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April 02, 1922 - Image 7

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The Poets W ho Come to EXCERPTS FROM "TILE MIND prevailing business methods, race an- source of their livelihood-the actual
IN THE MAKING" imosities, public elections, and gov- nature of business enterprise as now
A nn Arbor ov(Continued from Page 2) ernmental policy are, if they are practised, the prevailing methods of
Now education for citizenship vital, necessarily "controversial." legislative bodies and courts, and the
(Continued from Page 1) would seem to consist in gaining a School boards and superintendents, conduct of foreign affairs? Think of
is individual, yet too deeply interest- knowledge of the actual workings of trustees and presidents of colleges and a teacher in the public schools re-
ed in the whole social situation to be our social organization, with some universities are sensitive to this fact. counting the more illuminating facts
called an individualist. He swings illuminating notions of its origin, to- They eagerly deprecate in their pub- about municipal government under
against whatever has enraged him, gether with a full realization of its lic manifestoes any suspicion that which he lives, with due attention to
If sometimes lie strikes for the sheer defects and their apparent sources. pupils and students are being awak- graft and jobs! So, courses in gov-
joy of impact, it is none the less true But here we encounter an obstacle ened in any way to the truth that our ernment, political economy, sociology,
that most of his blows are well-di- that is unimportant in the older types institutions can possibly be funda- and ethics confine themselves to in-
rected and have power behind them. of education, but which may prove mentally defective, or that the pres- offensive generalizations. harmless
Yet he can turn from such a thing altogether fatal to any good results ent generation )of citizens has not details of organization, and the coin-
as "Killers," a grim, terrible poem in our efforts to make better citizens. conducted our affairs with exemplary monplaces of routine morality, for
of the war, to something as different Subjects of instruction like reading success, guided by the immutable only in that way can they escape be-
as the short poem called "Sketch."and writing, mathematics, Latin and principles of justice. ing controversial. Teachers are rare-
Three lines from the latter evidence Greek, chemistry and Physics, medic- How indeed can a teacher be ex- ly able or inclined to explain our so-
his sensitiveness to the purely Pic-ine and the law are fairly well stand- pected to explain to the sons and cial life and its presuppositions with
torial: ardized and retrospective. daughters of business men, politicians, sufficient insight and honesty to pro-
"Rocking on the crest Political and social questions, on the doctors, lawyers, and clergymen-all duce any very important results.
Ae the s ow str the ships other hand, and matters relating to pledged to the maintenance of the (To be continued)
Are I tthe bleshadows luste sis
Hie has the inlander's joy in city
lakes, and in 'The Harbor" he com -
bines a description of squalor and
beauty that, reproduces the effect
familiar to the stroller in Chicago's
"Passing through huddled and
ugly walls, -
By doorways where women hag- ive Us a Taste of
Look from their hunger-deep eyes,
Haunted with shadows of hunger-
hands,- )
Outfr ,Ithe huddled and ugly
I came sudden, at the city's edge,
On a blue burst of lake, -
Long lake waves breaking under -
the sun
On a spray-flung curve of shoretqh
And a fluttering storm of gulls,It is ever a fair request to make of any merchant that he should
Masses of great gray wings "give you a taste" of the store's quality.
And flying white bellies . For the "quality" of a store is your assurance of satisfaction-or _
Veering and wheeling free in theFy
open." otherwise.
Again in "Lost" he recreates a
nood familiar to all who have lived For twenty years ideals hav governed this shop. It has always
within sound of the wailing fogFo
horns. been our aim to satisfy our customers, not merely to sell them,
"Desolate and lone to make their interests our omn. That is today's "taste" of our
All night long on the lake
Where fog trails and mist creeps, quality.
The whistle of a boat
Calls and cries unendingly,
Like some lost child
In tears and trouble In a Suit quality is necessary to satisfaction. The cloth, the bind-
Hntd the harbor's e e ast ings, the tailoring must have quality if you are to have pleasure
The mood of vague and gentle in the wear.
pathos is universal, but the meta-
phor is fresh and distinctive.
He is cae of witingtpue. In "Wooltex" and other high grade makes which we carry you
He Is capable of writing pare song .n . -tex
when he cares to. This he has done are assured of quality. And the very remarkable thing is that
in "Adelaide Crapsey," written to the this does not add to your expense.
American woman poet the essence
of whose genius is contained in one
slim book like a slender vial holding
attar of roses. It would hardly be
possible to find another modern poet
whose work more completely differs ' ASK TO SEE THE FINE LINE OF
from Sandburg's own, yet he has for
her a strangely penetrating appreci- SPORT SUITS AT $22.50 TO $45
ation. So far as I know, nothing has and TAILORED SUITS AT $25 TO $69.50
been said of her,-of whom manyaOST
beautiful things have been said,-
which so delicately and accurately
expresses her piercing loveliness as
does one line of Sandburg's: Wash Dresses are making their bow. Remarkably good looking
"And your mouth of blue pansy-I -=and so reasonable, you'll enjoy looking them over, $3.98 to $18.75
know somewhere I have seen it
rain shattered."
It is scarcely possible that anyone
unacquainted with Miss Crapsey's
extraordinary work would sense the
depth and precision of Sandburg's
phrase, but his fineness of feeling is
clearly apparent, The added poig
nancy lent to her verses by her early MILLS COMPANY
and tragic death has not been over- _
stressed in this tribute. The whole
poem shows reserve. It is entirely 118 MAIN STREET
free from sentimentality.
The breadth of appreciation which
is revealed by "Adelaide Crapsey" is The Shop of Satisfaction
significant of the largeness of Carl
Sandburg's spirit. He is beyond the
petty and the narrow, though he has
found the greatest significance in the
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