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October 16, 1955 - Image 15

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'" ,"' undoy, a 1955


Page Fifteen

-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
ELEGANT-Linda Shure, Wellesley transfer majoring in psy-
chology, displays a graceful taste in her attire. She wears here
a dress of simple refinement-smooth-fitting grey jersey with
dramatic grey and white stripes.

Dietrich Myth of Womanhood
Love's always been my game. quarter century, and, while it has ing in the front lines, unguarded
play it how I may, not always given her a continu- at her own request. She will al-
I was made that way, I canit ous popularity, i has brought a ways be something no man can
help it. continuing popularity. hope to hold very lont or hope to
To the averaec man or woman understand very completely.
FASHION magazine photograph- vaho sees her films or buys her re- Dietrich is also a woman's wom-
ers, who idealize the hih- cords, she represents a myth about an. It would be hard or a woman
cheekboned blond model, with a womanhood, the perpetually de- to be jealous of her. She is not
cold, mask-like face, thin, arched sired woman who is, as Ernest a simple vamp, nor is she solely
eyebrows, and iitrospective, bor- Hemingway has written of her, a body. She is something with
ed - with - the - world expressions, ". . . brave, beautiful, loyal, kind which every woman can identify,
can find their prototype in the and generous. She is never bar- and she is, moreover, a model for
woman who has been singing the ing and is as lovely looking in the the woman who wishes to please
above lyrics for the past quarter morning . . as she is at night ... and be pleased by men.
century. If she had nothing more than her
Marlene Dietrich, the personi- voice, she could break your heart
fication of eternal femininity, has with it. But she has that beauti- THERE have been tImes when
probably influenced American ful body and that tender loveli- Dietrich has gone out of popu-
womanhood more strongly than ness of her face." larity. Once, she was labelled
any other single personality. You "box-office poison." But she al-
may not find her in the smiling, TO ONE can say for sure just ways finds a way of coming back.
bright young girl on the tooth~ ONE canrsh' fr sue js She may advertise her world-fa-
paste advertisement, but you are and what Dietrich's real name is mous legs by painting them dur-
sur tooberv soe spet Yu er ndno one is quite certain of ing wartime and encouraging
sure to observe some aspect of her where her husband of three de- women to forego nylons so more
universally accepted character in cades really is. Nor are there any prhes ca e nufacture
the sureness of the dress model, accurate details about her life can be manufactured
in the coldness of the girl who before she began assaulting the Or she may paint those legs with
sells nail polish, or in the con- tower of fame in 1930 with "The several coats of gold enamel to
tempt of the human mannequin Blue Angel." It is on such a diet appear as a Macedonian dancing
trying to produce a revolution in that legend grows, and it is upon girl in a film. She may even sport
women's hats. such obscure materials that leg- a gown with a seemingly translu-
Her passion for trousers have end flowers bloom. scent top when singing in a night-
brought slacks into vogue. Her club. But regardless of how ludi-
arched eyebrows, hair styles, and The Dietrich personality, evolv- crous her publicity stunts become,
long fingernails have started fash- ed by her director of six years, Jo- they always warrant attention
ion trends. And her high cheek- sef Von Sternberg, has always been which leads to popularity.
bones are now considered the ulti- sufficient to offset any other de-
mate in womanly sophistication. fects in the lady's entertainment The traditional Western con-
talents. cept of a specialized feminine role
for women has been prominent for
EGARDLESS of what the real Her pictures, for the most part many centuries. As long as it re-
Dietrich is like, the public mediocre melodramas in which mains, Dietrich or her facsimile
Dietrich is a carefully fashioned virile men fight over a shady lady, will remain. Men may look to
romantic legend, designed to func- were most often considered poor other women for intellectual stim-
tionalize the belief that glamour cinematic products when first re- ulation, but they inevitably go
is not inherited, "it is a business." leased. Now, many of them pass back to a Dietrich for other stim-
And the public Dietrich is the only as film art ulation. That women can have
one that counts, emotions, bodies and minds is a
Glamour has always been a IETRICH is a man's woman. fact which neither Dietrich, Hem-
business with Dietrich. She has She will fight beside her man ngway, or their public like to
been selling her personality for a as she did in World War II, sing- bother with.
there's nothmng like black..
f beg'ling ...
o tucked-up skirts and bodice
k of a Dresden shepherdess
t shaped en gleaming barathea
e faile and underlined with
Ic .a net petticoat .. .
o junior size dress
, among many for dancing.

PIQUANT-Ingrid Arnesen, art student of Norwegian background,
is a combination of unconventionality and pure friendliness. 1er
attire is casual, but always with a spot of brilliance-as the em-
broidered jacket she wears above.
Riai. Formations

Of Michigr
(Continued from Page 13)
particularly when used in con-
)unction with the single wing, are
primarily the speed and the decep-
ion which can be achieved. Since
he quarterback received the ball
initially and hands it to the ulti-
mate ball carrier at the last pos-
4sible fraction of a second, the
defense must also wait until the
final second until it makes its
The wing-T is a variation of the
basic T-formation with the right
halfback in a position exactly the
same as that which he assumes in
the single wing (Fig. 4). This for-
mation embodies many of the ad-
vantages of both the single wing
and the T-formation. It is partic-
ularly effective as a passing for-
As we mentioned before the
above formations constitute the
basic structure of the Michigan
offense. There are of course a
good many other possible back-
field alignments that could be
devised. Michigan in the past has
used several other formations all
of which are really variations of
the T-formation and the single

an Offense
Those which are more likely to
be seen are the double wing-bac
formation, any backfield forma
tion with the left end on the right
side of the line leaving only one
man on the left side of the center
or an unbalanced line to the right
with the backfield unbalanced t
the left.
This is only part of the story
the system of formations becomes
more complicated when one real
izes that by use of the left for'
mation any formation which can
be run with an unbalanced line
to the right can also be run un
balanced to the left.
Deviations in positions of re-
spective men in each formation
may also be noted on any given
play which may give the illusion oi
a sloppy initial alignment, how-
ever these minor adjustments are
generally made in order to allow
a better blocking angle or a more
advantageous receipt of the ball
The purpose of the various for-
mations is to place the blocker
and the ball carrier in the most
advantageous position relative to
the focal point of the play and the
defensive team. In the next article
we will examine the various
methods used by the University in
getting a play under way.



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