...and The Facult Appraisal 'Seniors Compare Favorably With Previous Years' Classes' "'HE UNIVERSITY Senior 1959" may be a many-sided, paradoxical crea- ture, but faculty members generally indi- cated that they are pleased with those who are about to leave their classrooms for the last time. Those departing for the 'outside world' Compare favorably with their counter- parts of previous years, are serious- minded and conscientious. But the changes since the freshman year have not all been for the best said the comparative handful of teachers who replied to The Daily'sletter requesting faculty observa- tions about the senior students who've been exposed to them at least once during the past four years. The senior "stacks up pretty well" against his predecessors, one faculty member said in generally summing up the attitudes expressed by his collag ues who reflected about the past few years. "In fact, when I look back at my own generation and my own senior year, I feel that many of my contemporaries would have found the scholastic competi- tion much stiffer if they had to compete with today's seniors," mused a member of the history department. WO ENGINEERING school professors, however, pointed to the World War II "veteran bulge" of the late 1940's as a high point in the caliber of the university senior. "Perhaps we had the greatest number of students doing considerably more than the requirements, anxious to learn all they can, right after World War II when the average age was somewhat higher and a greater number had some definite ob- jective, than is the case today," wrote a member of the engineering faculty., Amplifying the comparison, an an- thropology professor said, "in general, the present seniors are quite serious, per- haps more so than twenty years ago. Stu- dents today are better prepared for col- lege than they were before World War IT. "The influx of veterans and older men after the war changed the complexion of the University community greatly, and the result has been a greater degree of seriousness and scholarship. The former campus 'hurrah' and what is referred to as 'spirit' has been lessened, and generally there is much less social emphasis than before the war. I would say that the stu- dent today is in no way more intelligent, but that the better preparation and the higher entrance standards of the Uni- versity make for a more intellectual insti- tution than maybe 20 years ago." Concerned with the problems of life He is aware that the intellectual world is changing rapidly and appears to be impatient if University courses are al- lowed to remain stagnant." However, a professor of English com- mented: "A great many seniors appear to gravitate towards courses which 'they can handle' rather than courses which challenge them. In other words, at the risk of making too gross a generalization, the really good seniors appear regularly in the really tough courses in their own departments, while the run-of-the-mill fellows mark time filling requirements in those courses which offer less of a workout or are taught by teachers who are less exacting than others." And still another member of the English department faculty described seniors as "sincere and interested students, often somewhat sleepless and behind in as- signments, but believing in the value of literature and having enough maturity and education to enjoy it pretty fully." ANOTHER faculty member in discussing the current level of seriousness wrote LITERARY COLLEGE faculty members "In the classroom, the present senior is however questioned students' choice of every bit as serious as his predecessors. courses along other lines. "People may be job-centered, trying to pick up a saleable competence," specu- lated one language teacher. A member of the mathematics depart- ment noted that "the past few years have indicated an apathy to idealistic causes and much concern with materialistic per- sonal goals. During this past year there seems to be a return to idealism, at least, in a small way." One of the formerly quoted English professors said, "If the public has- the conception that a college is an institution serving it in a practical way, then most of its progeny carry on the idea. When they reach the school's hallowed halls they think that the end result of their studies ought to be practical, in the sense that it should 'fit one for particular jobs and professions.' There is not enough evidence here of the adventurous senior, the man who is open to the attractions of knowledge in whatever area it may be. Too many would like to take that 'exotic' or 'esoteric' course, but not enough really do," ANOTHER faculty member wrote: "the men are personable but I don't think their backgrounds are well - rounded enough. There is so much to be crammed in the space of four years, that they don't bear the marks of liberally educated, individuals - a broad liberal arts and science background." Other engineering faculty members generally indicated satisfaction, one say- ing that seniors are "seriously trying to learn for the.sake of knowing and using and a second adding "they are genuinely interested in obtaining a good educational background for their chosen professions." But a third noted "he is apparently confused about the value of things he learns and does not have the apprecia- tion (as the senior of 10 or 15 years ago) did of the beauty and good duality of things in life." Discussimg the problem in more general terms. ,a member of the medical school faculty said "the basic desire for academic excellence must begin long before colle entrance, and our society, with itsz atler anti-intellectual values, is possibly the real source of this problem." BUT HOW MUCH does the University alter the products of society? Is the student who graduates from the school's environment significantly different? One of the natural points of' comparison is that of the University freshman to the graduating senior. Faculty opinions tovered a wide range. "The most obvious change is concerned with the course content and 'how will it help me or apply to my chosen career' as contrasted with the more academic approach taken by the lower classmen. If the instructor cannot show how this material has a practical application, the seniors' attitude become one of boredom or 'so what?'" said an education school faculty member. But a member of the psychology de- partment compared seniors to freshMen and said the older students "seem some- what less utilitarian in their approach to education, somewhat more interested in research or scholarship for its own sake. THE AREA of common consensus ap- peared in descriptions of what could be called "social development." "Many seniors seem to mature tremen- dously during their last year. They dress more neatly and act like men." . . . "sen- iors are much more sophisticated and smarter in many ways" . . "there's a vast difference in poise" . . . "they're more efficient, more responsible, more intellectually sophisticated" , . . these are sample opinions However, in the area of the seniors' academic d'velop'ment from the fresh- man stage, faculty members were far from satisfied. "Itm inclined to feel that underclass- men have a keener interest in learning and in exploring ideas . . . seniors seem less alert, less inquisitive " said one. In direct disagreement, another faculty member noted, "they're more thorough and conscientious than are their younger counterparts and they are more iterest- ing to teach because thoy question the in- structor to a greater degree." The distinction between freshmen and seniors was approached in a different fashion by another faculty member. "... can one distinguish a veteran from a recruit, a fall day from one in the spring, a new tea bag from a dunked one. (Conciuded on Page 11) Page Nine Getting along with others SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1959