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January 17, 1959 - Image 13

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to the material under discussion. Monday-Wednesday-Friday class-
The-student is expected to do the room cycle is on the way out," said
g reading on his own. It is assumed Sarah Gibson Blanding, president
In iv idmo lle that he is taking the course be- of Vassar College. "Students don't
cause he is interested in it and need to spend nearly as much time
will work because he wants to in class as they do."
learn.Th edctrfoeatas-
FUB Prom otes Independent Thinking i s system does help to foster tem where students would not have
independent thinking and re- to meet a heavy schedule of classes
search. The student puts in many but would vyuscindmoe o on
Ry R BER KRO N hurson hs on i thelibarybut would put in more hours on
$y 11011E f VitdaN hours on his own in the library their own initiative outside of the
andlaboratory rather than in the classroom. In the situation today,
elasscoonsmhy.ad teecetoalsuets
ERE IS A LIST of thirty books the university. They work for a major. He must show that he rcn He has more time to conce theyo said, te held exceptionalcstudents
for the course." degree which is similar to our work out an independent and sci- trate on a subject that is his the oen a.
It was my first day of classes at master's degree; there is no under- entifically based decision on some major interest. Fewer formal the slower ones.
the Free University of Berlin, Prof. graduate programs as such. problem and clearly develop it. course n classes, more time or The American and German sys-
von der Gablentz had just passed In the written exam, the student self-starter projects, greater free- tems of education have both prov-
out a list of books for his lectures J' HE FREE UNIVERSITY of Ber- mut demonstrate tht he is o in the selection of en themselves. Neither could ade-
on democeracy and freedom tin, like other German uni- acquainted with the methods and interests-these all give the above- quately replace the other. Each
through the centuries. versities, is organized by faculties, techniques ow his major In the average student a better upper- xas designed and changed to meet
The list, actually only for refer- each providing instruction in a oral examinations the student tunity to move ahead at full speed. the dende of lb society in
ence and research, was my first field of learning such as law, must show that he has sufficient which it exists. Neither would we
introduction to the German system medicine, philosophy liberal arts), knowledge in his major and minors jT IS INTERESTING to note have to adept the Soviet system
of education-a system that holds and natural science, much like the; and that he can clearly think trends in our country. of education in thisera of Sput-
many surprises for the American University of Michigan is divided through problems dealing with the At the end of last year a dis- niks and moon rockets. We should,
student. into colleges and schools, subjects he has studied. tmguished group of educators and however, be acquainted with the
It is hntercatinag to note lihe dif- At glee Free University the stu- sbetheaslaymen meeting in a unique semi- other -systems and incorporate
ferences in educational concepts dent assumes almost total re- HE STUDENT may or may not nar forecast more freedom from their good features in our system,
at the Free University of Berlin sponsibility for his academic pro- regularly attend tha lecture the classroom for the college stu- when they fit in and when they
and the University of Michigan. gram. It is as if the administra- iraesulryhteh hes leduedent of the future. "The strict will also be advantageous to us.
Part of the difference results tion says to the student, "There courses for which he is enrolled.n--
Beiayalso enroll in a lecture
from German students having dif- are the classrooms, the library, course not in his specific field in
ferent secondary school back- and the professors. You are an order to enlarge his general learn-
grounds. adult; you came here to study; go ing, but he will not take an exami-
For their high school education, to itt nation in this course. Sometimes'
pupils who plan to study at a The general method of eearue- the lecture rooms are overcrowdedSOUT OFCT Ii WOL D
university must attend a Gymna- Lion is the lecture. There are and students will have to stand in
sium where they obtain general seminars for advanced students. the back of te room.
background knowledge. Their last The student works at his own pace Tait was the case with oe le- U of hairstying
two years are almost the equivalent and registers for the examinations t wasotcasejiurnl
of the first two years of college in when he feels prepared. Cure oic political journalism thwe
America. If they pass the final first secester I we, there. It was
high school examination, the "Abi- THE UNIVERSITY offers a large decided the second semester to
tur," they are eligible to study at number of scholarships and move the class into the Auditorium
any German university, The "Abi- the recipients must all pass dili- Maximum, the largest auditorium
turent" is about a year and a half genretexams at the end of each of the University- 715 North University
older than the American high semester. S.inace there was more rooma, ----
school graduate. Students in the sciences and re- many more students came to hear
Since the students have had the lated fields also take tests during the lecture, so that even Audi Max;
basic courses in high school, they the year. After two years of study was overfilled. I would say that9
can specialize when they start at many students take a long test most of those students did not
called the "Vorpruefung." major in political journalism
Robert Krohn returned to At the end of four years student.snrlyn s
must pass a final exam in order TIIERE ARE generally no as
the University this fall after get their degree. In Liberal Arts, signed textbooks.
spending last year studying at for example, the test is both writ- During the lecture, however, ref-
FUB. ten and oral. The first part con- erences are made to the books on FOOTW EAR
sists of a thesis in the student's the list when they pertain directly

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