SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1922
By James Harvey Robinson
Published by Harper and Brothers) NVe know, of blind anima l r ags, of bee iven c to the a1t(- s'Io a',:i-n hot the "good" Wind te 'ins-
(Copyright, 1921, by Burper & Bros.) striking, bitsn, scrsatching, howxling, original, unadu ,I;_i ,!italaure l~~ le" is usually synoymous with
6i. Our Animal Heritage. The Na- :oil snarlingof irratiosnal fears ansd ig- x ihat rs 'ousrcs: he lx as ax naxcre ce- ' xseniesxt routine, ands thxe toldl have
tyre of ('1i iizallont" nomsiiniouis flight, We shatre line senseas saurs indxepxendentt of xtxy traxiing thaxt :1 x-,(ats bee itere lxo ropreso the
Ther srefourIxisoricl laerswills the lhigher anissals, save eyexs retsilts froma beings brxx xlst tsp itls omse yoxx xx Saxch heavy wors of apiproval
sinslerlying~~~~~ aieissd fcxlzdisn'sd exirs, nses ands tongses smussh 'soil sof ciriliztsd xxomsxsuxity? Thle asx cna ssixte," "sancstifiesd," ansi "ro-
- the aninsal mind, the child msind, the like theirs; heart, lussg, xand other quxextiosn is shfilnt to foxrmuxlate sat- asrix asit xsggext great age rather
vistcera, ansd four limsb. Thxey hasve ixixxx'isriiy ansd still mxxxre dtiffltit to 1n afxre'sh dixsoveries. As if veas its
ossexig mnd. asI thae allaiomals andi birains wch stxand thsem in gooxd saitssxer. Bot wxithoxxut xttemsptisig Is ' lx-" xssssx , is ixowx anda ever osiall
stexad, although their trexads sire not list malxxs sxpxsedi naxturxal "its be, is oxis pxsrotest agisst being dis-
nieve~r can cease to be; we are all chil-'
urn atuss mut iipesssnasleage su x ood assirrs. Buit wxhens one spssaks stinct s" we insst xssxs'xx sisal civitssit- i x) frceal to tinor toi iiihansge
dr~ t u os mreso sieae fthue sainixl sindis he soulsnd thsisik zatsion is busilt op ott li o riginsal pro-) outs hlx its. Sx histsory, inamely chanige,
and1 can never el ovesr the effects of of -sitt othesr resssstxtxtises litetess pensxities anxd impulss, wrhxx atr ths ha"; ee ain ily disc to xi ssiall nsuisber
that; our humians ancestors barn livedi
in savagery dluring practically the uieisliiil ia'b.'ias ixtshyi.xxi cal risr n in
whle exsistetnce of the race, say fixvs Atl assimials lexarn---'vats tie mst ly th ~e essi' frso )assles at xi iiien tt ct hosnaxive cursity outras
husndtred thousand or a miillion years, hxumible amnsg thems maxy gain ssm- oraison. 'i' 'rssr~ i ss-'' 1r~l ta ti l thi fellosxa 'I 1- them ttoi1
asp te risiiv Iisssssnsndisevs'tiling frosms experiencae. All sue hsighser six xlcvi llails xl~u of urn' e 1 srs str aie fai in tee risos tlix oasis-
wiith us; finally, wxe are all-born ists aninixils exiitit cusrisity uisder xxertxain ours-xx oitslixture xv ix stixix 'xxe - 5 'x".
