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October 09, 1921 - Image 1

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Photo by G Swain, Univerity of Michigan Expedition, 1920
Thie' luge Ifork of 1114 liskallam rotted roads opward. Half way op Below like a figured caipet lieo the of the Pyramido-man's fotile attempt
(fly 0. 1. Swain) the as ant the route lieo throogh oage valley of the Nile, the Tombo of the to buIld an ioviolate tomb.
minseo of rodk, splIt off the front of MIamelukes in the foreground, the Throogh thio narrow apace of milco
Jus i. st of tairo, cisin' to a height ni. oderir quarter of the city off to the for centorieaslias ebbed and floswed
the hills by prehistoric convolovono-
of :ix lundtreil fet, exl tts tie :car- - right by which wvmds the silver thread the ethnic tides of history-Egyptian,
red nd aggd lne f te Mkatan1a weird place in twilight where witch- of the Nile. To the left, running Greek, Ronman, French, English-and
y,, jinno, and hobgoblins ought lurk. acrooo the plain toward the river all the world as travellers.
HiN.Fo tb l Kra s1 uare
Thei From taba of te E ttias r ttOne huge rock, at the right of the reaches the line of an ancient aqhe- Beyond tse Pyramids-north, sooth,
a joltiig tram car lakes one along the illustration, slanting hI the Tower t ict--a cetipede of masonry. uet-stretches the tawny, rolling
traighit lin of the avenue o toham- of sis a rises many feet shove its tel- Then beyond the dark green of fe- plain of the desert, becko'ning with its
med Ali to a point below the Cita- lows, and to this the Arabs will tell tile irrigated fields, eight or more immobility, calling with its silence to
del; then one follows paths and rough, ne that Noah once moored the ark. miles away, rise the pointed masses its bosom of .solitude.
Sunday Jiagazine Sponsors Short Story Contest
(fly e. 19. E.) brings in only about a score of at-' definitely upon its first presentation, While I have never seen a story treat-
In attempt to inspire a local interest tempts. or, at most, such contributors as fall ing of athletics that has been fit to
in literary svork, or rather, to crystal- Upon presentation of the ten slur- short of the qualities desired will be print, I do not see any reason why
lie ahat interest there is, the liter- ies to the publisher checs of ten dol- offered suggestions for a second at- there should not be such of genuine
ary iatoient of the Sunday t aga- lrs will be mailed to each successful tempt. No possibility of talent shall merit. I especially urge against rah-
nine of lb. Miehig.an It.ily ha. ar- eoiitritbutor. In addition royalties will Ice overlooked. mbh stuff an9 against over-emphasiz-
r d;ged with a pbli'sing house to be paid, and these, without doubt, will Lest there are some who feel that log the importance o athletic feats.
'olleet 1 n shurt stories, and to put a iount to at least twice as much their te'hnique is not all it should be, However, I believe that the best field
them itao hook form. more for each. let it be said lhc the content of the is the social side of student and far-
Ini orer to get ten goot stoUe A agent of the literary department story will be the first thing to be con- ulty life, Extravagance and fantasy
competintei s iid a Parge somber of of this publication I shall edit all sidered. Mere rhetoric, apt phraseol- are not wanted.
an prtipts are ne nary. i out of niaiscripts subm itted, and I shall be ogy, and precise diction are of second- If aIsy of our readers have stories
the otmther of si siiibted, there pleased to confer with rasyone who ary importance. What is particularly on hand which are apropos they are
are not ten good oies thi idea will wishe to write, with anyone who desirable is feeling, insight; freedom urged to send them in without delay.
be btndoner i anishbee more information than is from sentimentality, glamor and fal- An erly start is imperative. An on-
Nesyrthelvss, tie chances for get- given tielow. Every possible bit of lacy. ' successful first manuscript does not
ting . story accepted ar betlei Ihan help will be given to those who wish The stories must be in the abstract' eliminate the writer from the con-
tshm in one ciio'se far there will to make the tempt. I shall try to in that no characters shall be identi- test, an those wsho are among the
Iteo sdtories ant it is hardly likely state suggestions on every story sub- fed in name with any member of the first to submit their stories will have
mhan ulcrsenill e eayime. uts many sitted, and nie person may submit faculty or of the student body, but any the advantage of more lime for edit-
tompeuitors as in single-prize con- a se y stories as he plea.es. kind of a story, whether about faculty ing, revision, and suggestions.
est.. the oyer.tge o'er ginhr l wllyg No manuscript will be turned down' or student life will be considered.l (Continued on Page 6


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