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November 07, 1954 - Image 4

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Prof. La More and Brush View American Southwest
At R okhain (Galeris;1WORK CAEN anwie 1
By STUART RIOSS o n not so effectiv e for me as
° HIS IS A collection of oit pant-thoto pra:bcrter
it nsg caseins w ater colors, and sid not seem to be the same toriso
'nod aod teet sculpture allt he ienessofshoatpesandlines to the
reslt of a sabbatical Ineae spent former Ths'itnisivness i the
to New Mexico by Prof. Chet La quality that carricsoost of thes'° Y
More of the School of Arhiteture paitios. Withsout it tserein
and Design. vaguessr of space, a surfacing of
I don't knows whether or not all te coor. WiIs is there is aclear
of the works presented wvere done expression of infinity, a carefoully
o location, nor hsave I eer 50aranged oher-world of abstract'
much as se foot to New' Mexico, shapeor.
yet I felt that all the mood of ths Tbe sculpture is more like fus.
region, with its occslt Soperstitions Tere are so, toir, I wod fos
and infinite desolation were res- sighty revised sind and ob-
ent here. I thnkth~esarist ssnder- foted sd ca lled wonderful nases
tood what hie'saw and sunderstanods lk FxF'ihWsBit-t
what he paints aboot what he sw.Brains-oxBox" IoxoFtheseithereuist a
La Mores'nstted desert is not tossuertoof. xnteseoo t thesa..jm
Disny's be' anyoens Ins'iead he mnr felurprosnextesrnsiit "odtht r
somnelow. and I think rightly so, the nn time a personal witty in-
equatesthse 'ndesolate landiscaps vft;s ssnacreu c
~ith a kind of lonar topograph y ino 'obt o n Tlore ,n arc
Theme is anl extratrrestrial ailes,- ws'os'go in sb'leldestor steel, moss of
ness in the paintings, so feeling ta v Oseonoordo lltinso
if you could enter thi'sorld you cm o 'isedofa thenogxs
'oslds 'ig oe itbha yo o oing spiky quality,-sd a few in
now,.te owihbi'nl ooe
And while the Babel effect of the senael.'owhhaebenhlyadded.
first nighters did not prevent me enaaely-aveoneWaadded
from feeling an eerie quoiet about A peep-show of Kodachromes tak- -al-ynWla
the paintings, it did keep me from en in New Mexico, and a case-full DESOLATE LANDSCAPES WITH A KIND OF LUNAR TOPOGRAPHY AND SCULPTURE
holding the feeling long enough to of native artifacts are presened as WHERE THERE IS A TRUE FEELLNG OF EXTENSION INTO THlE MIND
decide whether this was a result par of the exhibit, and while I OF THE PRIMITIVE ARTIST
of the intensely low-key color, or a liked tis bit of reality, I liked _________
special kind of attenuated abstract more the reality of Chet Las Morel GIVE TO THE DAILY FIRE RELIEF FUND
shape, or neither. Southwest.
QS,.,.unzs" ." . _.___. Y ,~55'o5 ' a!:.'.', C ti"C.""w.. :...;w: ' " " " ' O '-e
"Clothes make the Man;6k
Satffell& Bush make the Clothes"
It' the "Look of Leaelrrship"-tinat confi'I-t feeling tha.t only
truily f tn flns lothing hndl0ccessories ca5n give you Sofell
Bush have held Lhis unique position for over a quarter century
by showing y ou tbe fnest n fabrics, an exclusive "at ase"kind -
of tailoring an'td design tha t is tinsurpa ssed in fitting perfec-ion i
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in all your men's clothing and furnishings I


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