Phoenix Project Harnesses the Atom (Continued from Page 3) r i dies utilizing tracer doses of ra- dioiodine indicate that prompt ive in the area, has helped these dagnosis and adequate treatment nations develop combined educa- 'aith thyroid pills will prevent ir- tional and research program. reversible mental and physical re- Prof. William Kerr of the engi Itardation. neering school and supervisor of the ICA project described the Uni-IN A COMPLETELY different versity as being in a particular- I area of research, the Univer- ly good position to help these na- sity has emerged as a clearing tions because the Phoenix Project house for national and interna- started "from scratch" and the in- '(tiona1 legal problems involving dividuals connected with it can ef-lt nuclear energy and engineering. fectively help nations that are -And in still another direction doing the same. '- ~work continues on the bubble The research areas attracting chamber which is providing a bet- other nations varies just as it does c ter understanding of high energy at the University. Some 146 re- nuclear particles. search projects have already been The riginail bubble chamber supported by the Phoenix project, -research began at the University and use of the reactor is also with a $1,500 Phoenix Project made available for industrial re- giant and resulted in a major search. During the past year, 68 breakthrough" in man's efforts to projects were under way, rang- learn more about the composition ing from so-called pure research of matter. Research in the field to the radiation control of food- now reaches the multi-million borne parasitic diseases, dollar level and is being support- ed at a number of universities R A D I 0 A C T I V E tracers and RESEARCH - Technician (left) inserts a meteorite fragment into the pneumatic "rabbitt" system with federal government funds. short-lived radioisotopes which which enables activation of elements that cannot be detected by conventional methods, while re- But among the unique accom- can be produced in the reactor searcher (right) prepares an experimental reactorbeam-port plug for a study of intensive radiation's plishments of the Phoenix Project and utilized in a matter of a few effects in cracking hydrocarbons. has been its ability to pioneer re- seconds, make possible the study search in a wide variety of areas, of many fundamental biological radiation. Phoenix-sponsored re- progress in the fight against can- cer, adding to the understanding and aid research abroad on the phenomena, an understanding of search proved the feasibility of of cell structure and the metab- tionalized cretins with I.Q.'s of impetus provided by private, not which is imperative for advances the method, which permits hand- olism of cancer tissue. less than sixty who had been born governmental funds. in medicine, ling in a sealed glass tube, over- Mental problems are also be- either with an underactive thyroid Over 30,000 University students, Immediate practical uses can be coming some of the difficulties of ing attacked through the facili- or none at all. Comparisons with alumni and friends and 350 com- seen at the University Hospital, using bone preserved by cold stor- ties of the Phoenix Project. A stu- individuals whose I.Q.'s were al- panies contributed more than $7,- where the bone bank now con- age, dy, the first recorded in medical most normal in spite of thyroid 500,000 to the fund. tains bone sterilized by gamma Four investigations have led to literature, was made of institu- underactivity since birth and stu- (concluded on Page 12) II 7 with YOU in mind Dance Classes Exclusively Reserved For University Students SPECAL OFFER -. for 100 People 5 PRIVATE HOURS 5 CLASS HOURS ) PARTY HOURS TOTAL! 15 HOURS REGISTER NOW! Deadline Saturday, Sept. 27th Studio Open 10 A.M.-10 P.M. All Arthur Murray Students Are Invited to Attend Parties Watch for our Weekly T.V. Show . . . Channel 4-Detroit 11THUR U RAiveiTyUO3 1311 South University NO 2-5539 I I/- A K I f"N A I I V KA A t- A 7 It NFc THEiLMICIGAilAfN LDAILY IAPZ-1FX-Ii Page Four