M o ti a tio Thyou may need different measuring The project was designed to an- scales for men and women," he ser these questions: 1) What When an achievement motiva chological) are operative in the tion test is given to women they selection of marriage partners? Ten-Year Research Project in Psychology Based tend to make higher scores. Social 2) What variables of the man and On Atkinson's New Conception of Motives as Urges - approval seems to be seen as an woman individually, and what o Uarea for achievement for women patterns of variables of the pair but not for men, he commented. are predictive of marriage out- fy Robert Junker Also under the heading of "gen- comes? 3) What personality eral psychology" may be listed changes in husbands and wives ROF. JOHN W. Atkinson of the writes a story to fit a picture he subject is asked to recall as many the work in learning theory which occur during marriage? psychology department is con- is shown; and a test where he of the tasks, both completed and Prof. James McConnell is pre- tinuing work on human motivation checks his preferences in a list incompleted, as he can. sently doing. AT THE START of the project, which started about 10 years ago of activities. The psychologist then looks at 300 couples were assessed with as one segment of the University's This study also analyzes the findings, especially at the re- PROF. McCONNELL is experi- a wide variety of techniques which psychology research program. "doodles" made by the subject, lationship of completed to incom- menting with planaria, a small yielded several hundred pre-mar- Prof. Atkinson's work, grouped and in another technique tests his pleted tasks which the subject re- worm which possesses a bilateral, riage variables. under studies in general psycholo- memory for interrupted tasks. called. "The individual who re- synaptic nervous system. These During the first five years of gy, is being undertaken with a ' Smith explained how this last members many incompleted tasks worms have the ability to learn at marriage, follow-up reports were grant from the Ford Foundation. technique is used to measure mo- would seem to be a person who has a very simple level, and Prof. Mc- obtained annually for most sub- Charles P. Smith of the same de- tives. The idea for this test came a motive to do a good job, the Connell is attempting to determine jects and in 1954-55 a definitive partment, assistant to Prof. Atkin- from the phenomenon known as achievement motive," Smith ex- where in the worm's nervous follow-up was completed. son on this project for the past the Zeigarnick effect. In European plained. system the learning process takes In the final follow-up which two years, explained the research restaurants, waiters handle several This, and other, areas of research place. Prof. Kelly is using as data for is based on Prof. Atkinson's theory tables and keep customer's checks will be described in a forthcoming When planaria are surgically his study, categorical outcomes of that "motives are urges to obtain in their memory; they do not keep book, Motives in Fantasy, Action divided into two or more complete each couple ebroken engagement, certain kinds of goals or satisfac- a written record of the cost of the and Society," edited by Prof. At- sections, they have the capacity to still married, death, divorce, etc.) tions." meal- kinson. regenerate into two or more com- and fertility were determined for Thus a hunger motive, he said, When, after a meal, a customer plete organisms, all 300 couples. would be a desire for the satisfac- aiteran tell him but if yweeANY RESEARCH in behavior, The general plan which Prof. In addition a large portion of in testd inths rimetge to approach this waiter after the Smith continued, leads to the McConnell plans to follow involves the original subjects were re-as- the achievement motive-a striv- customer has paid and ask how question of how motives originate. testing these regenerated organ- sessed with the original techniques hhthat man's meal had cost, To answer the question, "Do thei isms for retention of learning used and provided detailed reports ing for excellence of performancemuch given the original panaria before of their marriages the affiliation motive-the indi- the waiter probably wouldn't re- values of parents influence the surgical sectioning nf vidual's desire to maintain and es- member, Smith related. their children" Prof. Kelly and his research as- tablish relationships, and the fear, This gave researchers the idea sistants are presently engaged in sex. aggression and power mo- that as long as remembering the the researchers used groups of IN THE FIELD of personality and analyzing