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March 25, 1956 - Image 7

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Sunday, February 26,E 956


The American Co-ed
A Critical-But Appreciative View

IMET YOU fist on the bhes eT
Y of Perpignan. You comve fiom ls
Wellosley. I loved you foi vowuro5
freshness, your interest in people, oridpnec n i o
sense. I didn't know then thatI
t should have the chanee to moot
yoil in youri 000 curol iiinio hut <
I considered howy"'ree ,bds the }
prosmect w0o1ld he.
The next lime I sate 'ot, xas on
an ocean linier, when t, oi pasvsed
me weearing ferud } iiiii an clv t
knee socks andc the lxi toe ZvocS
blowing throough your vhtii culs tinr
In t hese viirrovvn .. _ agan, you
PeetinvIediii r,0 i yl/ o uni,
Nonteip I dd ,_ ug
you fur oli n v i nv ithe I
time vcni t(o Iut iilrmfora
vi llit I t''- i on ll ill f
nil t'71 n fine (r nr t vi , and incl viiat
ti ~ ~ ~ ~ c Ii- ti: 10The-l' ucvx
vti 1
a~ ft loll.
'the it o'it ",l o'd tic 1(' v lly liti tl I ii x i hI i to I t
iic it ther~ yoc ti i ltii ilI x itti u d i 11 riti 11
morec hidetu cliv niiti whilt Pvste v vi irt Ihit it lii lii ot a saick vwav
your charim.. devicood flritsI founction of cmin-
Wtuiever may hone Ibeen theIliinIiiv'txlOi goyclx
position Ito 01 thre Ietre L o 01 mit ally no t a l~tiilt or cuxcln.ini-
4it is now generatty reco,,nit that ft-oiuy nature, mont cony(oirik ,ify.
ghrtn hnccT longer hairi ttuan boys 1
but I i tinetinn oan It,- Ainci i
Inn coimpiiv iv bii 111011 luid to
mari.fThe mol it di i cli l
Inake heIcver vicc:ifi to, to1
1reloin the dliiniiotnitll101
clovel lie Ito loi ti--txid 'ilr
liii tit vxil 0 sucee in yt- liii nih nt
toi be liIniki iin for oneI
Wimting in the 2ndt centul AD, x Apzeil 0hu ih orro
hnow the lbealily of ,v 01mx coldt tie
changett to uinessio if thii ctl
thoe i hir. In thisntw ii tnio
o1101 nn who wer ci IOilt itoli
lin w, ti b traed thi cop itlixi i t
tair- lcii vti off it it, v -:1
xt pubici do -ri tiloi unit ii 11110
ilty a woiman ILn sufiifer. Want isv
a Eurcopeain to toink 01110 lie se I I.I IX ti I I Ill "i1
00u coloctive~lil IL camplus but tihai
Moreg; Work

collete males who sin ovor woose
Sin the quostion of clot hingt. Sot
theni an examtnle, do. At weoonids
_ ou appeci tootelldtrdissed, and
100nie.Onoi ineoroably driven
to tho conctusion thaot it in oniy to
helnighten the coinctrastiht you lie
010 so mo10 1ha11citualiiirin" the
Noxi ier enesen flue woiiilit 0110l0
anLttc k on oue tylx o01clothing
be leveled at no large 0 010110
Thnis is a symptom of somethingm
very fiiidomental about you. And
tht ins-your readtiness to lot othirs
mould y0o11 life. I find you ctnni u
ix on esy to talk to, firantkand in-
formalit You haive acholvd wihat
youivet01uILto o110YoouIhaye be-
0011e0 aiceptod. Bill i xx ditdit
hasve to be at tho exipensi of tour1
Tho clotheoxYu 110 is 1onily onxe
nsnelI It c oiies out mnhthnIIilngs
00u do, and the thou .'1-tn you
jniii 1 1-' tinink axswell. Eve- o urii vc- com-

