r"f tr tg SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANSUNDAYAPRIL, 30,1922 Camp us Dramatic Tendencies (f13 :Agnes Ilohtoiats Ienocat organiz~ationndtt givoptf- itati we tie handicapped bty at lack iof ae tin nrganiatitin that is fitted tn No tite whit pays me' tha n t potuty for dtevelopmtenit in several fitnances knti ac dearth at cantpus siu- tead such ant trrangetiuti in thte Play- ttterage aittetiont to literattit ca differet n littes ot work. port. era clib. They shotuild etuititer the if the ctlbs are tt tettit "If course; col t btile giteni here in betl nt of i tmtti twhtt can rehearse le t hatt thetirtma is agini cttn- frist their test wnrk the stutdeits in- tte thienry at siege craft it woutlid not' ttodittionts, direct atll corsen dealing tealtin flie trin ey af liuth a noel in teres t lutist he moare discrimntitgt onlty greatly out titose talreadty here ini- ewilh t dramat aitt give work ieal- Itptlinuterest 'Iheaters thtpiei a i chotce elf clhuts. I shtouldlteresteid int that tphase or. the wrke hut: itng witih litty techitiute tad writing. seti reel dramati i liefelet c to letoli urge thtit they trn slit for wioutld also attrac anitet frotm alt over ro ito this it isi't necessary to pat- acrotwdi catehters" ire lieittg tackted t.tt itcltb itott whictt the ir par ftiula ith ctouitntry. Whetther it is practicahte terti aftier anonte. We have outr otto problhemis wiich ace confroting so- tlaa titi ad iterests stilt hest ft" to estali anth It coltrse it it uiti tee triat. Outr gretatest falt is in the i(.0y todtay ace fiingi tieir motst Iisi-ing eltehle teatk itt the ftuttetlrrtyl I tdo tilt kniowi, but I titt ceer- at ciiftnttiragetmett to swoldbie forceefuil exprtesson itt the tilts. Thte iish ichart A, Fotitr 1,aviar of diieinite needt here for trtiin- rerane-'tisi s They tiey ttke. weork itt tie-:erit a with wichii th te ilcatittist sThter e t,.sa timtie whnle tine success in tg ott that sort. tie -lte o iitieratre of thie iratna d:dis noi its ly i ao wi it t ton, fiit iv ay ear stats the ai itt our Prof.it. U. T, ItIolistet cit te titt- andi siltlitve n insight into tie but Alst taiith at elitee an ni eas forc ies cliib. tilt ourt purposett ha aee l pĀ°kii dctartmietnt, sateils tht prodtti n oti plttas tr the socital as- whiich ttay be diituingt ltto i ofa 1i;e ini tie attietmpt ta gite etveryts helire a tuo -uetionts involved;l eets io athie driima." oritr,. Int slaew ofi thse Tat the leinte tclub a chitnee tot tdt soie irat, tile general soial intl retceta ''eele iterestedt in cttratma," said ta ittitg ittfetal teetic- plt right tit 10nts beforc lie mettbtets atoa a spc idrmta is tantd si-c- itf I, . Sitatta ioi the Etnglish de- ciotes ta vital quet ion. the'ilt. The hbusittiss of itctitig itself cxth it snt kitd cadteii studyi tttiunit, l'a'et lontg bieent looking for- It recet setarsa itgrnsi1gntr is itliii (, h 15uur interestio the cli tof tdie drana liiir iito ai pitotesstit in the ittama.I iot the ciampuse in alt stuittes coib ' e ti is~ at scetihteas or tnt. It is not outr buittntesa to it stu-, hout Itik tie pritmttry hbtsiness cit tie groth Itit- drtmtitic~ itci titie o W itits need cut tiatait th aniti ittieti as it is toi sceni tott titn andtio t ot ifleys Rtathet wse neetd a man suchl a dlegeet ht' somei 'cit urintitt - ai et lire' tinuet'-o the witch iol ' tittii wc it til adeqaite u-ni twsellto ii i ttle existing ativittes. A ig foirce htas litomt it t~c.siy :10:i thei dri iii lit iit ies out titiati edction. I helieve ttat the coursee suct as rof. tGeotrge Buket itrkc helievedeto ible tas uniot ri as it tittar I dott'l believe t hut lie ,encrl cuitltural tratitig that can he girca-t