this collection of data, ives, cost of the meal was important to parents and tested both parents clinical psychology, Prof. E. and, because of the large number the waiter, that is in enabling him and children to determine the in- Lowell Kelly, acting chairman of of variables and the complexity of SMITH REMARKED that meth- to do a good job, he remembered fluence on the offspring, the psychology department, is the relationships involved, except .ds of measuring these motives it; when, however, this incentive The earlier the mother requires directing a project which began that the analysis will require sev- are o ding ms g thasemtyingswas removed by the man paying the child to be self-reliant, to about 20 years ago. eal years to complete. are being tested.way of easuring the check, the waiter discarded choose his own friends or find his motives, and when we are fairly this information. The waiter own way around town, and the certain of a measuring technique thought this information import- extent to which she rewards him j we use it to attempt to relate mo- ant until he had reached his goal, for this, for example with affec- '4r 4*d) utH tives to behavior. We are also at- namely getting paid, and then he tion, the better the chance thatD i temptingto peteopne,'hemo-no longer needed it, Smith ex- the child will develop a strong mo- tives develop in p one,'heco- plained. tive to achieve, Smith commented. M A G A Z INE tinuedT ISAEmmrdeieiWHNACIDwohsbn Some of the motive measuring HIS SAME memory device is WHEl A CHILD who has been Vol. V, No. 1 Monday, September 15, 1958 techniques being used in this ex- now used in the University psy- self - reliant to some degree periment are the story completion chology laboratories to measure since early childhood grows older, test, in which the subject is asked motives. In the lab, subjects are he will tend to want to work hard to complete a partially related given several simple tasks to per- at things. This is viewed as an en- tale; a test where the subject form in a half-hour period, for ex- during personality characteristic, ample, building blocks. Smith said. Several times during this period Just how parents train their Motivation Theory Being Studied Robert Junker is a member the subject will be interrupted cide oadsl-einei yRbr ukrPg w of TeD lydtra sa- before he completes one of the being studied in a national survey, ofThe Daily ediforial staff. teohe bjctowilee nerruthed hlrntwr self-reliance is By Robert Junker Page Two taks. At the end of the period the and a similar study will be made Pursuing Peaceful Atoms in Lebanon by Prof. E. Terry Pro- By Michael Kraft __ .Page Three thro, visiting professor in psychol- Tr FOLLETT'S First ogy at the university. Brusel-More Than Propaganda "At present there is some By John Weicher - Page Five USED BOOK Seidence from questionnaires Birth of a Cement Patio indicate that Jewish and Prtes- tant parents make earhier inde- BeTmaHydnPgtih at BARGAIpN PRICES endence demands on their chil- Profanity Re-examined dren than do Catholic parents By Dale McGhee Page Ten New Books If You Prefer Smith added. "There are unexpected differ- MAGAZINE EDITOR-David Tarr ences between men and women in PICTURE CREDITS-Cover: University News Service; Page Three: Uni- the results obtained in our attempt versity News Service; Page Four: University News Servic; Page Five: .. ae to measure the strength of th Brussels Universal International Exposition; Page Six and Seven: STATE STREET at NORTH UNIVERSITY achievement motive in individ- Brussels Universal International Exposition and United States State usl," Smith continued. "In fact Department; Page Eight: Daily-Robert Kanner; Page Nine: United ---- --------------______________ _ - riStates State Department; Page Ten: Daily-Genny Leland; Page Twelve: University News Service. COVER-A twenty foot deep pool of water shields the technicianss ook- ing at the uranium fuel rods at the bottom of the Phoenix Project's Auihorzed Dealer for: Nuclear Reactor. It is approved by the Atomic Energy Commission to operate at a million watt power. BOZAK AR-1 ELECTRO-VOICE REK-O-KUT FISHER SCOTTUSD McINTOSH SHERWOOD F RCEHLD T TBOOKS FAIRHL PICKERING LANSING DYNAKITS ULRICH'S has The Largest Stock In Michigan EICO ARKAY - -- - - GRAY MARANTZ IF YOU WRITE-WE HAVE IT GARRARD ELECTRO-SONSICuT VIKING WHARFEDALE Student Supplies TYPEWRITERS Fountain Pens oil makes CONNOISSEURipper Note Books Sold BELL Stationery - Rented and ohersFountain Pen Repaired Repairs by a Bought factory-trained Repair Work "For Your Hi-Fi It's Audio Supply" man a specialty Dealer for A. B. 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