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January 15, 1956 - Image 2

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Page Two


Sunday, January 15, 1956

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday. January 1 5. 1956


Fitzgerald's Illusion Woman With a Mission
(continued from Page ) one is forced to admit, few) bean Frsrtd4r4Jpns oil ~re ned
to appear, unmercfully drawn,Abu Birth
tam, Ad in hia second year of early in his work. He probed and Turns Devoted Fail To Do S ometbin-1 abouttrt Control
prep srhool at Newman he serived, exposed f or all to behold some of SIGNIFICANTLY, however, we
though not with great gloiy on the most profound problems of in note that it ws during this By JANE HOWARD and explain the situation," she efobl qa.cncec.DiyAscaeEio
thefotbllsqad cnsiece prid f isllsinmnt(wic Dil A inae diar claims "Women, especially o iilsomet(hc in the
Although there is a conflict in However, one tragic phase of his prmtyldt i caku" ONSTANCE Kamil is a ,yunsirlaes r o ndctd
Fitzgerald's own stories ("Tritangle experience remained fr ee from x- his arrival at a state of "emotional woma n with a mission,
Clubvs.Fooball) o ho hecame Poure (ad threfreby nfer bakrutcyEquipped in June, 157 with too shy to go to clinics"
Clu vs Fotbal")of osvhe omeposte ndtiarefrehr nfe-bankruptcy") that Fitzgerald was
1o choose Priiireton f or his oi encee fiom subjction to Fiteger- us'rl eontaighsms her masters dgre in 'Social She credits Margaret Saner for
lege, Arthur Mizener, in hii,,bus olid' isss program of "s elf- franticouwrl devotion to Pr ainetsosand Work, she plans to return to Japan outstanding contribution, to the
raphy of the writer, The Far Sidesndestanding"? utl quite late fstball sith one major purpoase': ging sitaation. "Aned with loads of
of P aadise, tives this ang'le oii1'in his life. That phase was the one 'ainfndmatdsscreaomtndrugouandicon
the question: "On (sue) seeasian tiat harbored thse long-gauarderl We cn hardly doubt that the ica nrond"an screming bout irth afr" bu;Cniedusepaisn,"h
t(itzgerad ad)said it was seeiig im ma>°e ofhimiosel 's a lotball ,dreai hadrIbeen thorosughiy sht- II' aroeviin te e wste first A erican woman ever
White be at Hars'ard in 1911, 8-6 eo tred for him. His own Confessions I', su o e sssu te d-juat
by 'orng otedonspeaks eluntly nougis on that, iura' f-s' k o io Col- to addrs imembers of the Japan-
by soigatuhon o tr Efobl mg osu Nonehlssaehn a dr aee gra duaeIcsriearing ,bout rae Diet"
blocked kirk) swhich-deided hbin '[Hatoohhliiagebobbupto thehelssinsoethngtas riv
for rineton , .. ' thik sis~ t he surtare periodically cue iing hs ins to a dislay of even more antig bi'h ineiy o
at, tietyoneIatnk wymaythadiaesslahl fbt oto h itisam~~Coinie's plans is beyond questiin.CONNIE ame to Ann Arbor on
sadmsisrantiet orra thy siittais culi stii 5sPlanned parethlood s1e' on ' oie ot several arbour Fel-
tht hy lva'sjstlsttiefot 1920,usm'Tis Side of Praiode, isth e ITsh eiseprdo s'l otb d iisced is one vsry impotatnt lossships, given anually to O~-
ball capo Ti aeawys(mmr ok fhsaolsec,?fcl rslt' Prhpsno , i means of comatlusa Japan 5 sdies- ental women, To her this wa~s
in zeal rt ths eoatv tic ove-popultion probem the most a ttratie of many of-
seemned to isose them out Fiierln iltisshctse viess of salat se have observed ofs
last quarter by' superior "statia ' thr rp le sat, the cause oe his utist- Tep tlmsuti iue ~a c lc a le srPiSt
