PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1921 Fresh A ir Camp flakes Poor Kids Happy (By Lewis C. Reimann) to stand "Ten-shun!" while the win- while the "snipe hunt" filled the im- as the present site cannot be secured One hundred and forty-three poor ners of the previous day's tent in- aginative young minds with anticipa- for that purpose. It is hoped that kids of Michigan are healthier, hap- spection had the honor of raising the tion but never produced the promised such a place msay soon be gotten so pier, and more manly because Uni- flag. Then off they filed to the beach "snipe-pie" for breakfast. that permanent buildings may be versity men and women proved them- where Johfi Gustus, '22, put them After a busy day of play and round built. selves unselfish. through ten minutes of "setting-up." of duties, the blaze of the campfire The possibilities of the Fresh Air The first University of Michigan "Doc" Barrett was there with a sup- ed the kiddi for that meant Camp are unlimited. Workers among fresh air camp, located on the shore ply of toothbrushes and paste furn- jolly songs, yells, stories, and serious boys of Detroit state that only one- of Lake Huron, ten miles north of ished by Ann Arbor druggibts, and tenth of the boys who ought to go to Port Huron, was even more success- every boy was put through toothbrushI talks that sank deep into their con- tnho h uswoogtt ot sciousness. A number of the boys re- camp can now be accomodated in the ful than was first anticipated. Ideal- drill. If a boy had a bad looking set ceived here their first inspiration so camps now established. The Juvenile ly located, with 4200 feet of lake front, of molars, "Doc" supplied him with go to Michigan. The "LocomotI?" Court alone could furnish several thickly wooded with oak and white pumice or abrasive to clean them up. and "U. of M." stired the echoes of hundred boys. Every large city of birch, the camp was a happy play- In case cavities were found theeboys the trees and bills, and the funny Michigan could 'send a quota of boys ground for these youngsters gathered were taken to Dr. Weston-also a songs that were sung are now being who need such camp experience. sung on the streets of Detroit. Talks It is believed that Michigan men on sportsmanship, clean living and everywhere will help to make this character building by the counselors project a big success as soon as they and men of Port Huron helped to learn of the good it is doing. brie home the real urpose of the ' camp, No person who spent an entire day , at the camp could question the sue- "ESPECIALLY CAREFUL cess of the undertaking. No one will ever kow juot how much it meant SERVICE - to the boys. It is only when one be- comes acquainted with the story backf of each boy that he can begin to guess what it means to take one of these boys out of his old environment, place PARTICULAR PEOPLE" him in surroundings that are almost ideal as far as comradeship, council, physical comforts and spirit is con- This is what you get cerned. As for next year, those in charge when you have hope to be able to double the capaci- "ABE" COHN AND SOME OF TiHE KIDS ty of the camp. By increasing the S V A I N number of sleeping tents from five to from the poor homes, the juvenile Michigan man-who filled them with- eight or more and adding another sec- court, the detention ome, Mothers out charge tion this could be accomplished. This I DEVELOP AND PRINT cour, te deenton hmeMothrs ut carg. , of course would necessitate addition- Pension Department, and other insti- The morning plunge was followed c s ncusing ,d i tutions of Detroit. A few of the boys by the spreading of blankets and al equipmeilt, iludiig hankets , YOUR FILMS came from Ann Arbor and Port Hur- preparations for breakfast. An- dishes, cooking utensils, etc. The on, but the great majority were from nouncements were next made of the alimii committee, of which Carl 713 EAST UNIVERSITY Av. the Detroit streets. A definite attempt day's program; then a dash was made Johnson, 20, Detroit, is chairman is was made to secure boys who were for the tents which were "shined up" looking for a permanent camp site, I not touched by the work of the Boy for inspection. "Bud" Boardman, Scouts, the Y. M. C. A., or any of the erstwhile a "gob," inspected tents, other agencies working among boys. blankets, bags, faces, hands, teeth, Three sections of ten days each were and even ears. Then it was "Tent 2 held from July 12 to August 15. and Tent 5 for the baseball game," Busy from the rising whistle at while the other tents went off for a 6:30 o'clock at morning, until taps berry hunt, fishing, or on a nature at 9:30 at night, with swimming, base- study hike. ball, hiking, stunts, campfire songs, "Dad" Lockwood, well known aid and talks, these street urchins had visited by naturalists from all parts not a care in the world. Swimming of America, Johns Hopkins, and in really clean water, unpolluted by Smithsonian Institutes, is famous for Detroit sewage, they could hardly be his collection of birds and insects. driven from the crystal clear Lake This man gave his services at the last Huron. And EAT! Eating was a busi- section of camp and opened the eyes ness with them. With good, pure well of the boys to the wonders of insect cooked food stacked high upon their and bird life. While part of the boys plates, they gorged themselves until were with "Dad" on a "bug" hunt, the camp steward and the cook de- "Doc" instructed the others in first spaired. aid to the injured, life saving, resusci- Taking on weight seemed to be a tation, and bandaging. game with them. To go on an overnight hike and At the sound of the rising whistle sleep out rolled up in a blanket was the boys lined up before their tents better than seeing a wildwest movie, DEL GRENNAN Custom Tailor 14 NICKELS ARCADE Satisfaction KNICKERS TUXEDOS RIDING BREECHES EVENING CLOTHES GOLF SUITS WHITE FLANNEL VESTS AND TROUSERS I "HARRY" BUSY BEE 313 SOUTH STATE STRERT "HARRY" NEW SHIPMENTS of STEAK DINNERS AND PAGE & SHAW NOW A AND "PRES" HUYLER'S SPECIALTY "PRES" WUNDERLE'S PROPRIETORS CANDIES PROPRIETORS ARE NOW HERE WATCH OUR WINDOWS