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March 26, 1922 - Image 6

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StUNDAY, MARCH 26, 1922


L, J waam77.m. -


IJL1/Is3 iiZa /IUI'OTS By F. Scott Fitzgerald
(A R~eview by C. R1. B.)
1D)~ N ii ()1111114 II etsHz lg t 1 elo iptiuly sore Soome time ago 'TileBeatiful and
1AAIN." of lie power of lhis own ideal. And in Damned," by F. Scott Fitzgerald
John lDos Passos. thiese two Sptain seemed to he mash-(Srbeswsevwdilthe
(A Reiew ~ II 1). .) tst."columns in a itlidly adverse manner.
From the sordtid w ar sape of filth,. It i not utili the trip to nearly Although a (decent respect for the ties
oks Is y at, ,011s trnedstotes riohoendled that theytintd tihe reltgestuire, of intinmate friendsthip swhicti existtie-
that tthey actually feel it. twseen tie tritic in quiestioni an11101y-
ainittctlotrfllb eauity iir811a12, 11111 orce
agains i olvedt that te is the "Walhking abtout here in these empty self plac es a.,212 limt po 111my1usuatly
zigzag streets I have suddenly feltt raspinag sarcastml neverthteless I'
thorough artist. Evsen tthose' ss'tito'ldi fIttliliac witth it all, as if it were a siodlh zet oIlc 19 ~ii
see nottzing snore tlilm conttemtptitble plttOf ole, as if I hadl soakedt UP1
proptagantda- illhi-ts I clelllllsuseoet l. 1ile essence outtotf it.... . io alongside of Itis coiideiiitation.
Ilie consitders the took, I gather, as a
"Three Soldiers," i'anttithttelp btt It'slitke learning to swini. For al
realize the sheer 111v1'linecss o1fthis new long1 timze 91111fliunder abtut, it's uit- niece iarleqitlade, a nIiece of glori-i
essays, "Rtosinantte to th'e Road1 pleaisatantd gets up yourc nose and fled buiffonery, feebte as a plot, paddted
Agai" (Dran)lyiucthokte. Thee alt at once you are ini order that it may hear its descrep-
Agai" Iora). swimming lihe a tchc. Thtat's hose
'There seems to tte somoetthinig in- theI feet atiout alt this.... .The challenge ntude w ith a degree of ease antd griice,
btrilliance anolpullenlce ot811120inthat seas that ssomtans tancing in Madrit, iutterty' meanitigless, andt undeniahty
poundswitihthe tblood th trotughth ~e tdancinlg, itancing...." tBall.
system iolithIle finlter or soriter. This
sutlte inluience tias insinulated itself It is pilainly a tiok of mlood. The I ittnit that Ilarlequtin andt ('11111-;
into Dos Passos. Ill' is drunkb sithlirtist chapter is as lite a piece of ssrit- hine romp antI scaamper hither andF
it. Ie and his frienit-T'elcsiaclltisIiitg as iine will run across in many' thither from bacchanal to tbacchianal
and Lyauts ttiey wsliioically call ai hunidred v'oluimes itt contensporary sith all thte thoghtless, joyous actiton
themselves-sit ini a Madrid tavern, literature. D~os Passos htis a dleft way Of youth. The atmuosphiere of the
and Telemachzus, fil~leithlit. throb- if translating seissations into woirids; story, although relievedt here Said
Bing, sensuous joy of life, wotnders! amidlieruader is besitched into feet- there by a touch oif gravity, hears Olut,
"wvhy lie is htere." They gii to te m- that lise is in a charmoedla tnd it seemos, the apparent foolishness ofI
stage and thle songs andi the dances swhere all luings are possible. Anthony's slogan on the title lige:
carr thir t -,c. Adaner onis oi Ousid ofthegenly lawng es"The victor belons to the spoils." To
car hmasy. tleccsie itI ,lieoftegntySoin te-Ihose of us whose eyes tire especsally
the stage:I criptive quality of his worh, DosPIs- ssr oadcoeer c atci
"She is rigttat the fiiiitttgbts; her to shosws a rare critical fautly. lady attuned t, the ironical-pessi-'
face, fiotiss 0dlrawsnltiigethier 2into aoa 101' hnz 'avente1; misti, there are tocasionlal sestiges
frowln,,his 1g0111'i211111sladiiis', t1 Mc hails, Nfaragall, andl others are ile- tfaIiisct stt' ti isle~e
stasIfzti~ t'iiiii~ o se irliettfiitty and shireswdly d of'ss'd aecainie121i5tyihoriowg lce tii
xItiii celatioin tIstlir'sritings-amidne in ifeaots'. eogie.Alo
is sittlit . setntiice'smii to1 5 quotelil.
it ~ltdvto s ititt 'i'iifii ~l'tiiiti , tiihtiir environmsiettThe essay's ai'
'lup t l'ts sti'','f i , l< is litogiittter tie a faintc narrative"c e pleli htadl 111111 i l
breatti h, ttinesoil,'.of hter htik 1:y gilw'
taut stidter thi t ighit sstill i': l i h os'' u h' a h is lt
of t cl>}i~ 1 and1 ioft g~i reid "lsep[arately. A line feeling for( "Gretit tears sodin i his ey'es, anid
orod;1 ndI an intenise awsareness of a! his voile was tremlinlg as tie whir;-
lighlt, joy il , liii olig indtulgenit-c"I rcely definilid beausty I !evaie leeito himself."
glanices tilearil ttie litiil'ni'e, 'as abeuy pras
niemitttustieyshlioachldhirnt al. In shiirt, "Itosinamite toa the " 'I showed thiem,' lie seas saying.
shebli itlinento~sitl trght'usilRouad Again" is a boto bti e reasd ansd 'It 5wa0 a hard fighst, list I didlnt giveI
with a. losodreadtfiultaitry story.''c" zl 1 n Icm hoilt