It lasin cri i tedt ttli I oel11 neth ", ~~uecof tine - lc i ,itiixy IS i -'of i
Youohtie become no tInnItyour
for nIt? - li.>fIti th ic ht i. ccl ixsc>ntix di cxvii 111011-ixtn 10eaitiolnys ninvt111101oins
lxiiianguintiidily 1101undtldliii nhts r e 10fit frmubic x . once
YA II cif 1111tiuu' t v n' ai, !a tOt i n torein a: l i xirt.T ey rin loll havxe lrchd 1tha cc,' c'can
couct l ficl- belii' e t t..z ou have lino esit ion n ii icxing
Id I Illii ~en wornittl no xin'siG1deit mo".
tnt'V lll0 tlili o trii x1101'E- Illit"tnI'itii Iii tiil-vt" rtnx' nntra 01ie ma
o)lint 1pacti "ttii nor fs reiliio 7u. Bill 'omeof o ur11
Ittil I iL 1( : . - nv o t l:ir cr 10 buon mix-or hil.Tt hosiencilnfai-
ucnu n -uiuinoiuc inux ' vi oxvicitcar mnd lltt nante, miunrfontanlivmIyof t11in< 'ely
F(,jca'"uutIh l cd x ond r oorfun t i tyunuuc y :'iotdd nhe l'-' heci
riblytt' i-lx' cta-ou turiem. i Lomfit. I Buy in thin., 1 ias Ii e tthou enhold xcei ace eil
txu lsen.ngtIc tnere are othneredothent scuriu f ahone-
SUPI -Iulitvistooubiteto10a'tIiz i'iI to t co0 ns ideru. PWty shln men, t he' notonly 111d thne
thxe wa -iou cov'er'-i xiuyo lu xitto% ix'nicu t'tu-' i it illnmntloe -jealoiusly of tieless vnfo' I nilte ist
extr'emities.vWhenioumreta01111 ulok o natrct0e Wreyo lblrousvedbuit nithierxiold. the
slendetir cud wxrtheliirigtItimucv 0n11to lax moi attetiuon to cwhntt avsom -hI-bho natnrm-,.'.veil3Iby 1t110
to mtch, ou; oreties peasein uitsyou as n ttivipalyyuof eoutionmi 111ine tfails
knee t thre cn narerwoul suceedin rsin you Own tomptetely to undeict nd.
betieil ,v snit fonumobyts11ocscrslf-respectinud olvo that of the ft isvimpossible to wcitle 1o100
without mnmtioning thne voir01ity
x'vt'm. You ar0 otheno a0soroitIy
"ill01o111omorenot, and the lotter
F vrIjust 'ls vipit'u nt lsmohefoirmer
thouighifor ifferenot 1 uv<omxvIt
, m m ean1011 Ioi l -ia' -ILiuil pariahIn
. it mft u annyolloce Itaunmting
tol 11111dependeflne. Btin ott too
fev ss , I am lfai, loon it
nieamn t 011vat l xam 01
Si tlhr waTe syseni an a
x;tnole I sh-ull not comninLlt on. But
{{ oni scom 10 hove develotued cer-
- fan avspectIs ofit ihn Iunforthimalexytn


ts go olv sagopad toiokfolmit, hum ttantsutic-
- nuiiv--nciuiu Linol titon otimntivduality to it is pernm-
[ON: "The little Boy' look went outin the 19111'. Why revive it now? c ious. It nnaoynot he n Imiitoo
You look much nicer as awonaun." far to drac- an oaialogy from the
devxelopmetmu of totalitarian states
xinhemre tho samo oloemnt of sub-
jeotion cay present. And to hoar
you sax' my doar, as I did
aon Homocomig cweehtenxdwhemi too
Than D ram sswe preparing your disp lay, in
annuishod tones that "see owe it
to the House" leavs na nasfvty tst