as the new spapetrscaltled it'"th ina e wts rtill nDal a ial uisreasoiabie attaclhment to!it is. Jasaan, Iimallet ii teitatrv Kappa ke' and baielr's d
O pasn th enrneea s Plasyd tiomthrestetof asape-I i colsfotlfruesislan C'ifotia, has a potultiaton atier from Pomona College hal
On ossans" thernon eatintathereofe8ams0,isisNvtsesososhaos0asutatr uasioanis
at Pritncetotn inthle tait ot 1013,0-1,10 oo stll lss ttcil1ear.lsrn Catiorbi
the istsworad itzgeratl sent hiis atiu naltt twitti i t iliiey endurpr cent of the laisad usdracutlti- IHet catmpus home is a Ieague '
hoime was thist"site: ADMITTED Anotry Ithe F tt',"er'utl image in Fivrlats ths ls hi t ,stion, outse ut isore otten le's found
SEND FOOTBALL PADS AND, the story) at cu aterbsaikexlot- lc Most Jaisattese wmesnse ex- studyiig at a library or en rate
riu)shseat illusion of pesaio
IDOES' IIIMEDIA-TELY PLEASE inag its wild dettairt makn in tfootball goy wsagrueHisit- plains, scrk in te fi'ls,"ri~t t oed, swhere sork ita-sci1
WATTR'UtNi.luossible Iac] less alittng iaal l isitusnttalbtastr' alng uwiath a'ensn," an Iste 1ud sisie aeny hlis to preiare
sot bidsrutv aitfrself-
itsan aetasvie ti elitsit hd ar 1 l d to an~ tsisitn itu ettiltisn ahd inaly' little Opiortttnity tfr estilte- h1r tf r len planstad parenthood
Vm )lies' Of Danme a hoarse fuioutia olsstava yt mca.
iD n fLitltet 'seicils ounti tmd to tti1li ln ba a I Iup itttilt hu deaatdin dttd-
O. tatta at3slistlang'reelid sehat ii atoy id sat.AndI the lass ittthin ad As' an eytwituness to Jstu'
s m reot" lanr cetdunf ideett asd ocaupation, Cat-
1 unfale'd thity'5-erandt t uotita5 ti sla i 'a a et astassa' ''dtwi'hiths ' ,h s ar c m m ie w ih
rnnesofad ott" nit' to'anhan'sI beasts cc iid Pearl ator,"
iiia t then Apparenadytilts"nobhatiliesasa miss "'Lseaie as a huge str-
caciinn eto i trilte li 51 e aousaget flhattenilike wne pas sl tap alatleis 0a ii'isa to s." Mo5st Japanese, its
tiati all t ali' asa 01 tu Nata tisat i lit t ohadousas ill thsat titnner nlcf""ie lsioa ilaislt, n ae-
sasslias Bt atlitna'' f"atleatls las ois tiss arii ea'o 'ember"Odikeus altd stts; ys it rin e niudingisy I \ l heopnon el ndfeln pr
alt sli Ti i ai a a ttt t is s aa a sa sIis lisal:. In ' oa la;;I s sate ganr on. at'
I seth ill It , asahi rthin b e rn thei pmaig 'banfthe ata t t sr. F lITSa io' t ita ts ti s u rl, h
sa ai or naasa s haeu r s sd Intte u u aieiise
outii' si is ul is i us " ' s ate wa o t ? W ee iilsondwt h
t7 alat in ''55 l t the _ae-fo 'heiiymbo t slissag ta i s, n dl s ipet t n un tilm
athains toa'ss" ire iro Ieoassdt isa' 0' olssI i l wTs uu1M C Intita cotueIStnioutysi,'utne ivCrs
" t u t aa isis~ tsattirea l alauPi sc Oh c tttd litds tha no Lim a he ad l s , f r I c s ii tthan unte sa isaeshgin gdescribes a
dnatidnlthe Pr5initctonuslycSo tit ',adssisan lt t neIlae wi esasi s sao bl e~ue eeyli
isa"t3:l as fa hiela sa'."il tus in Ass Ih Insi n lsor so atut ck inte Csisueara llsi su oitnoua, s t Waslnsr i"entsJair sasby os". h
ttoset 'and tsl ass lii tied hit alsly t'le he(rng fro( m .irar tie s ath at asut i'fi as al as liua''i JoaAazds to he kepcotin ed Jp
needed hex.eco; F asunsnd sheersay',eers'analtycruAmen-
tod thts(odwt a ry, i uds odto aluivt, uboast o m e ahii tn siviale tot odAMcat nas on, hihw r od.h
a 'srinietonisalotbatall wrthisii'Iss idly an tdtattng asg to he slm e is tand litiuswgadistatlsoliih lc aiaysca t'as cse hy epcutd. eHfor
