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March 19, 1922 - Image 2

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SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 19 2

_ __ - ..« . " s visi ,a ",i..{_ a _ .. W r .r v.a d uj cvwu


ilqe rhsinn's First Nvel l of American critics of Scandinavian
(iso of the 0001 interesting of the literature., Among the nomeroos-liter-
fis f irst novels by Americans tin- ary works to his credit are translations
esoced for publication this Springl of p1ays by Strindherg, lBjornson,
by Alfred A. Knopf is "The Soul of a IBergstronm, Schoitzler, Hleiberg and
('bld" by Edwin llj~rknian. Mr. Gustaf of Geijorotaso. He las been
Iditrkman was born at Stockholm, editor of the Minneoota Posten at St.
Swveden, October 19, 1866, came to ;Pool; reporter andl music critic on
Atperica in 1891 and spent the great- the Minneapolis Titoes; reporter with'
cat part of that year in Chicago, there- the Ness York Sun and New York
after settling for live years in St. Paul Tlimes; moembe~r of the editorial staff'
nsd tinneanolis. and moving in 1897 of the New York Evenitng Post; de-
to Ness Yorks where be tas lived since. partment editor of World's Work; edi-
lle is known a the miost distinguished tot, of the- Modern Dlramna Series; Di-

rector of the Swsedish Buriieaui of thel In his youth M~r. lBjurkinan seorked
Coamnmittee on Public Information, andI as a wholesale clerk, an actor and a
Associatle Director of the League of i journalist. Hieseas the founder of the
iNations News B~ureau.Ile is the Wsholesale Clerks Association of Swe-
author of lie following svorks; "to ten. As an actosr he bselonged to the
There Anything Nesw Unier the Sun?" famous August Lindberg Company
a collection of tibilosophical and liter- I svhich first gave Ibsen's "Ghosts,'
ary essays, pubilishied in 1911;1 Later he ssas a miember of the Royal
"Gleamss" a fragmentary interpreta- «Ilramsatic Theatre at Stockholm.
t ion of Atan and is World, 1912; and - -
"'oice-, of Toniorros," literary stud- ItBoni and Liveright announce the
ies, 1913. In 1919 Mr. Pljlrkman seas cue~rly ptublication of two novels of in-
udecirated by~ the Dlanish Government cerest, "tpstreani" by Ludsvig Lewis-
witth the order (i thei' Dannebiorg. ohn. and "itahab" by Waldo Frank.


what's New?
Match Your Suit
With Knickers
They cost only $10.75
W1hat if3-cur ;nit hatssi't got kickers; you
causu hiIiemi in satch. For they're Iserec
now in the smartest tweeds and homespnns,
ini rosn-, aannisd rcsnsa. $10.7--.
Bulgarian Colors,
in Sweaters, $3.95
Swagger slipovet' modes
Cetoraiicsiwere i-evnrssosravsiig as issthe
swecaters for sluinig. 'Thonsgh, ias always,
soise of thic more snmbe-r shades are pres-
esit, tse favnss fall outsienocnibrillisnt Bls-
gariass lisics.
'he'lipoe 111crsl'is i emstiprminllilt style,
withi ronid es- Vsicek usid brasidedco ra
ss. In additinatintle Buslgaiaiwsstripes
smentioned thiere re tie plshsadiies cf
isse, ttan, bla-k and laik. $3t.94.

At' 124 SOUH1 INI- I\t'I E' t , I \\\AtINIR ,, llt'llltAN

il-y-isns-li Ycai-

MARCH(1 19, 1922

Apparel News!

They're here! Direct fromt Newv Yor4k
Mi ss Manhattan Coats
Sui~ts, Dresses
Ins dashing, youthful modes
15CM 2s ?2 -
S TRAIGHT from the city of skyscrapers and pretty clothes come these
smart Miss Manhattan creations for spring and summer. Their youth-
ful charms express themselves equally well in becoming frocks, trig little trot-

teur suits or luxurious wrap
'Ilie dress pitursied at the'
left is of black ('antn
crepe with jisde georgette
srelic facisng isithr hell
sleevsc.Beatiuslly bead-
ed in black. size 1tt.
-09.40. (tilers asslow us

Thue wrsap illisstrated is (at
Mireelha Isiuarich rust
shade. h-iiiey stile-lung
Itris the collar end culls.
Siege s csire silk tisaseled.
ineiart. Size is 16. $82.
(Otlesss;is u as $25).

G~ray wool eponge is the
iabriecifthe suit in the
tbove group. The pocekets
aire ci panseled eponge in
navy blue. I narrow sil.
vcr filigree belt is used.
Size .14. Oss.(thsers is
low as $,


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