Irsontitudfom~ Page zi H MOST 'lahorcate researobh Othner pnublic service functions i Fortunately for a happy solu- in the mothl. W t
-- - ___- oect the-y are now partici- of the Heredity Clinic include -tion, one of the girls had been
cae ftedisorder in their fam- pacixg ho is a study in Japan of work with babies who are heing hoarded out to an elderly couple F INALLY a word on a serious
il eod.teaon fgenetic change or divorced.ul vrydifi
- uhfc~ r o ew "huh-mutation" resulting trom the considered for adoptioi-d Examin- when her "parents" cere diocd.dnl suggest thtsometimes you
Suhfcsaentnw huhatomic bomb. The human organ- ations are conducted for signs of Her real parents 'eloomed hor mihosdrohr itemr
mmany of thxem ore newly-discov- miitgherhmh n eth il tha yousde dothprsnt iermois
ered. - ism is in delicate halance, and disease found in the child's family inthe r h e raisd Thep c-he atory tan osumptionofeself-suhericienc
eeany change is likely to be for thxe background, reevdntoaaulct h n aosyupin ca at tefsfienbe
worse.rcie ainlpbiiywe bu o hc a ttmsb
Y TIT is- only since 1141 that "The genetic effects of an atom- Opiniomns as to the probable 'citron sip receintly in Reader's most disconcerting. And its done-
any large-scale program of to bomb are a little liko anx ice- racial background of a baby are Digest. er is that you carry it on with
advising could-be parentv has- berg " Dr. Neel commemtod, "nxost- sometimes sought by adoption U 'OTofteatm fth o afterwvards.
been ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ U MOS ofrtin the worken of the' Btwhwagniswhcmeuresctn- Cii I hxae had 1t0 seek dill-
beenin oeraion.ly hdde We on'tkno bos ,teri whih rooirgsuctin Clinic never make' thxe news- geixtly for thxese criticisms. If they
In that yoar Dr. Lee H. Dice, much is undor wator. We do knosew fomrmation before placixg thme papers aixd popular magazoines. It aecoe oota hyna
no iotroteUi o iy g hr' rtda, htmn child in a home. is done quietly in a croxwded little be laugnhed off as mistakes and
Institute of Htuman Biology, of times the number of abnormalities tc'o-s-tory franme house tucked woithout offomnse. If they uare right
which the Clinit is a part, fonind- doteoted amonig theo him-st genera - "NE OF the Clinic's more son- away on the far north -ide of iltoex I say no mxore. I have on-
ed the THeredity Clinic. It c-as the tion of sorvivor's offsp1ring can be -l ationml oases came several campus, chore intorns at then joyed meeotimng you, aud 1 ho011 I
first cender for genetic counseling expected to show up in future years ago vixen two Miohigan Hospita 1wero honmsod for umany'- continsuo to do so. I hnave Xilued
in Aerica. generations. families suspectod their three years. findinig in you the foor qualitieI
Since that time 'ome 10 other Dr. No-I has mado flyve trips syear-old doughters had boom While somo of thxe Clinid's cork I mxentioined lin mxy first pairatraph,
centors have been established, to Japan in connemction cith thxe swiitched in the hospital c-bore is dramatic, mos-t of it is labor- und I amx only sorry I-hint they
many after detailed invostitation bomb studies, Prof. Schull two. they wero born. 'The Clinic c-as ious-compiliig statistics, exam- shounld be sometimes obsoured by
of the University's Clinir.'Two Dr. Noel recemitly returned from - called in and it verified the sus - fining patients, draw-ing up quest- thle faiimugs I hox-e sentored to
other profesisional geneticists serve Africa whore he is- conducting picions throug h comparisons of ionaires. find. The rememdty in ini tour hamnds.
with Dr. Noel: Prof. William J. studios into abnormalities in the the inherited "Rh" blood types of The quiet atmosphere is somne-
Schull and T. Edw'ard Hoed. Eight - formation of the protein hemo- both sets of parents with those of what in keeiping with the rosmilts fJ I
more wor-ker', mostly in researchs, globin, the oxygen-carrying -oh- the children. of the Clinic's work. 'or while // i
round out the Clinic's- staff. stanco in red-blood cells which The comparisons ruled out ono dealing with the e1l'nents of
The geneticists' time is divid01 gives them their color. set of parents as the possible heredity-in wvhich the future of
about equally btween teaching From the studies the lovesti- mother and father of the girl they the human race quite literally re- (2
in the zoology department and gators hope to learn more about had raised and loved for three sides--the ahim is not revolution in '
medica school, public service, the genetic control of the forma- years, Nothing in the Clinic's the nature oh the species, just S ervant~I1
which includes counseltng, and tion of proteins, a myatery at tests contradicted the idea that sound, factual information hol
research. present. the children had been switcbed, people with a problem. P.S. Do change those clothes.

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