A Pe TO By CHARLES KO "We shall not meet the So- viet challenge unless we stop looking at the underdeveloped nations as military bulwarks and bastions and adopt a new and different objective in the uncommitted world. "If the United States wants to stop the Communists it must work at winning friends without asking them to be our military allies. To overcome the Soviet's rapid-fire devel- opment program, this country must rely on more humane methods of treating coun- 'tries." --Walter Lippmann IN HIS RECENT book, "Th' Communist World and Ours, Lippmann suggests a policy gearet more to individuals than nations A personal touch is implied, bu unfortunately many of the gov ernment's aid programs must bi large scale in nature. Charles Kozoll is a night editor on The Michigan Daily. Behind this approach is the be- innately beneficial, is self-help. lief that the rehabilitated family These projects are sponsored by can eventually assume care of the the philanthropic groups but car- child. Making way for needier ried out in large measure by the children, the voluntary organiza- local villagers, tions do not subsidize continually "Self-help . . . Lebanese style" F! but help individuals to earn their is one example of assistance that own way Save the Children Federation has Part of this general fund is also carried on since 1932 throughout used to continue aiding a child if Asia, Europe and the Near East: his adopted parent or parents " withdraw support. Monies can also "In the village of Aktaneet.h. ZOLL be set aside for emergencies such fathers build a road for their chil- as the influx of refugees into dren's future, Now, a doctor can South Korea visit regularly . .. produce can be To fill the important gap which area, ethnic or religious group or Sot Korea marketed profitably and increased otnsprtsfrinntoasSome eight million Koreans etdpoialanicrsd often separates foreign nationals particular cause, or to a wide va- have fled the Communist section revenue will be used to improve from the mainstream of American riety of interests, of the country, causing a tremen- the village's crop potential. The life, fifty-seven voluntary organ- The American Bureau for Medi- dous strain on existing relief village of Aktaneet looks forward izations are working to prove that cal Aid to China and the Amer- agencies. Emergency allotments to a better life for its children, Americans are interested in other ican Fund for Czechoslovak Refu- have been used to set up refugee through widening benefits of self- countries, not for their supply of gees are two groups dealing with camps, provide medical facilities help. oil or their strategic location, but particular foreign problems. and care for the schooling of the The Federation's work in Leb- for the people who live there. Organizations serving in many children anon has been extremely success- Coordinating this philanthropic areas will often try to delve into ful because it seeks to alleviate activity, the International Coop- two general sectors, allowing con- LARGER organizations often di- problems permanently by utiliz- eration Administration of the tributors to specify use of their rect aid to a school, hospital or ing village labor and resources. State Department officially regis- donations. missionary. Some 34 countries in Diplomatic observers have found ters the groups and publicizes The plan which allows indi- the world have homes which are that villages tend to resent Amer- their work, providing the public viduals or groups to sponsor ba- backed by American funds. ican ways and American technical with information on how dona- bies, children or schools has the Christian Children's Fund is an experts. tions could be used. Actual work greatest emotional appeal. Kappa example of a philanthropic group Despite their efficiency, the is done by the Advisory Commit- Alpha Theta and Delta Gamma which divides its assistance into high-speed methods destroy the tee on Voluntary Foreign Aid ,sororities are two local groups two areas. Some of the homes are pride that local nationals have in e which succeeded the President's which have been participating owned and operated by the Fund. their own work. This seems to War Relief Control Board in 1946. through the Foster Parents' Plan Others are only affiliated with the be the reason why self-help works, d Steered by federal regulations, Inc. Fund. though it moves at a slow pace the Advisory Committee checks Choosing a young girl in Greece Affiliated groups are required to compared to the work of technical t the projects which can involve two years ago, Delta Gamma con- meet standards set by the world- agencies. - health, education, welfare, agri- tributes $180 anually to her sup- wide organization and are in- e culture, industry, emigration and port. Kappa Alpha Theta has spected constantly to see that AGENCY advisors facilitate the resettlement. been caring for a Korean girl for these standards are being met. project by encouraging the vil- 15 years. Amounts donated usually depend lage people to formulate a goal or ENCOMPASSING some or all of There are many such groups on the location of an orphanage goals and then work to implement the above categories of assist- which sponsor children and get to (those in economic critical areas them ance, organizations will probably kinow them through correspond- of the world will receive more aid) The fund may then provide aid direct aid either to one specific ence over a period of years. Lan- and conditions in the area. with a grant or possibly a loan - geuge barriers are eliminated by In these areas, a general fund while the village contributes labor the controlling agency serving as is used for maintenance and con- translating middle-man. stant improvement of the facili- funds. ties besides alloting a specific An agreement is then drawn up INDIVIDUALS unable to support amount per child. Other factors concerning the income-producing a child often donate to a gen- provide for special help to chil- project. Such contracts have three eral fund which "aids children dren not living at home; in these significant principles by which over and above their usual needs" situations welfare centers are used they are governed: Medical care takes up a large to care for the child, 1) An agreed-upon percentage 'portion of the funds with empha- of the increased annual income is is on raring foi othei membeis of HE SECOND general category eamthe rsern icome is the child's rfamily, f'of aid and probably the most er-.Tarked fo p roi e to sht y (r dre. This provision can be set ~aside if the organization or the village is interested solely in total village development, neglecting particular attention to children. 2) An additional percentage will S be set aside for financing further projects. 'e ls ot3) The villagers agree to per- Be a rea . sport.petuate the original project and for this reason, set aside a fund to in a maintain the first project. ROJECTS can vary from a new village school to cleansing the water supply to providing for a free medical clinic. In each case however, it is emphasized that the kO I!village is doing the work itself and not receiving a hand-out from FAVORITE "some foreign government. This is the method that Lipp- mann implied: the United States i must cultivate the friendship of ( 'the undeveloped countries of the world, Strategic position and re- sources cannot be totally disre- " BL ACK garded, but they must not be made the only criteria for giving aid, H u m a n i t y must be applied through these voluntary groups - proving that the United States can think in terms of individual betterment as well as collective 1 Q95ssecurity. . 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As usual, professional freedom requires effective measures to in- sure professional responsibility. OP The AAUP has too often sought academic freedom without help- rty ling to provide the regulations which make it possible. THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Page Fourteen