SU SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 5 Ica-vith Fadraic Colum (By Lois Elisabeth Whitcomb) head is unwrinkled, the deep gray- deals with the life of his own genera- because, as he explained, there was Padraic Colum rose quickly as we blue eyes bright and eager under tion is too likely to write of things nothing of the heroic about it. d their straight dark brows. He holds of merely suparficial interest, politic- lie laughed as he spoke, a slow rich entered, and stood, a slight eager fig- his head high and there is something al and social movements that depend laugh that matched his voice. ure, silhouetted against the window in the chin lift that reveals not the too much on their immediate value to I "Please!" ie requested, carefully in Mr. Frost's living room. His greet- arrogance of youth but its desire. be of any lasting worth . pouring the proper measure of cream ing came in the rich easy voice which "You are going to stay in this Although the work that is absorb- into his emptied cup and passing it had charmed the audience that had country permanently, Mr. Colum?" ing him at present is the new novel, for more tea. The tea, with its sweet listened to his lecture in the after- "No. no," lie answered quickly, he says that most of his future et- strange fragrance of jasmine buds, noon. His conversational tones had, "I'm leaving for Ireland in July. forts will be in the field of the drama. was evidently meeting with the if anything, a sweeter note than his Il stay there, I think, though I'll al-j He spoke of his connection with the poet's approval. He cast an inter- voice from the platform. It was soft- ways be connected with this country. Irish National Theatre, and described ested glance at the curious Chinese qned now, but kept its depth and its It's my market, you know, and I have the peculiarly democratic organiza- canister that was brought in for singing quality, kept, too, the delight- some plays going the rounds now. t lion that was a distinctive feature of inspection. Tea is of more import- ful feathery edge of. brogue, so fresh Besides that, my wife and I like it- its early life. At that time the play- ance than one might have supposed and pleasing to the American list- very much. We'll want to come back ers voted as to what plays should be in the life of the Irish. ener. - and visit again." given, and a single dissenting vote But there was to be no more gos- We were scarcely seated when Mr. It was then that the tea tray ap- was sufficient to condemn a play. It sip over the tea-cups. Our genial Frost excused himself. It as te tathe e a a - was soon found necessary to change host, smiling but firm, reminded Mr. "To make tea," he explained, "Pad- te round table. Mr. Cabout a lit- this arrangement to a more practical Colum of their dinner engagement. raic doesn't think I can, b "it a just rou s n tbe. m Mr. om th s ol and aristocrats: regime. Mr. Colum "Why, we've only just begun," he wait. Will you have plain tea or -?" silver pitcher. l expects to renew his connection with protested. ' "Yes. Let's have none of the calla "Cream first," he said with a the Irish players upon his return. He insisted that the dinner engage- and it is probable that some of his ment could wait while he talked yet But it was a reed that he shouldts A erachor the baby new plays will be produced by them. a little while. And indeed "cabbages try the Oriental tea, after all. While wayol He mentioned that one of his dramas, and kings" were still to be touched the tea was in the making there wa y. He sipped "Thomas Muskerry," had been heart- upon. But Mr. Frost was not to be the ea as n te uakig terewax e sppe th beerae dscrmin- ily condenined by the Sinin Feiniers, persuaded. talk-"Shoes and ships and sealing atingly, and looked up. "You're a 1_ycondemnedbythe __in___eners,_persuadd. wax" and revolutions. Had Mr. grand tea-maker, Robert," he approv- Colum been associated with the Sinn ed. Fein movement when he was in Ire- "I'm writing a novel," he confided. land? He explained that he had been, "My first. You know, there's a hard -u Q' 5I but that at that time it was a differ- thing about writing a novel-it's the ent thing from what it has since be- middle bit. The first of it goes well come. Then, according to Mr. Colum, enough, and by the last you've gath- it had no gospel save that the Irish ered force enough to carry you, on, A PEARL NECKLACE FOR EASTER should turn their eyes from London but there's a middle bit that must town and turn them on their own come hard." WILL ADD BEAUTY TO YOUR EASTER COSTUME country and their own lives. A lit- le went to say that he had com- tle later he spoke again of revolu- pleted fifteen thousand words of his We can show you a carefully selected stock of Blue Bird tionists. own novel, and that it must be done Pearls; also Richelieu and LaTusca Pearls "It's a very strange thing," he com- before he sailed in July because he mented, "how moderate your true ha d signed a contract to that effect. Strings of Pearl Beads at ...... . .. .$5.00 revolutionist always is. There was le smiled with a sort of sunny care- Tassel 'Neeklaces at .....................$2.54 Cromwell-a much more moderate lessness as he spoke. Evidently he Also Bracelets ad Ear Rings to Match man than you can ever get any had faith that luck would be with one to believe. It's an odd thing, him on that difficult "middle bit." SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIED isn't it now, that they should be so He explained that his novel was not JEWELEMS moderate? I suppose it's because the a study of contemporary life but aim- revolution is to them just a means, an ed to depict the essentials of Irish life 113 East Liberty Street instrument." of the eighteenth and nineteenth cen- - He looked out of the window medit- turies, that lie hoped the reader would atively. The light falling full upon not be forced to connect it with any his face illumined an oddly boyish pecific era but would find in it the countenance. He confesses to "forty basic qualities of Irish life of all years-alas!" but the clear high fore- time. Ile feels that the author who . .i.."....aa...s"..+......"......................... Just Received A New Shipment of GOLF CLUBS Strictly high grade at a price that does not get all of your money. UNIVERSITY SBOOKSTORE 0 ."aa~aaaa400"00..aa.naa"a.saau0.aa00aar~a..a.a...a. . aa... ..............a..t A