an elaborate civilization, the constant' sir'issxtx ni-es, sudit i is tisx imsesut c" xtixIt sirr -sii 'xx. lWe 814- s:Il l~r hi ]', xeisimply an' xxix xe sit ti
ti ipressusre of which we cuss huy Ito mseans a ishish isunlerlies all tumnis ciece. mx iuih ismliillcd 0 ix ~dr, s.l s ocur
escaple. * * Mhoreoxver, somtie of the higher xaninsl,' _1 s Pst siarted sitxialn it cutua in ' xx s if livitng thins, lboxi
We mxay groxv beyond these uinder- easierially the apiex ansd mnknieys, are aer 'nod s it xito tind outtx xi evylixg; aan":.gxlin: l~ x'sgx'Itle. Bitt tihe nit-
lug msiinds and in the light of new, tisii-l giveis tn fumbxtlinig ansi grossn sir ixithe isve ry small snit a's' sit iii . 'x;lx lxx's risse, its ousr gisriaux, tie
Iknowsiledge we may acriticize their fild- They xarte restless, s-asily boired, asnd ci-ilxxry testisas sait xas-sstxsis _,,";;(xiii xxsea sit tie ia-ed, xxxii thi'
logs sinai es-en persuade' ourselv es that ,sponistanceously extixriiiia'tixs. Thexxy stirits s(it tiha wxis-l. 'Tis trexit iss f - 5 its st' pacstav ssc no
xxeLave successfiully trans-enided thsi-ifoise makxie dscoaro'x qau~ite an- it fiiai~ ul sa x iasa twvi' hadx sixyttin ;, ,, xxt issa itiig its--tv fellois sis
ss-'es sue shiall finth that their holst on t n " :;oitbs titsu s etxn f Sxis i ssx- l xxiiss i5 xs issss elxxxnc3x of
xis ix! realty inexorablte. 'We cast only hby users- tistishig, axx ii,< "cat, oxr s i; sxfrl:ti e; htictsits. Ccx _ lisa xxi to 'g {> Ihe -l pie ems
ulog happxuens on0 a. siay is sesc tisiod,! I, it~ss c, , s-ssixtxx t thex xx lx ,, x u of xll( r" ,x Fthiiigs xxill go
iccirsrend thems artificially sod prne- I ay ntogi : vi
ssixusyaud in certain cata.;leae th ;tsteci~syhighxly favor-:lxi thi eanu nitvls- nhe sit conucxt wxillis is sxiy-iihsiuhi--l x-t's'' x x-xx sinuan
able couditions. Bepression, anger,' oca-r"sto'hs ths s-sextur it-wihs lxixe tx-xs hiti . aix sit : bissusxxxsre xlix a cs-- 'xi athxx St. I'ni
fear, sin ordilnary irritation with sliced- hunsxgry. Thaxt is xxhiat 'hicudiau has :x t'x xr 1Tis-ss sit fhose, Nxx~ hiss ex.csxi ne a xx 'taircx, sir a Darinii
theinsunnty a~ B uts- namied learnng hiy 'itrial unit ernst." sassiusna lx hsigxhy endxsowsed. * si xxxxii*niti.auhfs c x
ilyp proxve Ite insxigrit hi-te tic s-attes 'tsxxin i'sl Ivis tsxsg ; rx nix tuxll sxs'x axxi fhic a-esti xi lte
lure that wne smanage to neat on our ,I ih etrb aldfmln o idnsha eetyt e:onwit h hrce
foxurfold foundation Sutch fundaussen- ati(]sh c~ (s-ss,"Ifor it is ths success thit t asked~ tihes x'e stissi Why is h xx thsri 'li ixit 'ins of inumerab c le inletrior
tat amid vitsal preoccuptlaions as re- estxihlishs-, ths xxssxxei hixi. u i ace(sant sy hxiisor? Wihl, ix acI, con (Cniued on Psage 4)
lialsiss, love, wx'ar, anid the chase stir: A cexl isce xshlich lacedcxrosietys~ aind
inausss eahat lie fan hbackh in hsuman sad no tendencsxy Is fiunihiea cosuld
hxi -issy and-wxshichs effectusally repudi- isnee hav devel hcsopedt civilizxatin xiii
site the cavilinsig of ratiocinaios.* hlna insuteliligence 5.
* ti e are all desa-endhedh Insis the ' But wvhy list xani alsins- iof aii te
xxix'r suaimal,- xxills nt oly xtxin aonishal i-s \ii iedi? 'The ea- ; is e d mm .' 1 iiC3
is xxiv., but xxith ass simsal msinda. Aod a xxt fs hi sii, xi ssxi it I ss
hix ianinial bodhy anis aimastxl xiii sttatsaxst ( x xx!its-tx oni tic slictti at tssi~
a.r the orc iginal foundamtions xxi u-histi 'ih 11 55t siii g in a'etasinsx wsila sis ( : ! I = .-
u-osn the most suble andei natest in- xttx1 rxge xaii e'sxIsr xxix-c, butx is +:" Ij I 1 i
s-i 1 ife mxiipuas Iet -x snxi-ituus sui lox- xxx us ,;
it'x ate readsy to -tassify cent-sin of xanother-. fLe-xrninig a55ing the i
our m uost es.sential dtesires as brutists seats Ibelow mxaun is hulls blismil,.at uxus s
-hunmugen ansI thirst, tie si no- fss-uie o ust1- tve n emcslnumive. 1
sleap, anud especially sexuxal longinig. Of late, conusideraxbles silts nio us imis
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