a lars a na soiaie ct ra t ot i15 elsat it Is h tt osa ing 'S all oasets's't'na r ieae o ic sn ain I CA hs i"siteraisoa ansti ll'
lla d ie i oi t s Aalstl iis C' lasts be idtheliGrotsoinloal sash ssa to I wrEOte idtatIcodtus hitshslysntcreeby et edJ bypa Chras-a
irs a ii ltubi11 a itati fethuls Gauss' tslesain iteDal t osesh sit astitlied mc overtake ful: S lslul forich thn merore, a
seogndsestopportai tye. SSailsn downron t se 'isitne a" osast by o et stut eatan 'amb an ad sc Fr101:.i leali fashE n 'atehecasedoig)ryin
nglat thfrs('hyToungic'tt w -o Fizg erd isutne matur es moabu -Bu sidsl it feactll ikn tuliotto usa adsaudind Abosweaedles 0'rn iu eofn odlystaus,
hadha smeealy ttccs ail stain ashiiss"ntsiasn un92 atwth Gi in a c.hethoueltac daetausp aowth osmisanJ.tsantaeisteteencbuttaan
stoie ad eayIssti, t nsattsh sesraintheuls taidvr tprnosmwmaphotlyetals!a a U C M UIS ,tobee
hisrN~, big abel-andsestessay, was allAmeri
noe e.onhd. atte, h movd A al Ncw Bovlnfeengsai bouistn be i thasnt i lveofdt a si'lt o necs-i ti ncsl s alin ofcupoltical, pa rie, andou in-
ra.sidy atlesdlonhis moment ha'sic ltot laf'tallme tooe a sn sysanem.aHoratemfantay heeot thin tlaw phas the nto naboutessobetitutinneintetano'itioh eriod.
I an otay otshi e wier -bidy lsuperan isart of h Prietoniltooth,1 a e thatdwe Conihte's art i nzte ight Colsmic cony etendwud.sendath
of a h i, tim , itg r maflled toh I ta ovl omB - "gv he ugtsytwo atry.nsof ants agnst fie baub ionse a-!t-havringsJaands toasCommun-l
the dnompaofyEc Aod of te u- ca"nB tut aith ul usbandof se roe sitsrnthe blacke antfirs utyedn tta d-istsre ad, ahohthhaaeeoplea
eon. a Beginlting wodtiIssn rt Thete manG~tb s i e mb edrefte toctuakell avda, wmnt-oa ai hv nog oiia re
novce1,ethisn SieofFa'd cw in B 103 i hevryeidthfman w ul jo 'n tothosans A N"Y U'v E Notto r' t ewn wit hem law domb ott orw nto gie itup,
ea ulse hnh i gintensen al' tionhipr'ithyOn, - fwatch sisuaesstarle uwhilateyi"erpae ane(adh
t3 yearsulad hestudentd heisis c ati 11im tdnio ss n nt asid nist byatn iptfie. Iewoebc n asd i 93 t esl
gance anoncle helf rangoh in(sisa iren , whtsttehges Teaieadasitnsae (ierlay
sevdiFia bdsanstogooal hno dscriesfinallyalltheeffort theykngwould a tinhantabiedmc. br
thrugh tro he ye Toritzgle ite hs tz-hutnn s hgbe oets t he'oI s i togh ' eterhletalk n aanaentfe o f but anyi
"prarticor"he irtsmashrions thur tua ujce otpn ysgamthta h
hiu ig'tnartand thur Ii'twas wll h ayive o kotatheathNet a vero ne thuldjtime ellfighout om Porhate anfSotthaFitzgeral d fotball eallbea
th oe n hn aue ttnAnd Nd a vensu e autal stebits the ido e 'n thprivaeriaryht Pe a ge t WOCoi ticepy.Psae tainofSoi aork rte an i-
rpyote. hful donThee'erisofw(l, Jzov ed cotat la yu s tsse w os naelafnteabic ti fn ta, bu fthcl laGE has e t heab EittwofsttRihard ixn etasto eid
Age."cto nth asuatrhdim gnedintotacHavrmlinabatoirtis tAGioUpr-'eand'WitehnranalEverydycMn suport
otshDsatnmeseFiozthualdyeilleFut obfouin b two tesm nta an s a ans veppuaionvseil-us aReriCollectn e oCo mn
AheKroe'of eserowir en-ata"ButbIsiaNoa Ue"ot n-tyresrassantsoantheinlckton, irmmsn-dn na ni st o iatog tepol
eraiscansBegianinliedth tistfinstaTudpinted byrsofthe blckt'ate, a'sviua Poan-IVo-Coa a.hv ampsLe nsxdenassgficatitialfs e
noel hisSieeofPardieyhi WBk193nin the vfaymiartuo isceulhatnun e nd ad Yue o town XEsiX-Idouse ii tin dombntte wneg ieitu.
