i THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 1922 *RFSSR THEPSMICHIGANCDAILY MAGAZINE SNA,JAUR8,12 PROFESSOR IELPS LOCATE shoved back into place. The long bar- played -s "Holy, Holy, Holy" and GItAYI OBIJECTS TO G. D. E'S GERMAN LON!G-RVNGE GUN rel quivered, but slightly. It was dif'- "Lead Kindly Light." For the major- CRITICISM OF WhIMSIES (Continued from Page 3) ficult to realize that it had just de- ity it might as well have ben "Ain't (Continued from Page 4) on the morale of the Germans. They veloped an energy equal to that of We Got Fut". Just another instance oftoral hundred words were two ordinary passenger trains moving the East and West, that Mr. KiplingI space sr could ill afford to ass their manufac-moig ,ad . taken ourtIhere. tf there is incoher- turing facilities for the making of such at top speed. Above the forest a thin talks about, meeting and resulting inkenithere fate f sychr- tgs h thitiey forhe making dsateh wake of gray smoke showed the course the inevitable unharmonious clash. nce it is likely the taut of my hasty guns when tey re so desperately of the projectile, off on its flight of cutting rather than the fault of Mr. i need of heavy field guns to assist o is prciles, ofnigt Sh Grant. I make this statement in fair- their armies in their big drives." roundly 99 miles, counting the whsole GatI aeti saeeti ar of its curving course." Another novel by Knut Hamsun, ness to Mr. Grant's high literary skill Col. Miller summarized the results . author of "Growth of the Soil" has which is "obviated" throughout his of his investigations in a report for an been announced for publication by Al- letter. I am sure that Whimsies will American engineering magazine early JOTTINGS FROM JAPAN BY A fred A. Knopf, Hamsun's authorized appreciate this sort of an ally. in 1920. Many of the statements setl- ' M S publisher in the United States. It is I should like to ask my attackers not forth in his report were recently sub- FOR tFERIICHI STUENT a"'Wanderers", which combines the two to misquote me. For instance, I have stantiated from the German side by (Continued from Page 1) original Norwegian novels "Under the inever said that the southern negro is Col. Max Bauer, chief of staff to Gen- Autumn Stars" and "A Wanderer Plays typically morose. I rather enjoy these eral Ludendorff, in an article in volume and drown out the music. This With Muted Strings." Other novels by attacks, but I ask that my antagonists "Hearst's." intermittent applause would be Hamsun will follow at regular inter- read my articles more carefully before In describing the first time the gun quieted by "Sh! Sh!" which sounded vals. they put glue in my shoes.-G. D. E. was fired on March 22, 1918, Bauer like a huge boiler letting off steam. says: "The Kaiser, who was at grand Ilalf of the music was thus lost. It headquarters decided to attend and I swas like trying to see a foot ball game! was commanded to accompanyhim.. vith some enthusiast blocking the It was an imposing sight. Rising from vire at the critical times. For her the great carriage, itself 25 feet and public gatherings Japan is relying on more high, the 90-foot-long monster western music. stood up against the sky at an angle Western civilization is creeping into 3 of 54 degrees, its muzzle reaching Japan through the movie. Students try above the tallest trees. to ape the American college boys. t "A brief word of command, and the Some of the things they see must be air was rent by an ear-splitting din. quite unintelligible. During the church The gun recoiled, but only slightly, scenes of the American film such into its air-cushions, was arrested, and meaningful religious hymns were For Your Roon: A touch of life and animation takes away the dreary colle- giate atmosphere. Why not se- cure a bowl of goldfish from its, and slake it cheery and I bright? A Place to bring your friends Nowhere is the food better Nowhere is the service more prompt BluMaize Blossom Shop, Inc. 213 E. LIBERTY NICKELS ARCADE Members of Florists Telegram Deliveryi TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Maynard Street Mcn at Collcgc! You are the men that set the Fashion for Young Men under twenty-five whether it be in Sp o r t Clothes o r Evening 4 Clothes. The one store in Ann Arbor to give you that well dressed look is INC. Randolph & Wabash 310S. State 2nd Floor Ann Arbor