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February 26, 1956 - Image 15

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Sunday, February 26, 1956


D,,..n C..L . ..,n.

d ,FT.H I rage Fifteerm


tours and passports




"Months of planning and ranean, Gibralter, Sicily, West SOMEWHERE in the midst of 2. Two recent photographs, S
years of experience have one Europe and North Europe - 11 packing suitcases, making res- 2i- inches by 2I,% inches, on a v
countries in all-returning on Aug. ervations and planning routes, the light bac.kground. cc
er/r /hr Ea/ tea repre 29.. prospective European traveler must 3. An identifying witness, who t
raies. Eac hs/itinerary nrc- The itinerary is representative take time out to equip himself with has known the applicant for at le
sents a series of supcrb travel of the two-month European tour. an essential travel aid--his United least two years, who is over 21
climaxes. By enrolling in one The group docks in Naples, after States Passport. years of age and has proof of a
a cruise of the Mediterranean, and The handy green booklet will American citizenship. a.
sf/hes pettallyeccr/edall- covers the main cities of Italy as enable him to visit all the coun- These three items must be ac- S
'pense tours, you wil save well as the Riviera. tries of Europe (outside the iron companied by a nine dollar money r
yourself days, cvcn weeks, of The Bavarian Alps in Austria, curtain), although visas are nec- order (only money orders will be c
needless bother and delay. Switzerland, the Black Forests of essary in the case of Finland and accepted), and one dollar addi-
You'll see much more of Eu- Germany as well as Heidelberg, Yugoslavia, and can be obtained tional fee for the County Clerk's
and even a trip up the Rhine River in two to six weeks' time. office.
rope in less time-" form the next lap of the journey. The process of application is not o
Two days in Amsterdam precede calculated to overwhelm the aver- 0NCE equipped with the pass- p
THE Guided Tour is designed to the Scandanavian part of the age college student, but a certain port, the traveler will find that gE
take the trouble out of travel, tour, which will be omitted if the procedure must be followed. some countries also demand visas. r
to give you the world's highlights group desires to tour France and Applications must be made in Outside the iron curtain, the Eur-
in an efficient, carefully worked Belgium. Scotland, London and person at the County Clerk's office, opean countries of Yugoslavia and i
out program. Paris complete the trip. or before an agent of the Depart- Finland demand visas, which can c
As one travel agency executive ment of State, and the following be obtained from any Finnish or vi
put it, "Travel is hard work." It THE SPECIAL INTEREST TOUR documentary proofs must be pre- Yugoslavian consulate.
is the object of the Guided Tour to TOHN CHAPMAN, drama critic of sented: Travel behind the iron curtain, t
eliminate the usual pains, annoy- the New York Daily News, will 1. Proof of citizenship, such as into the countries of Poland, b-
ances and discomforts of inde- lead a European theater tour, a birth certificate or naturaliza- Czechoslovakia, Russia and Ro- n
pendent tourism, which takes tour members to tions papers, mania is now possible without m
The variety of tours offered to musicals, operas and plays in Eng- W
the general public is amazing. All land, France, Germany, Switzer- v
tastes, all interests, all pocket- land, Italy, Spain, Holland, Den- M ake iE a ry P l s G
books are catered to. mark and Scotland. If there is a European trip in your future, travel agencies 7]
There are the drama tours, the Personal introductions, recep- advise action now.-
music tours, the journalism tours, tions and educational discussionss During the summer season, steamship passage is booked cc
the foreign affairs tours, the col- are featured, The tour uns from years ahead. Individual round-trip tickets tourist class are h
lege student-teacher-graduate-re- July 5 to August 11 at a cost of
tired businessmen tours. $1875. Tour organizer is Thomas now almost impossible to obtain for the coming season. e
Dsffy so ran be contacted at It is considered safe traveling to book passage this month c
you myu bhe nefor "cariage the Hotel Onondaga, Syracuse, for a year or even two years ahead. A 25 per cent deposit will
rides in the moonlight in Flor- New York. z be due after the space is assigned, but the ticket can be can-
ence" "interviews on selected days celled and complete payment will be refunded as late as Six
ene""ne-iw nslce asTHlE YOUTH HOSTEL TOtE wesbeoedpatr.ti
