their number that the likelihood lie's long-term welfare. They are, of incidents, worry, and caution is second, too closely associated with highest. the institution to be viewed as dis- A adenic M id iFortunately, as we shall see, it passionate observers of its opera- Fotuis exactly these pivotal colleges tions. which are most likely to be in a What seems desirable is the es- (CsOtnued cresm Prceing Page) position to solve the problem of tablishment of a board to advise provide the absence of restraint ,public assurance. the trustees and inform the public and harassing worry and en- One might think, secondly that about the relation of the colleges' courage the interstimulation of there is merit in special efforts to work to the public interest. diverse opinions required for im- assure the public concerning the Such a board should conceive aginative learning, while, on the orientations of liberal arts col- its mission in broad terms. It other, we protect existing institu- leges, and, within them, of those should consider the kinds of serv- tions from applications of that disciplines which are at once most ice the public needs from the.col- learning which are detrimental to' concerned with values and re- lege and ways in which the the public's long-range interests? moved from immediate public ap- groundwork can be laid for meet- The discussion of academic -- praisal. ing needs as yet unforeseen. It freedom has too long been carried In contrast to that of most pro- should point to deficiencies in re- on in irrelevant assertions by its fessional schools, the devotion of sources, staff competence, and supporters and its enemies. The liberal arts' faculties to the public student selection, activities of higher education do welfare is not under the intimate In this broader context of the atvie m o s hig r heucati and continuing observation of pro- institution's functioning, it should 3a e imcatioss' for thel fessional organizations and clients stand ready to evaluate for the and we can depend on it that the outside the university. While this public such charges as the one pic i a heer e is the situation of the liberal arts that "the college is infested with shall have such regulation, but he 'e 'disciplines generally, it seems truer radicals." Once such blanket shaw wll a e sruc reul , bof the humanities than the social charges are refuted, individual sciences, of mathematics and cases can be examined judiciously. Like the doctor, attorney, clergy- physics than of chemistry. Such Harvard's Board of Visitors pro- mas, and other valued specialists, considerations uggest criteria for vides a ready model for many of the professor must exerecise jud- ^priority of attention. these functions. mont on matters crucial for his society. Unlike some other pro- BUT IOW SHALL such assur- THE MEMBERSHIP of such a fessionals, the competence of - ance be organized? Surveil- board should be representative Anerican professors is not crti- lance by government is unaccept- of the politically active groups in ied through examoinalions pee- able, and fortunately so, in our the population. Its members must pared by agencies of the state or, free and heterogeneous society. be chosen in a fashion that dispells as in the case of the clergy, by the Boards of trustees, whether pub- the suspicion of their being tools of pecia1 publics served. .licly elected or not, are only par- the college. As Lazarsfeld shows, only 13 tially capable of affording assur- Since the large institutions per cent of the accredited colleges anes, They are, first, burdened which we regard as pivotal serve have as many as 45 per cent of with much detailed supervision of correspondingly large and hetero- their faculty members holding the the continuing operation of the in- geneous populations, they are in doctorate. In 40 per cent of the stitution and do not have suf- a favorable position to create accredited colleges, at least three- ficient time for sustained atten- Boards of Visitors that are free fourths of the teachers do not hold tion to the effectiveness with from narrow local interests. The the doctorate. which the college serves the pub- (concuded on Page 14) MORE than this, the professional 4e" . . consere, present and extend knowledge" - ethics of college teachers are not generally policed by public or position to collegiate institutions tegy for the employment of lmited semi-public bodies. will not be convinced by mere resources. "public relations" devices. It would seem that much would Unlike the practise in many What is required are arrange- be gained by showing special con- European countries, agencies of ments by which the several im- cern for the larger institutions, government in America do not portant and politically active pub- especially those which grant sub- participate eati esoshng candi- lics can assure themselves that the stantial numbers of doctoral de- dates for leading professorships. If colleges promote the long-term grees. These colleges et the rciessinathecote o fthbe cx- welfare of the whole public. Where standards which others follow. ercised in the context of the pub- should we begin? They train the next generation of hic's welfare, and if no semi-public college teachers. Their strategic or professional bodies are avail-BECAUSE all things cannot be importance is increased by Lazars- able to insure that welfare, in done at once, we need a stra- feld's finding that it is among terested publics will try to exercise -- -- controls through irregular means. .. . .. . .. .". . .. . .." This, I believe, is a major source I of the surveillance and harassment * Have your car CLEAN and SPOTLESS so thoroughly documented in La- 1 zarsfeld's study. for SPRING WEEKEND with this The nature of support for much higher education in America only : COUPON worth 25c exacerbates an already difficult C problem. 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