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October 09, 1921 - Image 6

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.h n ncaptain; James D. Glunt, '23; Helim
,/lichigan N en Learn Art H. Hulbert, '21; Stanley H. Shindel,
22E.; Lloyd Thomson, '22; Edward F.
Of Shooting In Short Time Moore ':1E; Kingsley S. Anderson,
O Sho ting n Sh rt Ti e! 123T,': Stuart Standish, '23E.
(By Hamilton Cochran) team also carried off prizes in indi- Many of the same men composed (By E. . M.)
It is a common belief that good vidual events. the aggregation that entered the con-
marksmanship can be accomplished Upon the cloe of the camp at Fort tests at Camp Perry with the addition A LAMENT
iMonroe, the team journeyed to Camp of R. S Miaore, '22E and A. H. Robins, He came unknown like Iochinvar
terry, Ohio, where between Aug. 27 '23.
on the rifle range. Yet the summer and Sept. 22 the atinnal matciea at But from the East, and not so far,
experiences of the Michigan R. O. T.C. the National Rifle Association took A dancing whizz, a flapping star.
rifle team at two different matches place. Here were assembled the crack DAILY MAGAZINE SPONSO S in clathes ceem ta disaemlnate
proves that natural marksmen can be shots of the army, navy, and marineTE The air of the collegiate
developed in a remarkably short per- corps, as well as many noted civilian (Continued from Page 1) For he knows how to imitate.
iod. riflemen. Five other members of the In length the stariea shnald ran A pair of brogues his feet enhance,
When the coast artillery unit of the University R. O. T. C. joined the team from five to seven thousand words, O'er which are hang a net at pants
University R. O. T. C. left for camp upon its arrival, and after a week's bat n stry at real merit that rans Which seem so loose-we turn our
at Fort Monroe, Va. early in Jaly, few instruction at the small arm school langer ar charter will be tamed aside. glance.
of the men had ever handled a rifle the matches began. Most of the con- The mechanism of literature will be A ctiiped tie appear t float
betare. The little practice achieved tets aopen to our men were arranged largely disregarded. If this offer does Behind fyBr battans at a coat
at the small Ann Arbor range had not for sqiuadded individual competition. not stand for freedom of expression thrkht.
been sufficient for the formation of a Every man who entered one of thase it dse s nat ctand tar aiything. It in throat.
rifle team capable of competing with matches placed with high scores. The to be hoped that something worth a ae aea, ae t nes
others. entire team won expert riflemen's hile will evalve. While it in nat ax- No more a mess, and yet n less
At Fort Monroe were assembled the badges with the exception of one, who pected that masterpieces will appear Ha n g re the lin es s.
coast artillery sections of practically was named as a sharpshooter. About snmething better depicting cllege life But missing are the lines of toil
all the large universities and college nfourteen individual contests includ- than has appeared is desired. il
in the country. Interest in marksman-; ing pistol and small bore matches i
Shope that in three or four years In playing out the rules of Hoyle.
chip wan keen. Same at he bent were entered ty membersoatthe team. the effort will be made again, that His hat is squashed from top to base,
cllegiate shots were present, and The mot cdaney cntested meet an
bent on carrying away individual the entire scholastic program was ar successars will benefit by nat And were bin ears nat in their place
wan In ajarg Mchipam 's C.nA.C. thatbween differt R..TgC teams flaws, of which I expect many. The It would descend upon his face.
hons . I}aj ar ge ofshi gan'C.A.nC uthat between the R. . T C. te ad sn- standard we set may not be anything H is hair and forehead fail to show,
wass Major WliSheopttC.mA.tC.sfourstenifereticolleg's agndugani- wonderful but it can't be so bad as But we as writers ought to know,
An sn an the cmpetitive matchesvearitien. Michigan's aggregattionr had the volume of stories which was pub- So underneath the hat we'll go.
were annanned,be picked his team the hnar t carryingtof fi splace, lished concerning our student life Ah! Side-wise brushed with part be-
and entered the ray. dveatlicg the Wahiington High Schol sm wleo ite er g. ten
On July 15, in the preliminary con- cadets by but one point. It was onlyIso cutw ,leitey sagh. aownen,
test for the entire camp, Michigan's after the last shot had been fired by an agent o , the Magaines literary Display the sce a vaseli she
rifle team won first place on the the Michigan team that the outcome i department, I shall nt be paid tr He came th us in cschastate,
ranges against six other schools, in- of the match was definitely decided. apnyarIk d ane tward the pablihig With lok and clothe that deignat
cluding the Massachusetts Institute The following men composed the an bak Every cent puwillst
of Technology, Washington Universi- Michigan B. 0. T. C. rifle team that ngo to Him as an old collegiate.
- Mchian . T C.rifehedathFat the ten succen.'~'l cntribtors Bt he wan jat a rsh withal,
ty, and the University of Alabama. took part in the matches held at nccsrpua ontbeet t Bindgnt wan ad tro ptal,
Several members of the Wolverine Monroe; Major Willis Shippman, team Literarya Department, Sand sMaca- Ad ha wan riing n tar all
zinc, The Michigan Daily. .SAmped, It came! Oh what a burning blot
addressed, return-envelopes should be That all his pride and poise are shot
enclosed. i By that ungodly freshman pot!
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