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January 15, 1956 - Image 7

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Sunday, January 15, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven
The surging influence of Asia
has been manifested in still '
another facet of Western
The look, borrowed intact from
the East, is slim; the fabric,
of course, silk and the impression,
\ rsimplicity touched with
Expressive of this trend is the
flattering Chinese shift, a
narrow dress with no specific
claims to a waistline. Slit high
on the sides for walking ease,
it produces an effect of
"close nonfit,
Pictured here are variations on
the resounding Oriental
iltheme. The shift is showkn
complimented by various iengfh
of jacket in striped, solid
and brocaded silks.
-Arline Lewis
-llustration by Coralyn Fitz
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