SPDTI'O'('ATS, with a hippy
fliceetintbeavcr andilothser shaides
ot tan.,idesignedt esplecially fur
camputts -seeaicswten line tires of
DREhSSE(S, tisughit in Ness'Youk
just tthe other dtay ssith a 'cie
to satisfying the.scaiso of osir
mo1sftidiscriintating cuistomiiers
-in the nesw softer taffetas antI
S''l'2l-lS 111111ests if th' tain
tiest chieckeredl or 111ain coloreid
ginghams wsith faocinatisng up-
liquies aind fanscy-stitch trim-

They sine lilt ofi the theatre, still -
tinder tie idelicioiis chturmi of lights I il
antd hmutsic. "The streets were (try
ansi the stars blinkeit in ttie 111111sindil
above the hiotises. At the crbc old;
wo'meni sold chiestntuts anil little rig-
geid boys stsoittid thenl ae'r11 il~s,
'Atid now ito yoitiieitiier, 'l, Whys
yousiare here?'
In a cafe ''elemai~ctiis grhope aguiee-
ly to put hits feelinitousordsIto ex -
press the "gesture iif C('i e
"Thut gesture, a yellow flamoe
against maroon antIportile caidences
...ani instaint sswagger of defiatnce itsn
the midst iif a litainy to deathtt the till-
powerful. That is Spaini., ..Ctastile at
tiny rate,"
Such is thme mioodh if thme irst chsap-2
fec, "A (Gestutre anila 'u est." 'T'ranmp-2
tog tromtotisnm to twn they sects thatt
elusive somnething, a isoril, a phrasi',E
a sensution that seill stimiutt tiee spirit
of Spuin. Bu~t they tindilnut itie Spuini
hut many Spaitis. Duterthtey cotme
upotin ai tsilight sceste:
"There ssere soldicrs tand servant-
girls, and reid-cheekedl upprcntice-boys
wish their ssweethetsrts, andi respect-
stile shop-beepers, anouthliu ssves
with mantillas liver thcir gleaming
blach hair, Atl were tumiing us aind
out umong the sliti tree-trunkls, and :
the uir sa noisy withilaughter and=
little cries of chtildltietinfeignteid en-2
joyment. thlere wus this gospel of=
Sancho P'tnza, I thosghtt, the easy tic-
ceptanceolitlife, the tuoashatmesd joy in o n oo n oteso o
nmen's hair. Buttt as I swalkcd otit of2
thie village ticross the hiarsh plain of2
tastile, grey-green unit violet under2
the deepenimig ight, the meniory cause2
toi mof lithe hknight of thie sotroseful 2
cotuntenanice, D~on Quixote, bliunier- %

F '''- + 7° - r--'tili r" 7{ 5-1
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1111titiUtt1111ti1tllt «lxNtItttlltt111111titltttNlittlllltlttlttt111tt1tt11Uttlllllltltllttltttl.

SCARFS, lsvely' stripied ones, thue
very thing you've teems wanting,
its colors that swiltlzharmonize
witti any costume, tinid so very
P1ARTY FRHCKS, bewitchsing
miesw niodels, will speedily fill the
needs of those tantalizing last
minutle tbids toithme Sepha-Pronm.
Liberty at Main

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