Harvard as touth ito bie tde- - ersily iof Cltifitttia tt'i tehin tutu at rat I rnorgniza iti is lis edo raaist o tctor. iii" Ot tlt. itititiel o1 Lie ng- a ilttls nt :iii ual es cit n ws I till m it5i'lti itt of centtral i theil er cie teal ait ie tcpar t a t schol flit lipatmtent, i-ited that it is a ttioh ascitri cy Ad, tlit tIi 'i" ttvo eid the confitling huie teatret is ititthi. Wer wt ie, tioiitts ~ i ~el h eluiieo n iie ribyi fs titig to accomlishia t uetut1 AIniaes li thle cluths ittd the t altilol It chair in dramtinics ave rofetsio -t a titseirsity. "Our pi! etults u-f awhch Ohieliganis halut' sa ticn fini l tIo infutsian." -It ~il hereto - eliirdtt acadeicitue licer biuiess, he said, "is the teach- S-ittttud tu iuutt tanxious oniv for Aui ittlectati ottgraowthi cuthue in- aril 1) sett i"li I ~ t 5tintg at prictitpes. There oughtt to he adieqiuate traiinig tutu a chttlice to C ates in tdrtittics us tie atorktshotp of ars It cii nte here tar the mtan wvho wantsa expecrimntt bitth Itt taitig intd io-thue Playes c f ilt atwhit a ocuies the A sltus ioi thte cracat shouulcd carry, io witte plays aHe shauld he trained duintg tila ia Itit:+t ent)hlttii i s r-'r ie nitte buiilitng text tot ITap- 'i stun pat the firt fli itf thec moriie effecttvelv than he is tiow itig the teeth fout ti ehtair in ''ti- lilt scil o Itn I uast tnivtei'sity. The sltaeshtrc ito a titute sobetr ap-t It itwol le an iceluly god thing tea. wor ofi desi hc'gting sets atti tat cciii Iprecitiont of flie ra itt its ai real farcet t cotrtelathe thuni ' tic interests here, itmy Littmis, '22, Ia membteiir of iii e sirut in g si-tat'ry- for aill af the hlay- itt ali.bt the tian it charitge sill have fo tdratuatic orgngizaietiotits, texpresscd it ers ('11 tutroduci Itionts its hieeit tiuef TIhie ee tir ttic correltatioun ittheaie itt idelt pithatsatn. Still it would he chlief ini liii neied fat a dhfinihe ute did Is Attchiblt i aconld 21tbttu '5. In iicio are cotiutoy to i tie asttdy oi l -n cratiinisfiutie to have a rigid cet- laielnlt i t' hetaita. ''hitsit 1al, hth lt'-hit stined Ibli paitpt n th drama~ is asoai tc'uiinieci liy il iot t cointrl. T fiPeltd f dramticti at- she sauid, "I li-itt teiv eil mii amot a--i i-c fliisbrd~ ori in the proteses if.T I. It. Itttiiti itt the jotirtiusm the- unvit s ettis tery aweci udiviteid efveetn satiable expeicetns ii 'Mistue ti I-tutu. ')la--thtiti u i eitsseih hits i rtinto "In inhec tut ho it succtess- they ors ietitits tre. I helievae tat Howieverl, I hilliesethalit tatei" es toi i i'titt i o ' work hily, iuhs'ie saidl 'ate nced att tniustiuli uivetit'rsity thIis sizet, sthauld afford i-tint otf inuitiucte intt fied hit d- "Of iourtse, I makitel miistakes. All ; utu lit thte hetadu, cite ithot nut only cills-y of chanciues ftuih e studient who itt- iti- itt c-tmeii thrucugh Ih la-m Iti4r in purenily ext-iuttert - u Diii titscaholtarly intuerit Inthue tdrtuitt s interestedi in tdramtatic aclfivify of i-ia ('1111) if if tie allowediu tt itvlo -i spil ai is toi itaiht soting inti- h ut itnie expterienced itthue htscticl Si suit Ias i is otue at the nmost valu-- oni its tresent buasis. It is t msli, t thue Lthle Theatre utuatetieni, - uiit of the thetatear. We tlretty Il ofIii exta-tirfictlti tctivities'" Euripides---An Athenian Questioner Edirs Nmote' l Tis is lliii futht matnuifusi the ticrsututuity itt twhich they iota taut shtunneud reality ta somtuifhinig t ]suinittes ittitut.atutlwa preferreut itt it seriest of tarticetts udealintg twithi mingleud t Produce fit-e poaet tund flue ftoo coantfempttile t udepief ini tuetry' Itti,tou i cotmedhy tir tragedy Hin tuathotrs itt itt otlier dauy. It is upre- mau !Euripides askied "tttus'?" anti straight- :chatrteers sedo u mut erutit the ill fates uisely such uartilesu as thus th te w' wy he itntroducedl slaves auth nahles that ibtfll thucun Comoitnpnlace per- wtiasi dalitug with tieirtesttaEripidecs hiatthue phlilosophuet' in j i the satue scene. Athena nearly sons it t fie thrties of grctat etnotiotn oehert day.ttIt aivisldomi tt atpeylutc as ti at etil etututned away uwhen he presentedl ii re ]tsavi-v e chartcers, These tithed ro a yhis g beuttu tat fles'arei ktucua g tsaettstitug itt tatters. Orattars atnd denuta d etthitty aoter characteristics are uungt', hu furtlctr uau-u hu dae tutu atisii toI sound the hieynouteI ange. fre urhe bak heda ittth fsunuhtidca uattre: - csqutatuihe.goguuea strode frotmt the thteatre when ike thiose ofi the Naturalists itt or inctite pedaitic~ thei tiew. there us ont atiuice E uhltt u u elh buritpitdea character questioned huetutu timte. IHo hus'disgusting to shosw tilliole couldnule fhind acts the in itaute.ta on~~~~ ki itle taiut h Cbesnipiuhas ciutd nt. hits aversutun fori'Justice anti omnnipoutence euf tihe goats A It asin atd instutuctive emtioi ithle aluuu'uriug -- samu tuu huts insltnct lilt truth scat- humuuan heitng, even a wsomuan character, drama; an uttuo deatl with saves antI (ll Ielu . ync) rd it Irs ncintin fr eaty trerimtattdtetd a deity far acting aa he womtten eveti atorse'" sit the proud Helly haitsh thodIistt mini eute isotry his tuthedatoth quic saut had, awhile tte grave Athteuniana Anchuaus c itets mitlst love felt if wve ati atud ifs Wiia it Byas Atnd it;usithl tis inconutgruity. The toumolt and -silt blininbg anth gashing it thue front: jiulge tfrotm Eiuipies untppulrity luai e lets it el aint sueh uphldu atrtile witi anti beween hit charac- rots wvondterntg hots soan they shatuld iny an tuntenestedl in collectitag its (If tnutuialty. IEutiplates standsa ' tr are nit alwas underasaood bty ihe anutihilated for beitug even specfetors t5nu:patae for a "Socialitos cti itoryt a o iiitnly as te creatorut1hosn a' o tahttrlibuthe ceutain qualii u t o profane ai performantee thin- fid-hluitia cotuldh find many a ane in of eauy h~iisis lluiv an aat rek Art lt Greelk life in general. ides quuestionued anti denetunced fth .Ie lu mucs of this itoet: itdtivehals ta o ia btas ht auting serenity whlich dis- - inytian mtttniracles tof thhc Oneehta, For utcislnesa goes hantdi in handu ath uleizer ot tuuhaock-t Moralityuh' ting' ses mutcuh of Greekt Ant in eh- He sltcotffedt ithfle pretalentt noio t lt wtealth,, an-trl etlt.Pyi lsine et.Iaroyadprt uha s thatthue nobluetmen te re descendhed lt potuvety It r hubithright sisdonu aunit pilosopihy attnrtictd andu ilut founud intthle Pu arfiuenon and 'The - endetd tint althlough hue deicatuuhed hita Antigone" tune hacking itt favor of cont-! "Eatrthi nuade all alike itt atfutardi M Oall tmts utla t explain his hfeto the tursutut of thue 0-hitse eto atnd fever. Mainy persana have shuowv ur -liedlbrtoni-h hr Ohs intetion itts neither ft eun eut ixplained this ou tifle praahlitv thufa All differences ulid fatucy framte aterporray-vtat somnteu have een 'huts piihisohy wcithts ufaest ere thin luiiduets scas partially at un-Or ek Naught do twe realty atn; the statme nid odt tuuhe girounds halit he swas a aitut nuor to betray Ike wvhtimsical puarettage and therefare acked the es- In ntufre ate flue high anti loay" woman-hater. Ote says, 'he shoaed )ntoon-beamt chtactr hut rather to re- sential Greek trait. This seetms un- Only mnodetrt ntualnisun has panse he- hitmtel f t hi without pity fr thie garh these sun ashy in so f-ic as they, , stisfactory Fartner paet, and art- yand this. Canftnuted on Page 8 I