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March 05, 1922 - Image 7

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the faint sharp scratch of a dry leaf firm and ultimately dies "the difficult naian literature.3 made as easy as possible for them, and
being drawn along the floor in the death". In closing, it should be mentioned are given every opportfunity to show
folds of a lady's dress. He doe's not. Jacobsen's inexhaustible patience is that Hanna Astrup Larsen, in trans- of what they are made. The efficient
.however, sacrifice the narrative to the demonstrated in his method of work. lating Jacobsen's two novels, has done 1 work which is being done by the Em-
descriptive element, for these stories He carefully went over hundreds of a wonderful piece of work. It is dif- ployment bureau is for them alone,
are both profound character portray- old' documents to gather material for ficult to imagine the author's prose and no outsiders can possibly slip in
als and sound psychological studies, his first novel, "Marie Grubbe, A Lady being more beautiful in his native under false pretenses. This is guar-
In " ogens" the author has his of the Seventeenth Century", and he language than it is in its translated anteed by the rigid system of record-
character say: took nearly four years to write the form. The translator has completely ing a student's year, department, and
"I can take joy in every leaf, every book. "Niels Lyhne" was also four overcome the awkwardness which is class schedule.
twig, every beam of light, every sha- years in the writing. so often evident in changing the idiom
dow. There isn't a hill so barren, nor In "Marie Grubbe" he changed his of one language to that of another. AIERICAN UNIMERSITY UNTIONS
a turf-pit so square, nor a road so ordinary style to some extent by the From their beauty and naturalness ABROAD--IN PARIS, IN LONDON
one might easily believe these books~
monotonous, that I canpot for a mo- introduction of archaic words and a A cordial invitation to students and
ment fail in love with it." general adaptation to the time of which originally written in English. graduates of Michigan, visiting Eu-
And again: he wrote. He does not, however, lose E E EA , rope, to make use of the offices of the
"--there is omething in the color,' his extraordiary ability to appeal to INTERESES CREADOS" American University Union, with
the senses as is, shown by the follow- which the University of Michigan is
in the sovements, and in the shapes, Cniudfo ae5
and then in tse life wbich lives in ing account of the dresses at a ball, (Continuedhfsos ge by h connected as a subscribing member,
onedofhtheinsahy beautifulcdescriptiveplay as "Ghosts" given by hamfats.
them; in the sap which rises in trees one of the many beautiful descriptive than to see something of Charles is extended by the American Univer-
and flowers, in the sun and rain that ssages in which he revels in the Mann Kennedy given by first-rate sity Union in Europe. The offices are
akd thower win nhe heuand hithtbeauty of delicately patterned color actors. nedre gienhayufis-ae located at 50 Russell Square, London,
nsake thsens grow, in the sand which cobntos actors. More than that, you will be l obntosI.Cad1red luuPrs
blows together in hills, and in the b satleast superficially acquainted with W. C., snd 1 rue de Fleurus, Paris.
showers of rain that furrow and fls giThe light glitters on gold and Benuvente's work, and Benavente's At the offices of the Union given
sure the hill-sides". gilded tissue, beams brightly on silver work is worth being acquainted with. above lists of lodgings and pensiuns
and steel, glides in shimmering stripes are kept and various social opportuni-
Here Jacobsen expresses what are down silks and sweeping satins. Soft- In conclusion t warn m enemies ties are offered. Access may be oh-
evidently his own sensitive reactions ly as a reddish dew, it is breathed
in the presence of natural phenomena, over dusky velvet, and flashing white whether they intend to assail me "cul- tained to universities and other insti-
Much of the asithor's own personality it falls like stars among rubies and turally" (possibly with such silly state-; tutions of learning, and candidates for
is revealed in his novel, "Niels Lyhne", diamonds. Reds make a brave show ments as that Wilde and Elbert Hub- degrees will find their way made eas-
which is largely autobiographical in 'ith the yellows; clear sky-hue closes bard are in the same class) or with ier by consulting, at Paris, Professor
its recording of the author's spiritual over brown; streaks of lustrous sea- brass knuckles, that I am taking daily P'aul Van Dyke, Director of the Con-
congicts and experiences; although green cut their way through white doses of Nuxated Iron, a correspond- tinental Division, and at London, Dr.
the actual experiences are purely im- and violet-blue; coral sinks between ence course from Swoboda, and gen- George E. MacLean, Director of the
aginary. In it the boy of thirteen is 1lack and lavender; golden brown and eral strength from the hymn books. British Division.
first awakened to love by the beauty rose, steel-gray and purple are whirled Caveant! The annual bulletin of the Union
of his young aunt; and her death about, light and dark, tint upon tint, has been issued and may be obtained
brings the first seeds of doubt to his in eddying pools of color". EMPLOYUENT BUREAU HELPS n application to the secretary, Prof.
mind. This pale beauty of his first "Mogens and Other Stories" con- NEW STI')FN'S OBTAIN WORKF. W. Cunliffe, Journalism Building,
love may have been responsible for tains four short stories. "Mogens", (Continued from Page 4) Columbia University, New York City.
Jacobsen's idea of women. Through- which is more properly a short novel, Thus it is that those who come to. The reports show 1153 registrations at
out all his work he idealizes them, is a rather beautiful little tale of a school with the necessity of paying for the London office, and more than 500
making them frail and superhumanly dreamer. "The Plague at Bergamo" their education themselves find things 'at the Paris headquarters.
lovely. He finds something almost is a gruesome bit of a realism. "There
tragic in their ephemeral loveliness; Should Have Been Roses" is a ro-
and several of these cameo-like mantic trifle. The best thing in the
tht he ae ooexusie o miv. neesinmridle ag etthpinesshe tate'Savings B ank
beauties die, in the pages of his books, book is the last story, "Mrs. Fonss",
for no apparent reason, unless it is a pathetic account of a woman who
that they are too exquisite to live. ; seeks in middle age the happiness that
As to the doubt which began to she had missed when. she was young. - Cr. Main and Washington
manifest itself in the mind of the Ibsen and Georg Brandes early
boy, this develops into a sincere, realized the magnitude of Jacobsen's
but far from contentious, atheism. He genius. In fact, the great dramatist
considered the belief in a God an im- is reported to have read "Niels Lyhne"
mense comfort, "humanity's last aloud to his evening circle and to
great illusion", and, as such, he have declared it the best book of its a
thought it a fine thing. But he himself kind in modern literature. Unfortu- C3Surplus$ 1
was unable to share it. In the novel, nately Jacobsen died when he was
Niels, after several unsuccessful court- thirty eight. But despite the fact that
ships, marries and converts his wife lie wrote only four books, he had a ' Resources 4,VV0,00A
to atheism; but she, on her death bed, tremendous influence on both the die-
reverts to Christianity. Niels remains tion and the form of later Scandi-

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