Puerto Rico's Teenage Gangs Caribbean Island Com bats juvenile delinquency. In some cases the young offender sicr not in school because of lack of par- W est Side Story's' Problem entalco rn or because of school crowding, but inother cases be- cause they had been expelled. -By TIOMAS TURNER cases (38.5 per cent) concerned Educational authorities must serious crimes: murder and vol- act to alleviate this situation, she WANT To Live in America," untary homicide, involuntary said, but she went on to charac- Manhattan - dwelling Puerto homicide, rape, armed robbery, terize San Juan's juvenile delin- Rians sing in Broadway's West breaking and entering, theft and quency situation as "not grave. Side Story." And in real life, half automobile theft. Since these statements last fall, a million Puerto Ricans h'c come ahowever, juvenile crime has con- to this country. CRIME as a whole increased tinned to increase. Each week the But the traffic is two-way, and only 16 per cent for the period, newspapers have carried new stor- ones who return have transplanted the newspaper El Mundo pointed ies of gang activity. "to booming Puerto Rico one of out in a front-page article in No- In November, for example. The west-side New Tork's biggest vember, and at present growth Cossacks and Nomads engaged in headaches: teenage gangs and in- rates, juvenile offenses in the seri- a "rumble ," or fight with switch creasing juvenile crime. ous crime group will "eventually blades, stones, clubs, and at least - Walls in every section of San compare with similar crimes com- one revolver. Over 100 youths were Juan, the island's capital, bear mitted by adults." reported involved. evidence of the gangs' existence. Police Superintendent Ramon The next week, six Nomads were They've used stores, residences, Torres Braschi, quoted in the same apprehended outside the juvenile schools and even churches to mark article, attributed the mushroom- home, trying to free three of their off their "territories" with their ing delinquency rate to "a sick- comrades with a hacksaw, signatures in paint. ness largely produced by the de- And in December, the leader of" The Lions, The Viceroys, The terioration of our cultural values." a gang called The Volares was Nomads, The Diggers, The Cos- He said he was rather "preoc- shot and killed by a policeman, sacks, The Daltons and so on. cupied" than "alarmed" by the whom he had attacked with a problem, since organizations such knife. THIS widespread painting is re- asethe Children's Commission and cent, according to San Juan the Police Athletic League were IN BETWEEN such spectacular residents, having developed in the doing such good work in the area. outbreaks, dozens of lesser in- last year or so. And the startling Only the next set of police sta- cidents occurred, including at one upswing in juvenile crime as a tistics will provide an adequate point three stonings of police in whole has occurred in the same basis for substantiating or refut- one week. period, ing the superintendent's cautious Measures taken to fight the In fiscal 1956-57, police inter- optimism. But there are certainly under-age crime wave have in- Ga vened in 3,292 cases involving mi- factors involved in juvenile de- eluded expansion of the police nors (under 18 years old). In 1957- linquency other than those im- force, legislation enabling youths 58, the total rocketed to 8,167. mediately reparable by youth to be tried as adults for certain Better than a third of these work, crimes, and a nine o'clock curfew For example, the head of the for youths 14 years old or young- Thomas Turner, a resident Family Relations Division of the er. of Puerto Rico, describes the Children's Court in San Juan, re- Whether or not these measures , ports that most of those brought will be sufficient to check Puerto transplanting of New York s before the court are 13-15 years Rico's rising juvenile delinquency juvenile delinquency problem old, and three-fourths of these is as yet uncertain. Whatever the to that small southern island. do not attend school. outcome of the battle, it is cer- Turner is acting editor of The tain that the island Common- Michigan Daily. SHE POINTED out that this is wealth is undergoing real Amer- both a cause and an effect of ican-style growing pains. Greenwich V illage in Its Heyday:Y( The Improper Bohemians ags mark-off territories N't7 THE IMPROPER BOHEMIANS: But it was "enjoyed" more than and also for unlucky people who A Recreation of Greenwich Vil- "suffered." Rents were cheap; didn't, this is the grand essential lage in Its Heyday. By Allen they drank tea-yes, tea-and ate book. Churchill. Dutton. $5. modestly and danced in the Mad Frost used to argue, and Hatter, Crumperie, Samovar, Black Robert OKING over the distinguished Parrot, Mouse Trap, Pollywooge. no doubt still does, that the Vil- company occupying the plat- And no one had inhibitions. lage did not produce, it was sterile. form at National Institute of Arts In later years it got rougher; Perhaps it was just a period of and Letters ceremonies year there would be the Village mayor- incubation. In the pages of this ago, Malcolm Cowley noticed that ess who danced nude, and the book you do not find Frost, Faulk- ney tinerepsnt ofGreenwic pitiable end of Maxwell Boden- ner, Hemingway, Wolfe, even eVillage heim. Fitzgerald, Vige whChurchill estimates the Village's It is with this pc'.uasive oh- CHURCHILL describes the per- "two main contributions to Ameri- servation that Churchill ends hi. sonal idiosyncracies, the wild can culture are to be found in the exciting book. But to begin the parties, the love affairs, the quar- masses and in the Provincetown name-throwing which is an amaz- rels, the accomplishments and the Players." Perhaps he might have ing part of his account, he goes failures of a horde of creative and added the Anderson-Heap Little back to 1910, the start of the two near-creative men and women. Review which among other things decades of the Village's heyday. They wrote and painted, they kept on printing Joyce's "Ulys- Mrs. Edward Dodge, who became lived and loved, they drank, danced ses" almost as fast as the post the friend of the Stems in Flor- and made merry madly. For people office burned it up. ence and today's Mabel Dodge who knew the glamorous Village -W. G. Rogers -Luhan, lived at 23 Fifth Ave. Among those she entertained were Carl Van Vechten, Jo David- son, Lincoln Steffens, Walter Lippman, Hutchins Hapgood, Max Eastman, Frank Harris, Margaret Sanger, Harry Kemp, Alan Seeger, Amy Lowell, Emma Goldman and *Big Bill Haywood. I !TRG # k EAST MEETS WEST in an airy dacron dress, sash tied with obi bow . . . the bib front daintily tucked. A DECADE or so later, the people who lived on this "Left Bank of the United States" as Churchill rightly calls it included Sherwood Anderson, Willa Cather, Theodore Dreiser, Reginald Marsh, John ,Sloan, William Glackens, George 'Luks, Carl Ruggles and Edgard Varese, who lives there still. John Reed, Mabel Dodge, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Eugene O'Neill and Maxwell Bodenheim were the denizens whose lives are told in fullest detail here, and who en- joyed or suffered crucial years in their careers in the shadow of Washington Arch and the neigh- borhood of Washington Square. W. G. Rogers is art editor for The Associated Press. of BIKES . a CAMPUS BIKE and TOY 514 E. Williams N03-7125 ; - ,. ... 217 South Main Nickels Arcade is4 I 'I IL