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March 19, 1922 - Image 6

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and six precedng ]pgesastOwell) Iles-1 oting to wome n. Thee is aothr
ontntewoian, cntrin, f curematter under the heading The Pro-
0iooks and AuLt~hz,-~ tros xesonoghtx nth at
a u ncuig lo cess of Delotsisn." It is a subject on
suh elightfulaccteessories as a ock- wtichoe feels strotngly. Perlaps
"I3N DEFEiNSE of WOMEN" lBut int slite of thoe fattotha toets tail ot' two, ao divano anti an oten fire,'saue sytthetirrcomplexion deeived
fy I. fL. Metorketo "will begint to loss their oli pooer to Thle detil is interesting, srprisingly ;thno once ttpon at time, and his critical
(a iReviewe by L. . 1'.) lotaiti special privileges by senti- tmid, sd thin ltale is typically sspe-tprie is still smarting. The msere
menotal appeals,"they hae not been 1. tttve: "I have beets genuinely, rum- fat tat Rodin and many anoter art-
"In Deetnse of Womet," (Knop), is' edrdhrls."hi he hr ltladur etb a
retleo ltrtes.TerlieclasIlttyadttrgrelby IhAtY" tt-also getleten with some ex-
a new edititon tofIH. L. Mencen's ar- lototty," M1r. Mecken points out, "lies The tb-chapter itt whlichlthOis pas perienre in the study of the nude-.
ier workc of te saute nattewoceh was itercisely its the fat tht ttthey are age ocurro is ralietd 'The ter~tl'flatly disagree wih lhim evidently
puobllished ito 1918. This has been re-dangous~C~t,, tt they threaten otosort-fRoatnce" 10t isews in its entirety, crres no weight.
visedt,oaont someoritteretitng aolditnos Ot licelbrty antd aut~ooty, tha tteir ot havittg appeoaredl in the earlier} Amog te mot absoritg chapters
hav benmaeinluin alegty tohap indsl.present ot tmenae evtstly etitiot. There are oiler adtitins, in I thevolutto are sle twosoentitled
getater thatat of acts of fodolattotseveral of thetm relotie tt the sar. ("ntertezzo on Monogamy" and "Te
itttrodtoctooo. thte pubtliectnemty---ndthtloey till ttebitr instance, Mr. Mecken expattds Lady of Joy." It does not seettt s-
The voluttme os a wo-ile is shrewcd, tlattgetttt forever."iis stateentoth tat "the httttan body iis oatmtt eaiolt
penetrating attdtshartly cever. In it'Onttothe next pagoth e sattteshb- exepttfot' a brief ime linofatcy, is shee the cotet of those pages, ut
Mr. Metorken displays tuustal dex- chelatpte, thte athsor, witho an apology tonolt rbeatifulth litg, tttt a hieotta, they'mtreit arefut reading. Mr.
terity. It toso ionhelad cotefultly for totruottong hlsots n0personality, Othing," acton'les too evidence of te lMenrkcenlos cast a steady spo-liglt
taken into rootsideratioon thoe charater (wohicht loos beetnentertaiingly appar- defective designt of te femtole oty on thoe oartk tptaces of sentinsental-
of Iis opponenttasool oad exchtangedl ent on every one of thte twoshundredithe factr thOat uniorm provedl unie-los.
los favorite meaot-aoxe Sort',aplir. 'Toe
touches of the weapoot are hardly tnooter
thano merry teasitog condoucive to ex-
hilarating exercise, bot now and thoen
the blade tpluotges to, is towisteod atool" ia~y m se h m n
potled out again. "Ttooceo," cries Mi-3
lady. "My moitoake," Mr. Metoclet o 3
atologizes, polishing lis steel, and, Y\et scarcely profits." - Goethe._
boowetng lose to hidoe los grin of toomph,
he renoers fit io thilbri ub
of salt.
