty Street mnac,ocuthlis gods, amd of the workings ingly cnvincinug mannr.a o natuoral fo11e3 ntoic oer tDlmussgie tuna exacmles of et- culdosaeniey ue physical rcasoning. We have an idea' ;:;::