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May 24, 1959 - Image 14

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The Class of 1959
(Contnued from Page 10) fine arts music literature and phi-
Several pointed out that they losophy. Another said that the two
now "had a better understanding year requirement of literary col-
of people." nsm , this lege courses was extremely valu-
ofpepe nsome ca blsnefrsoresatsacos
meant they could now work better able and far more satisfactory
with others, which they termed an than four year business admims-
important asset for any businessuration courses. -
man: one person thought he had Some students however, derided
been able to make good contacts the values one picks up in the
for future years. Two expressed a literary college. One ponted up
belief they had developed poise that he "could pick up the stuff ~
and tact through meeting others.lyou get in L.S.&A. by traveling in
Almost all saw this improved Europe for a year." Another said
"ability to get along with others," that literary college courses would
as a major asset for their private not help one to make a living.
lives. Five thought they had learned
Almost all agreed that they had how to think more critically since
br-come more "tolerant," "well- they had come to school, that they
rou~ded," and "broadened." While "can analyze and evaluate altetna
these terms were largely unde- tives more rationally;" were "more
fined, they generally applied to critical of authority-less inclined -
geting along with others, meeting to accept it;" and could "objec-
p1ople of different backgrounds, tively examine both sides of an
from different parts of the United argument," before coming to a
States, and gaining many different decision.
kinds of knowledge.
One student explained that IPRAISE for the business admin-
thinking of others "got one out istration school was almost
of oneself," which he considered unanimous. Many pointed to its Examining all sides of the question
valuable. high quality technical courses, to
a better understanding of business ened my intellectual scope." One to gain a perspective was believed learned how to be a good nurse;
MOST WERE quite happy with and a better understanding of coed commented, "After four years important to the future teacher. but I also received a good liberal
the quality of their profes- their own goals. As one student I know more especially in realizing Many were looking for a place education," to "I got my degree
sional education, but reaction to explained, it "focused his voca- that there is much that I do not where you are what you are, and and my husband." The major em-
liberal arts courses varied greatly. tional aims - now he knows what know. However, I am not sure that are not recognized because of phasis seemed to be on professional
Some found them beneficial and he wants to do." is a result of the University." family, social or financial back- training, and none mentioned out-
"broadening," One said they would And most of the men interviewed For the most part, students were nround, right that they were challenged to
help him to converse intelligently know what they want to do. The most happy with those courses OCIAL LIFE on campus was Marriage is in the future plan
with people, and face problems decisions range from graduate that they took in the literary col- .'thought to be "great" and of most nurses. The desire for a
"outside his professional career." school and law school, to working iege and felt that the education "curious," with several comment- sense of security is prevalant with
Some were sorry that they had not in a bank, to working at the mid- school courses were merely a 'ng that they would rather spend financial worries encountered only
had the opportunity to do more die management level, and in mar- means to an end. That an educa- time with fewer people rather than by those who are planning on
work outside their field. They had keting research. Only one student tion as well as a profession were a little time with a lot. putting a husband through schoo
developed interests in English wanted his own business, and he acquired in four years indicated Due to the wide variety of cul- "if
did not want it to become too big that the students were satisfied tures and backgrounds at the Uni- Meeting new people and lear)
soththewol b fredtogvesit. terduaintthUn-versity, the majority of those in ing how to get along with then'
it all his time. versiy. education school have met inter- was a positive value felt by all of
Desired inco s at the end " T ENOUH teaching experi- eting people and broadened them- the women. One "learned how the
ten years, where listed, ranged IN selves. The sense of values, better environment affects attitudes and'
from $10,000 to $20,000. Almost all ence" was an attack leveled at citizenship, less prejudice, and the that all people see not equal"
'wanted to get married and settle the curriculum by several students contacts in the concentration arec while asoher expressed the vi w
down soon. ,and only one specifi- who felt that student teaching were felt to be most beneficial. that the University environment
cally mentioned he plantned to should be increased to two semes- Many of the women getting "brings out the realist rather than
participate in community activities ters of work. One sugested that teacher's certificates plan to teach the idealist as students learn to ac-r
of any sort. the prospective teacher would be for a year or two. Some will be cept things as they are." "The
better prepared if he had had a married in the near future and will diversity of people encountered
E ucatio Siool four y(cc tberal arts program with pui their husbands through school makes you mellow or change your
one year additional specialization and support the family. "I'll teach views," and "I kept my religion,
Seniior to secure the professional training for a year and then start a fam- but for the first time I was forced
HE ACADEMIC values of iedu- and te cherscertificat. mach ily," was a familiar response as to think about it," were other fac-
cation school r an ge froo m ivard Universityr aany coeds plan not to et thir tors that were influenced by the
roused my intellectual cuiosityaent certificates. Home life cross-section found on campus.
to "courses are discouraging, un- Students in the education school and a degree of security are de-
ehaliging ata a compiete waste I on the whole feel that they met sired by all persons interviewed Specialized Schools
of time " seniors in the schoolre ad pe'iated a gretes taiety vhil a few felt that they also
of people. Their outlooks were want to take an active role inm 'JHE SPECIALIZED school. ap-'
ne broadened by the diversity that conmunit ' pear to satisfy the student in
that the chool of education "mdthe University provides. One girl the p.rticutar couise area of con
O Eathes an train from a small town said that she .Nuringcentration. However, some peopl
CfnFoid prefers the more personal rela- Nurig School Scmor feel that they have missed out be-
finding solutions while at the same time "it broad- tionships of her home, but that 'ELF-SACRIFICE does not seem cause they are limited in the num-"
-rshe had learned to live with all to rate high with nursing se- bee of electives they can take when
kinds of people. ors. in a school such as pharmacy or,
Many of the friendships formed Comments on the academic natural resources.
by the seniors were with people values of the University were ex- Ideas concerning the University
J U ST from their own backgrounds and clusively concerned with the nurs- are conflicting. Most people think'
in their field. The ability to meet ing school which received high that the University was a broaden-
AR R IV EDI.., with many different types in order praise. aeactions ranged from "I ing experience-again especially in
---- --I meeting people and in gaining
NEWtolerance and a contact with cul-
ture. In contrast to this general
trend was the complaint of one
ra e (transfer from a small college who
felt that the University was too,
LETTERii large and therefore was too limit-
ing. In ,eneral students believed
PA P E R S they had gained self confidence
and had learned to evaluate them-
selves. Some expressed an in-
creased understanding of other'
people and their views.
t Two specifically mentioned the,
University controls - complaining
F- that the University should let the
x1student grow and not pamper him,
also allowing for more activities.
'> Another thought that the Univer-
sity's guidance was good for himj
One felt that her mediocre grades
were more than compensated for
r- 4 1and justified by her participation
in activities and that she would
participate in them again if she
What a lift you'll give your had a choice.

correspondence when you write your PWREA iU In the future the majority ot
letters on these flower-fresh papers! Unusual florals, 'P E IO S these students who have special-.
fabric effects, crisp modern design -a personality- MOMENTS izedinu ergradatschoa
perfect pick for everyone who demands SC PU E O E E to work and settle down inmnedi--
perec pik or veyon wo dmadsCAPTURED FOREVER ately after graduation-with wife
good taste combined with newness.and family. The one person who
For the next gift occasion, too... specfily.nTheaoetpersontry
smuhbatatslittl ice specified an area of the counitr'y
(yrin which he desired to live. plan"
t1 r e/' to settle on the west coast. Only
3 W js' two of these students plan (per-
RAMSAY PRINTERS baps) to continue with school,
717 N. Ui .- West of Hill Aud. Several plan to travel, and one has
1 19 East Liberty as his prime goal in life-'making

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