Thle duel is not a mtere wstotplasi
Thsere is much of deadly earnocst tooit. But Goethe lived over a century ago, and the world of today is
'Tle title is perhaps the onoe trute jest'
in the book, and that lan the cut ofj no longer merely amused by change, it lives on change. Even in
satire, for,itt truth it shootld reatdl"Int
tDefense of Bacohlelors" lbsstbck(: the matter of clothes, orpeh s we should say patclr in
against the swall of lis freeomoth le'pras aowua
doutoy Mr. Meneken lighto galy stool the mtter of clothes, is this twentieth century craving for change
gaey ihake essec htreveals of whtaot troeentoosimotito s in evidence, A mere man might say that these changes in w-
toe struggle.
ITe book is mtadte Ottoofiveloot' s, men'a apparel still "amuse the mind," even as in Goethe's day.
""ThoFemainoinoe MIitnd,"'ST'eoWrBe
tween Obe sexes," "'Marriago," "o But let him not be too free with his smiles, nor arrogate superior-
ma otfrage," nod "'PlotNietoAge"- 'chne
hailer the secondol heaotig itofth ot Z_ ity to himself, for men's fashions have been known tochne_
oivisionslie aays:
''omont, introth,atee notooly too-
telligent. they haveoc almootst a tonoptotly WS Shich leads us to remark that the' changing season calla .
itt certain of te asubtlr 'ondl otore =
omibeorsofitigroc feasoalyhng' for change in attire, Last week we called your attention to
itselfinedtigo beraobl
described as a special feminine c'hor- Goivns because we felt you should know of the very nsa
acter," and ito "Thte War Betwecen theYyunsa
Sexes" hie stales: "'Tle very fact lost
marriages occur at all to a proof, too assortment we were showing. This week will you pardon us for
deed, that they (wootet) are tonerI
cool-hteadeod thant toe, ast otoire adtptt1= emphasizing W"raps and Coas? More indispensable than ever
itoenmployingtotheir intellec'tio'l re-tijesnadoetmtn. h pr otsaes ci,
sources, for it is plainly to asmn's i- hssao -n mr0epig0h prtCasaes ci,
terest to avoid marriage as long as pro u s o hsoewrkdwrbtofcus elk
possible, and as plainly to a womasopro u ueo hsoewokdwrbtofcus elk
itterest to make to favoratble martiagef
as soon is sle can. The efforts of = to air our French, and really it expresses exactly what we want to
the twvo sexes are thbsa diected, tn oneE
of the capital concerns of life to di convey. And then the Wraps-with their enormous sleeves,a
ametrically antagonistit' endst'olotct
side commonly prevails9 I leave te I= their rich, soft materials, their luxurious fullness, -who would
verodict to the jury. All notromal ometo
cfttetig of noe essest not want one, especially at the very reasonable prices -- about
ceaflfor relatively long periods; a totidso hseo at-pig
few extraordinarily intelligent andtotirsooisel at pig
courageots men (or petaps lucky_
ones) escape-altogether. Bitt takiong?-
one generation with atooero'as eey
one knows, Obe average mnot is hly=- SPORT COATS - $12.50 TO $50.00_
toarried and the averaoge -womano get',_
ifsootet, its this cleoar-cutf and end- of
_ ~STREET CAT-$5.0TO $5.00~
lesronflirt, nmake manifest ther sh
stnilsuperiority to the great maRC V A S - $95 O $50
jorniy of men,"
Mr. Metncken belie'ves that somcoen
were not anxious too' the exteniton oil
the ballot and, with fle excepto of
the professiotoal suffragist, thOey re-
gard it as of small value They!
know thot they ran geltowhat they watwtotgintoheculpds _
tote cua ols H IE MILLS C OMPAN Y
for it." In "The Newr Age"le con-
tinues, "In brief, as women shake off I 118 MAIN STREET
their ancient disabilities they will as6
shake off some of their ancient tonmo-
nities, and their doings will come to The Shop of Satisfaction
he regarded with a soberer and more-
exigent scrutoiny than now prevails." illt1II iliIilliiiiiiI11IU1llIIllliI~tlilli11tI11lHIIIIIIlIllIIlIIIIIIII1l1111IlI1!111I1lllIti~IIlIlNIl~iiiitli

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