c o lle g e o f th e U n iv e r s ity o f L o n - ""dI m d t p rs i T s dE don. It moved Into temporary ljl quresEducation :emaetMany Problems enaen t i111eana11 utl h CU a ni equarters at Achimota, until the permanent site near Accra could be established. (Continued from Peceding Page) (Continued from Page 5) ; from a school before their course GHANA'S higher educational A law school is no in opera- The two French girls were intro- The inspection system, along of study is completed. A few years system might serve as a model tion, and plans are made for en- duced as Swiss and German, and with standardized student exami- ago, one report on Kenyan educa- example for the nations of Africa. gineering and medical schools. a man translated rapidly as a wo- nations in a colony, control of tion assumed as normal occurrence University College of the Gold By African standards, the Gold man spoke in high pitched tones. teacher training institutions have that 50 per cent of the pupils en- Coast was founded under the Brit- Coast is a rich country, but it is "What do you want to see us for brought some measure of educa- rolled in the first year dropped out ish plan in 1948 as an affiliated poor by European and American ... you are well-clothed .. you tion uniformity within a single in the first four years of school. standards. The decisions then to are not hungry. 'She went on and territory. Why the "wastage"? A 1953 e ! maintain standards at an English on for a very long time, and it was But in spite of these controls, British report gives some of the o onia I sm honor school level rather than at frightening for me to imagine peo- there remain differences between answers-.\r a "pass' school, to offer a wide pe who are living like that, some- the mission and state schools, "In the first place, many chil- range of university disciplines, to times eating grass to keep alive. especially on the lowest level. dren have considerable difficulty (Continued from Page 8) become a more expensive in-resi- The refugee problem is great in There is also a very noticeable in getting to school and many at this time that in ten years, for dence school and to maintain ex- Tunisia. Some aid is given by FLN divergence between the quality of quite young children have to travel example, he will have his inde- pensive research facilities was a (Fronte Liberation Nationale), education in the towns and coastal distances of up to ten miles pendence. He will be resentful and hard - and strenuously-debated- some by the government, and oth- areas of Africa and the thinly through country. . . . In some unhappy at the inevitable changes one er sources. I think all of us, es- populated "back' country. areas wild animals are by no means in such a time-table. Furthermore A pass school criterion would pecially the foreigners were very No uniform practice is main- a negligible factor and we heard there is serious question as to have meant students would have quiet for a long time after the tained in the organization of the of little stragglers from the main what is meant by independence been educated in a year's less refugee village could no longer kinds of schools among either the body of children who have been and as to who wants it. time and would have enabled it be seen. different regions or the British picked off by lions or leopards on- to produce more rapidly the large dfernt rBri tshped ofy ions r seo on The best interest of the Congo- supply of graduates badly needed M Y SUMMER ENDED in a town territories. their way home from school. lese might call for some sort o for Ghanian administrative jobs. near Tunis, with the children "Primary school" in the Belgian "When children get to a pri- partnership with the European However the Ghanians have ac- who were orphans. The ohers had Congo means a four year course mary school, they often find a rather than a status where he cepted the disadvantages of a gone home to stay with their par- divided after the first two years dark, damp and dilapidated build- has an independence of question- small number of expensively train- enis for a month. into an ordinary and a selective ing; for some of the primary able duration and strength. ed studenis. Here in Hamman-Lif, next to course. In French West Africa schools of Africa are housed in One Ghanian professor offered the house where the children lived, there is one type of primary school premises so bad that no one de- T HE POLITICAL future of the the 1829 dicta of the Yale faculty about ten men slept. They had lasting five years for both Africans fends them. Congo is anyone's guess. in support of the more stringent no work and lived there with blan- and Europeans. In Liberia, "pi- "Where the teaching is dull and The Belgian formula is for a approach 'for the university col- kets and a few other things. They mary school" means the first eight boring, this is obviously discour- years. agingto the Belgo-Congolese .Community or lege. sang at night, using an old can for brighter pupils an., partnership. Certainly this con- "-There are many things im- a drum. ineffective with the duller onespatesi.Crinyhsco-yhn MAJOR DIFFICULTY in Afri- lite asth reason har bnes cept, although still somewhat portant to be