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April 30, 1922 - Image 6

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SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1922

-lie hat too moc i respect tor the tSimpy uttbtite the dust before the
irrino 1 IRW. Nine o'clock thad not intol 1a(1e-out or the present admin-
ff o k s n d u th l ; t . " c-I 5 U 1 'nItheknootkoil t Pte :tatto 0otuiti te coiled to account.
.0or. U' Vt a sfe tttore changes atsd a comn-
.MRAA)Tl ATJII"ie etnlitces tsr. ethispers tenider tih soh i n itevery sense of
LE('TUAL iBy Pierre tBenoit repiroaches. His s1u1v0etrecriitiosthtiPwoirdi-"Saltt Lake" might be made
By Hatroldi Stiattis I t Review by L. E.WIV.) findir 110011e;.1 To teli tihe tfth, nh ascetnariosuficienty sappy to
(A, Rieview by IL.I), S.) It.isiperihaps unfair to expec't a s he .11.d ~lIIdy.' iival"Way 'DowntEast" satd "Over ftse
'Ihe critics of thete iiite-Matthews- Pro ehitest-seiter to 1)e Osuperiotr to I 1)111(1-lrl, of ('nurse, co, i11 11; 1."1 As it stands I catnnot see why
Itteips scihool have cottplacenlty ad- allAmttricatt hest-seller. Even itn 111W11righ1-titiitingi'ottittitt 5'And p1(1.1(1 r aptpeatlihas teett so great.
tministered their flt-tot to H-aro(ldiiriace it rishcultsural traitiion isP. te;« e, the soth villain is all f t es abourd to suggest that it has
Stearns' "Amterica attd ftseYotung In- hieritago of ottty a few, and ihere tttust 1 apotaiteMtodciist mitnister, "the Rtev- It'y-tother appeai.
teilectoal" (itoran), while the more tie scores of oi'ribbtler'sIti're as fatr111itt enJniGwtinett, ofBaltittore. e i authtlici'iy trfhis mater'ial has
liberal critics have, in getterai, found be'lSIow ttittin Eolland(tilt Anatol i e (lserts his ctiirch and iniduce's11 tt 51uestioned. 'Tat is a matter
a good word to sa'y abiiutthe lmolt. France (s our ion HaroilidIBeli a 11 (1(1 ltoung womanisito mittyioriitstotrical critics to determine, hut
'Te type reactiotis of the reaiders, it ishWriglitierstire beo I, t ge liiiiiet ' It (1 (((ur(.1) fase tretetn'esaniiihits roe- (siltokiioes iot iave an air of so-
easyIt toititgine, sii foliosw those iii yet it is itisistentily iiisappo~inting to ;0N irll is--lnlt rtintiaitdi destrucItion, to its' It esuggeststhat it wsaawrit-
ftse critics. 'Te conservatives will rcooli "Salf Lake." byPittrro eoiiit, ot ' iei''s tandI ipoer. 'Thits 0s010sto: 011 (witteii of(itfreqtuent references
heartily condiemini it anditheiltitberalstitdto learti that "NI.iteniiit has b1e- ''h , P. 0(1' (Iifa ftitltslit-op intt e to . amp((le lO sttry. ageography, a
will reciinmmenidit enthusiasticaiiy. .xt coesi, in recei'ttyeats,(t'elpre tav ,nd5(-sctooli systemi. 'lThere is 's'u'e-;iotlo's''ndta bstany _or Dens Stoat-
any rate, regtirdloss of oine's personat oniteof(I Frencehtretiierswsilou(igtt 5 y( 1tmiustaikti. 'Things wsoatld have ton te r. It is overbturdened with
opinion, site imist ait tha~ttiitthis vc-ot ve r 1t0000 opies ofitSalt Lake 1'in t'){, (thaniged1a lit tie before tie botlt okdseripttins of the titatits anid animals
utne anid ((05other.,''fiviizatontin aI fewtimonths." u1,e1(1(ii'l I'into a po(putlar mie ,: f ttte'region,.an(11(1 sioinally there
the UntedfiiStates'' (edtt 1 ti dr; Tie sor sf0 la5d in11Aiiietica, pritici- "ran Amsteiclan 5(tlivlit'i'Thte tirute s a ossoge sitihias the following:
Stean) sumupin cearatco-ali t~ O lytritoSat tLakte City, (darinthIle 51(1 (ait'(itione'right by o((fr little Nell "'The tmuirmutriing waters snotiteit
cise fashion uhe tattitudie oifoatinereias-,treignt ot trighttimi Yountg. I'll)'titt-t
ingly large class (Itititellectualis -ait 01r's interest itt 'Iortootisrnandati his
liberal critics itt this i'utry.13 strottg zt:Otagioii ftirid it are
Thteirst itmpitlse oitht etveage remntiscenit of Natie Grey. ts is tilso
reatderxiii htie ci all Mrtearn t s 1at t!le sotmnewhat tieatrical qiutiity of thi'9 9 T
patriotic. Sucs is thte ccuiton10l ,I-t'. Zneti'rPey, too,1atighit have'- srit-.~TX
ways shot at the hetid of lhe "destrtic-, ten of a beaftifuil taotietlthty young
five" critic. In thte0a1e"ofitthe attist,sidip" ttitedi to aiMormoniltmar-
the questiotn of patriotism is biesiide riage, lot her alpItisfur tielii whteni
the poitnt; hut, as the present au~thoc she idiscovers next iday thatt, hecrItus-
makes dcltm to beinigtin intel'emualibatnd is a Moirmoin andi that esie is sie
rather titan tit artist, thi' qu'stion is niumbter two, b~ut jutst ihel aetiGeytiit'EtI r
As a matter of fail, Mr. Stetarns tuou~ts heroine ftintitngmig tt sttaimi
isswayed tby' i 1p'triottismithtl gois ad otiltrrolr, Mr.IBenitf tells is ctlmtly:
a gor'at idetil deeper ftitithat itt thi' ''Titrsigbomit the iii sIdiy, Ssturdttv.,
ult nis y hundred percentier. fi1t stie stayeddthuts itt htr room. hiltlmitd
his liatriotfisti no5tiltthe- sariety tiat jinert,wailting fror e itmiser, wth 9 T AXbik ttefcsadsbtiue nyoefa nhrhat-t1iti9 ~ 91
Utopia of Fourth of July orations. lie toight not cosme.f


