Page Six T HE M IC H IGA N DA IL Y 1--S 7 1n - Page Six THF Mlit-4lG tI~n, LWfL.lunday, January 15, 1956 t Activities Men .r "BIG RED" Dirty Shirts & Beer Busts THE REPRESENTATIVE: Usually really good only when shaking hands with someone . .. undeniably a grand guy and often a great one for parties. (Cotisnod from P'.' 5)- doesn't do him much good to toke a stand on anything. because few pay him any serious attention. .TIEl 111TLER is foreverr bringing up new things and atIr- - rug up new controversIes. ordin- arily on or nepr-the top of his org nrzaton, he is sure of himself - and sincerely int resi ci in con- structive ccomps sln s bfor the S 'eltre of studients, which re-f main s, a subjectivej matter.R He usutly keeps an open mind on the issues that arise. o takes a strong stand once he decies hisl side Uscmlly disatisfied with the - way things are, he works ihrd to improve them, evcn in his ows i organization. These are among the qualities that made him a suc- cess in his organization. He thrives an controversy and 1i, in some ways, like The Agita- THE HUSTLER: Sure of him- tor. He certainly enjoys the pub- self, thrives on controversy, in- licity he gets and takes at least terested in constructive accomp- some satisfaction in a sense of lishments. accomplishment and in the feeling of power that accompanies it. cause he has been more success- Although he may have a very ful than they. However, they do pleasant personality, he is some- not let this show, because of prag- times unpopular with other "cam-notletchsshdwratecnsendfnt to pus leaders," both because he up- ate on tons atnn sets their complacency and be- a feer of antagonizing him. By FRED STEINGOLD "Big Red" is the shortened form THE MEN of Gomberg House ,of the "Big Red Machine," Gom- South Quad, are proud of their berg's official nickname. The house house and their spirit for the colors of red and white appear in house is expressed in everything Gomberg jackets, derbies, and beer they do. mugs. If their praise of Gomberg Even when they are not made seems boastful at times, it's only conspicuous by their red jackets, because the men have developed. Gomberg men can be singled out a high degree of self-confidence of a group. Their house usually based on their outstanding has the largest block of seats at achievements in practically every such events as Gulantics and phase of student activity. pera. Dean of Men Walter B. Rea LESS FORMAL socializing is says that Gomberg is a unique practiced by the 34 members house and represents the type of of the GOE-Gomberg Older Ele- house the University is seeking to ment. The only qualification for develop. He calls attention to the membership in that organization house "spirit and loyalty." is that the member be 21 years The spirit has paid off in many old. The chief functions of the ways. Evidence of it is seen in organization are "spontaneous" the Gomberg trophy case which is meetings at local taverns. filled with 18 awards ranging from Another event which makes live- a three-year intra-mural sports ly conversation for Gomberg men championship trophy to a plaque is the famed Gomberg Dirty Shirt for having the third highest contest which began in September grade-point average for men's of 1952. houses last year. Participants had to wear the oversized Gomberg shirt for a full SUCCESS IS part of the Gomberg day whenever their name was tradition which was begun in drawn by lot. The incentive was 1951 by Gil McMahon, Gomberg's a pot into which each contestant first resident advisor. He was re- sponsible for inte'r(sting Gomberg men in extir,-tusicular activitie. and they's hcii interested eve since. The di yto11, s ) t ar an- otti 'how. up in .list ics as selt , s is Stlitiecinceivors. Two yer "0 a roup of flre-hIen in the io1 Were tl('iii _ with difficu', for a cheimisy blue- book. Bernie Berman, then a pre-icmd student, brought a large' ;ack board into the lounge ad fr thre e nht he lectured to the fireshmen on che mistry, Their pr oimiance on the esi iraised the grading curve considcrably. TEAM WORK plyed an import- ant part in Gomberg's victory in a tug-of-war last October. The participants in the contest bor- rowed a rope from the Detroit Police department. They practiced for several nights and when the tug-of-war came they pulled the heavier opposing team into the Huron River. The whole house usually turns out when Gomberg is participating in a competitive event. Shouts of HOUSE LOYALTY sometimes "Do Big Red" till the air as Gom- GmegDrySitCnsw berg men cheer the team on to Gomberg Dirty Shi Contest, what they hope will be another of contestants, resulted in a 25 victory for the house. odoriferous shirt for the loser. put 50 cents. As time went on the shirt got dirtier and dirtier and the wearer often found that he was a social outcast. Men dropped out of the contest when they had to wear the shirt on a date. Finally, in April of 1953 one brave man won himself the 25 dollar pot. The runner-up received the shirt. A MORE serious expression of Gomberg spirit is demonstrated by the Kelsey Memorial Award which the house has set up in memory of Jack Kelsey. Kelsey was a Gomberger who made a valuable contribution to the house and the school through his work in many student organi- zations. He died last April just two months after graduation. The Award provides an annual stipend for she Gomberg man who is most outstanding in "citizen- ship, scholarship, and versitility of aptitude." "This award," says