known, which are I do not know what the average AAlso listed as a reason has been nebulous, has logic and merit for not taught in colleges because they wages of workers is in Tunisia, but can education is the problem the need for children to herd cat- both African and European. may be learned anywhere." I remember visiting a woman who ofd"weBut what form it will eventual- It is this spirit of determination wove rugs. She and others like her rep oshatedthwevercl yd th a to gain a top-quality education were paid approximately forty report said, that the teacher could lytakeandhe rapitywihwhich, in spite of the obstacles, cents a day by the owners of the African Health bai duce fatge. pt h thwil come is the tres- may yet provide high quality edu- luxurious shop where they were alarm among many Belgian resi- ation to the people of Africa, sold. (Continued from Page 9) UNFORTUNATELY, one of the dents of the Congo that their gov- from the canals and drains and long list of problems facing ernment is going too fast. with a potable water, became an African schools is the shortage of Conversely there are discon- aspect of prime importance. Eco- teachers, both native and foreign tented Africans, sometimes en- nomics and sociology had signifi_- born, couraged from beyond the bor- cant roles to play. Agriculture An increasing number of Afri- ders of the Congo, who agitate for and irrigation could develop meth- cans before World War II went to still more concessions and at a ods and apply schedules which the metropolitan countries to take faster rate. Nationalism is not a would aid considerably in reduc- University degrees and professional rational force as much as it is an ing the number of snails' because training in law and medicine, emotional one, if properly applied their practices either through their own expense And the impatience for change may well serve to interfere with or by means of scholarships given is greater among peoples not en- the normal habitat conditions of by the British and French. joying all the fruits of life than the snails. Immediately after the War, the among those relatively well off. In brief, the development of policies of both continued the many regions where growth and same, but the British set up Uni- progress is measured in terms of versity colleges. The British built better usage of soils, for example, two in West Africa, one in East demands that all of the people Africa and one in Central Africa. lend the kind of team work that The British purpose in setting can be based only on an intelli- up these colleges was twofold: gent appreciation of the goals 1) to provide increased facilities set by an understanding group of where Africans could get degrees leaders in political, economic, and higher professional training. health, and other spheres. 2) to equip a number of students to fill administrative and profes- HAT THE countries of Africa sional posts in their own countries. are fully aware of the prob- Then 1951 saw the opening of lems of health and that they are the Institute of Advanced Studies especially cognizant of the diffi- at Dakar which grants diplomas in culties produced by the adverse liberal arts, science, medicine and Italan conditions involved in human law. lnit blazer blood fluke, is attested by the In 1951, a new university college wih white World Health Organization Con- was opened in Liberia. In 1954,rayALL- ference on Bilharziasis held in under the auspices of the Uni- JEWELERS Brazzaville, French Equatorial versity of Louvain, university silk skirt Africa, in 1956. courses were started at Kisantu, North U. - Ner Hill Auditor um Some 40 delegates representing in the Belgian Congo. ' $1795 all of the countries south of the Sahara attended this two-week conference. Many of the delegates gave special reports based on sur- veys and research conducted in their own countries. It was pos- EST'0GH USE sible to share information as well as to have a better appreciation U of the complexity of control in'UhQ/' r the different regions. JT IS IMPORTANT to appreci- presents ate that mosquito and snail control may be carried out simul- taneously. Also, the eradication of snails has an important bear- Wah fl fdr, ndS Vw ing on diseases of domestic ani- Wash fluff and A mals (cattle and sheep, for ex- the Sudan, liver fluke of do- Drop-off Service-Same Day mestic animals is a serious dis- ease. When Dr. J. Newsome of the English Group for Research in Bil- 4 - r H harzia recently visited with me he told how he had just made a very extensive trip through manyeof Same-day Dry Cleaning site for a laboratory for intensive studies of Bilharziasis. onReauest He said that in Africa many of his friends in various countries called attention to the healthy ap- SAVE 25% on Budget Plan- pearance of their cattle. He found on ladies' casual wear it difficult to remind them that if because of drought or any other and accessories reasons those animals suffered HOURS: 7:30 A -M. to 9 P.M. from malnutrition, the worm par- asites they were supporting would 510 EAST WILLIAMS 1212 SOUTH UNIVEaSIrY Campus Theatre Building quickly take over and the stock would become a total loss. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1959 Page Eleven