wasidubliewoldhemastsn ideseueati osh st w to(Ci-w 'c tesunedtate w ie tebhendyhoasinte no
tiasoughoutheurseduiridtishli suitaIdmiincsalto, nlosahirIat itphedwre. slwycsune f PG E ENTeOina aho nlec
seve:itha oftehemu si tlne akn h isowsftonmintsiinh(sinera iwie, yegal Thpeniensablt.some tie pah atebAE lTTe ownfallonetldWht
thimltesint e le sritei sni'Deupnthastn nlmy thinkireownprteryipulshedIa
ionof hs tme, ut ho a thndsetdihsilysined auhrsh u n-thskwaityfatut ith, Lokint c k-er. PAGE THREE-The Rise of Richard Nixon ____________

same moment is fully swan' of the sit Priinetonarthlay hiad niubody though, on thue whole ae'ie' of of an artist--stylized and do- and later because of the disinte-
long'-rngne~, objetive valuse of the anal w'er' in despsair. The head phone call' he msade, such a clear, (ached. gation ot his calming, soporific
kisa he is hestowing, of the new noach niiticd inc kicking and orgasaizeat expression of his feel- The mysterious internal adjus t- dream of athletic heroism.
sonhe s ingn', o te coths iii5tt' ssthi 'ie f tinfiedings was exceptional and rare." ments of his toul which ultimately Thre is, howvevr, another hypo-
hes wears.Hinteusentalre ato issdwhyhenie:'twh otisedthatmibenproduced this type of expression thetical loss to be con.sidered. It
gris al worknw c atheIy uiii- hyI"ventw ntiodhifb- And Later- -so fan removed from thiat of the is this one. Hose ereat would have
rpiamn otteeetoftore)" 'She under coach answered, iewe h aeadisgoybe h ossfee ytelt
'itsz'erald's litfe are immediatcly " He hasn't been out,' and the A DetachiediArtist tiewnthgaendtsloybnteiosufrdbyhei-
recognizable in and can be fol- lepnews"nn i om. IT tpictn a were his dream, his constantly re- mrature of American experience if
rowdstrouhshs nvelsan"sh rtn i t e"TEAT tPineo"wslived and consoling dream-must Fitzgerald bad instead won the x
stories, In this respect we observe 'We go to the day of the Yale published in Esquire in June have caused Scott Fitzgerald much gratification and the recognition
the great irony of his inealuable game. I weigh oniy one hundred of 1936. The fanciful episode of untold sorrow. At a time when all he desperately desired on the
gift of double vision, and thirty-five, so they save me the ants remains a lucid example the rest of his world seemed to be Princeton fields of glory; if, one
He clearly saw himself as a fig- unil the third quarter, with the of how Fitzgerald had by then toppling at his feet, it had provid- day, the Tiger coach had actually
Ure operating within a iet of cir- score-' " managed to objectify his modified ed some escape for him, seen young Scott-as the boy had
cumstances, and he was to the end -H-ut it's no use-I have used feelings about the game, He was The true degree or hurt to Fitz- dreamed-kicking and passing on
loyal to his Irishmanas romantic that dream of a defeated dream able to write about them not as gerald is difficult for ua to im- the side of the practice field and
ideals. As a result indictments of to induce sleep for almost twenty the gilded imaginings of the agine. We can only accept the cried: "Who is that man? Why
his own personal shortcomings and years, but it has worn thin at would-be hero himself, but rather fact that he suffered deeply; first, haven't we seen him before? Get
len llffieienehes (which 'acre not, last" as the polished, finished product bcanse ofth real frusration., him a uitormsnd send him i!

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