with Sibelius in his study," or giv--- wek before departure. t
en an opportunity to "unravel the CYCLING about 30 miles or hik- Steamship ticket applications are filled according to date of tI
riddle of the Sphinx." nag 10 miles a day, staying at receipt. t
inexpensive accommodations andf
OUR prices range from $945 fo ' relying on your own resources can....... - -
73 days to $1839 for 35 days brits your travel expenses down
The American Youth Hostel as to $2.50 with youth hostel groups,
serts that you can learn to travel The American Youth Hostels
for $2.50 a day, while d tluxe touts Association sponsors all-summer
will give you hotel accommodations and four-week specials to Europe.
at $35 a night. Sailings are between the nd of
The key point of any tour is the May and the first part of August.
tour leader. He is the person All-summer trips are offered toAO
whose years of experience are six areas of Europe. The lowest
brought to bear on your three or priced tour covers England and
four months in Europe. He will, France at $690, with side-stops to
as one agency has modestly put the Netherlands, Belgium and
It: "make it posible for you to Luxnmbourg.
travel without a care in the world
He sill help make going FOR THUSE travelers interested
through customs a pleasant ex- in a combination trip of hos-1
perience rather than an irksome tehn and independent travel
chore. He will see thatt ur lug- AYH offers their four-week Spec-
gage is in your room on arrival at ial.
the various hotels. He will be a Group. of 10 travel gether fur
valued asset in planning shopping 30 days as a group and learn how
expeditions, rcmmending sahops to hostel, then members have a
uubtainedtwo to four week additional period
and, in arrangig theater and for independent hosteling. Return
dancing p.rties. Ic aill c.rry passage for the group is scheduled. -
your tickets, arrange the sight- -
seeing trips and plan escorted Six four-week specials have
strolls. He will be on hand at all been announced, covering differ- 4
times to help you make your tour ent sections of Europe and includ-
the perfect one of your dreams." ing a music festivals tour. Costs
The 1956 travel-tour grab-bag's run from $580 to $695, with air
offerings fall into the followin travel bringing the price up to
general categories: approximately $200.
For the first time this year,
THE COLLEGE TOUR AYH is presenting a hiking cara-
TYPICAL of the college Euro- van of Europe for four weeks, fol- FRONT ROW: Left to right-Harry P. Hakins, Ann Hawk
pean tour is one that origi- lowed by independent hosteling. BACK ROW: LetItIsright-. A. Devrti, Herms
nates on this campus-the "Euro- Eight hostelers and leader will
pean Holiday." It is directed by travel by foot, using a Volkswagen
two Ann Arbor residents at a price station-wagon to get from one T S". .
of $1,445 including a Scandinavian point to anothe.
tour. For further information on the charge for PLANE reser'
The group will sail from New youth hostel trips, write to the
York City on June 27 and travel American Youth Hostels, Inc., 14 charge for HOTEL reser
to the countries of the Mediter- West 8th Street, New York City. charge for STEAMSHIP
--- - -L- charge for CAR reserva
charge for CANCELLAT
advises: RAVE BUREAU
Now is the time to apply for steamship'
accommodations for the summer of 1957. 1313 S. University

tate Department clearance, but
isas are necessary. The visas
an be obtained for these coun-
Ties through their consulates or
gations, Washington, D. C.
Most South American countries
Lso demand visas, and these can
lso be obtained from their United
tates' representatives. Some also
equire police and health certifi-
WVHEN traveling to countries of
the Far and Near East, a rec-
rd of injections against typhoid,
aratyphoid and yellow fever is
enerally required and strongly
Most oriental countries, except-
ng Siam, require visas. The
ountries of Africa also demand
Visas are not needed in order to
ravel in the islands of the Carib-
ean, but a ticket of departure is
ecessary. Military entry per-
iits, which can be obtained in
Vashington, D.C., are required to
isit the islands of Wake and
THESE are regulations that en-
able the traveler to leave this
ountry. But in order to return,
e finds that another item is nec-
ssary-the International Certifi-
ate of Vaccination to indicate that
ae traveler has been vaccinated
or small pox.
The card can be obtained from
he County Health Office or a
ravel agent and it is advisable
hat the card carry the stamp of
he County Health Office to certi-
the doctor's signature.

ins, Jahn Walters.
n Raju.
NO 2-5587


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