sees Anmerii' aIsit isecultuirtallylips'-
less, said becominitgmiore so sithb the
pesistehnt spiread of s1 tidardizatiott.
oif crowid ruoeanditcrowdelithisaght. anid
Ile mtakets' itntevitbli'conmptarisot
to Fiatnceew'he're ''Illbe 'differet 1' i
peptli' tetize 11(1.1 'themeccaniihet'w)
dte'ct'tt art 0o' d'c'i'lt lit0 'mnstilift' in
a tounotry ftita t i ii hstandaiz'edy~t
o0 miuchi regintisI 'l
Art intthiis couttry. ts tie auithor
poinitts outi, is co~nsidere'dllsiupertflunous
stilleffeiminatie. I nidistiallisti, whicit
is more in eideinicet'he rethiatt in any'
to feel fhat art is esosentially ti part
of lite. lie drawos a significant comn-
parison listtocontihttin t'iteii Slates
mu (thor 'ountries. "'There are
mufsic festivals in Vienna even though
the children arc starvitig....iFor those
who seek carnival tindthtei Latin spirit
there is stiilll'aris, thoulghi Franee is
face is face with finanicitlruin. Thtose
to whom ftse theatre metins everyitig
sill got thent iniulatioinIticy needI
in fBerlin and Mtunichi, though Ger-
mnty lives tinder thte treaty of Ver-1
Mt. Stearns stadly shakes his head.l
Culturally, Anmerica in certainlty lack-
ig. What is mors, it offers small op-
portuanity for the present and coming
generations of young intellectitals and
tirtints. What is this iltass in do, askss
the author? Is therc to lbs only one
aniswer-get otit? Evidently lie has
succeeded in finding no othter, for Mr.j
Stearns has hinslnf recently removed
to France.
Front an English newspaper cosrre-
spondent, Mr. Hamilton Fyfe, until
recently one of the leading lighits inI
the Norticliffe press, comes a novel
"The Widow's Criuse," pubhished by
Thomas Seltzer, which hears testimony
to a practised hand. Mr. Fyfe is a
man of eatablished literary reputation
in England, and Is the athtor of what
is regarded as the best hook on Mex-

-s y o .o osn
WV believe you xviii place your stamp
of ap-proval on our newv
This is just the outfit you will need on
many occasions between now and
June. Whether it be for summer for-
mal or merely for ev e n ing wear, you
wyill find the thing you want in our
As usual, the quality is right and the
prices are reasonable.

- ~ L

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