Dean Rea, "is representative of Gomberg's group solidarity and affection - that bond which means so much to a living group." --Daily--ChuckKseey turns out like this. The famed 'hich ran through seven months dollar bill for the winner--the The British Philosopher Took His Tea There By RICHARD LAING THE South Cafeteria of the Michigan Union will never be the same. The carved-top tables will still be there and so will the "captain's chairs," those "beefed-up" bow- back Windsors painted in solid blues and reds and yellows. It will still be a cafeteria; the alums in fall top-coats will still (during mealtimes) be able to find the really famous carvings. The record of the Rose Bowl games of 1902 and of 1948 and 1951 and names like "Germany" Schultz and Willie Heston will still be there. I suppose even those scores that have been altered by disgruntled anti-Michigan fans will still be there, the 6 points their team made cleverly converted to 36 or to 61. All this will still be there and people will still eat there. 'What then is lost or missing? Well, the between-meals loungers will no longer be there. The old south side is to become part of a nice neat meal-time-only cafeteria. And it was never the mealtime-only people that made the place what it was, ANY mid-afternoon a few years the Armenian fight for independ- "captain's chairs," legs hanging ago, one might, in looking for ence did his writing there. over the arm. some especially famous table top, The young man who pulled the His companions kept talking find near the scores of the '48 wires out of the public address and he kept reading. One day he games another carving for that "squawk-box" was there along with announced to them that he was year. It would be down at the a friend who did the same thing leaving to take a teaching appoint- far end, opposite from where the a few weeks later. Dozens of dis- ment in an eastern university. professor is examining photostats sertations were begun and finished While they had quarreled over of Alexandrian papyri. there and scores of graduate stu- the state of the nation, the nature At that far end, near the foot- dents studied there for prelimin- of reality, and women of Belleville, ball records we find that "G.G. ary exams for the PhD. he had quietly secured his PhD. '84" has somehow anachronisti- Several Hopwood Award win- cally managed to carve "War is ning manuscripts were written Reality & Ridicule Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignor- there. Every evening a depart- Scores of men date their in- ance is Truth." ment chairman had a dish of but- tellectual growth from the occa- Evidently 1948 was some sort of ternut ice cream and read the next sion of some particularly intense strange topsy-turvy world in which morning's Free Press. discussion there. There were those more than that Rose Bowl game A visiting British philosopher that backed off from life and those occurred. found the place on his second day that dove head first into it without Someone must have been a bit in town and after that always prior examination of the depth of annoyed about something then, had tea and cookies there at 3:30 the water. but the Professor of Classical p.m. Now and then things were quite Studies seems unperturbed. He Cab-drivers, would-be lawyers, grim. There were those who had is somewhat more the scholar than candidates for the Neuro-Psychia- tried to get rid of themselves. the rebel. Perhaps his scholar- tric Institute, mathematicians, and There were missing places for ship is a rebellion. For the princi- the student who carved the Or- those who had succeeded. Some- pal "loungers" of the South Cafe- well slogans all sat at the same one was always writing a play, ex- teria were rebels or scholars. Most round-table. plaining it, were a bit of both. FTEN it was difficult to separ- TPE NEW cafeteria will be neat- Tea & Yitriol ate the scholars from the reb- er, cleaner, and better lighted. els. This was made more difficult It will be open only during meal- THE clergyman who had proved because some were hybrids. At time. There will be an all-hours that the world was flat used the same table with the rebels tap-room but it will include TV, to sit there. The man with the there was a young man who used radio, and juke-box. unpublished, uncompleted novel on to sit cross-ways in one of those It will appeal to the mass of the students. Most of the South Cafeteria hangers-on have gone off somewhere else, and the new tap room will not suit them. But the tall, and the short and the medium sized classical scholars are still in town. The professor of history, and the department head who had his ice cream there every evening are still around. So are the two professors of ro- mance languages, and the student who studied for prelims with his gloves on, and the teachers of English who had their conferences with students there. THERE are still some of the graduate students about who found that their writing was bet- ter in this place where though there were other humans nearby --those humans did not shout to assert their presence. One of the young men who tore the wires out of the P.A. system is still around and so is the Union house-man who every night flicked the lights at 11:10 p.m. and began putting the red and blue and yel- low chairs up on the carved tables. Maybe the student I once saw there, who carefully salted his newspaper, page by page as he read it is still around. There must be a place for him somewhere.