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May 25, 1958 - Image 10

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Page Ten


t l- l I -% r- , rr-n

I- Sunday, May 25, 195$


Unity Among Services Key to Defense

iContinued from Page a? shore in three different oceans, the which are deployed over a large
AN OFFICIAL Naval Institute pamphlet declares. area and are surrounded by many
publication declares that the The relative invulnerability of miles of water," he explained.
1500-mile range of the Fleet Bal- ships, as compared with mere per- "Without some form of terminal
listic missile will bring virtually manent land installations, was guidance in the vicinity of the
every spot on earth within range noted by Captain Mothersill. "The ship, it is nearly impossible to drop
of naval attack. Targets in the faster missiles go, the harder they a missile on a ship," Captain
very heart of Soviet Russia could are to control, and, in any event, Mothersill continued.
be d, troyed by ships lying far off- it is e.tremely difficult to hit ships, When asked how our submarine
-fdeet compares with the Russi.an's.
the Captain explained that "the
United States is not interested in
having as many submarinesas the
,F ! Sovieta. The Rusians now have
ut L"d1 475 subs and are outbuilding us'
by a six-to-one ration," he esti-
A r Y mated.
W HAT we have dseloped sr
N upAisubsY i ' subossi
NATIONALLY e submarines. and hunter-kilt
ADVERTISED iups consisting of a team of
Ihiiiopters and or fi:xed- s air-
IVY LEAGUE ci ftc'tand crussras The ai u.'t
y f cek out tf r n t r'siin
VWASH-TROUSER S 'nd din it Ilse inet ts te spot
SThe captin of the uer hs s
Iithis iseuked Itism dii sitsy in
drhi' guidance, Capti'sii
.mnd up Mull ci iil said,
ate iciced the 't it e d e
ASSORTED COLORS iuch too epensie In :intnin
/' .smiitnt fleet tie sue 01 the
pile currnt rport f inter-
A ' c'1i z 'riXare be a' i li three
bianches of the it'l, thune is
122 East Washington eiden e of a coopet en lu tis
SA .!BENJA.MINt '27 Lt Cwneclosti tlihin ever befre.;
A'Striemeits by the thie effcers.
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'til." S U-~Tie 'rtiss do'" denicts the Navy's fleet
'tt~in oistle sit tine. Aulhc'ed tis year, it 'Fi leh
lie arii 'a ml ed e rem se lie in ma
i t at the in ".will The Jupiter, hich is a lon-
v ccnit us s si es s mnse tsile develoned by te
in lic of isi: ch Art n is under operational control
'sil ataii its i i '' c' eof the Air Force.
fien its'o fete sit ata:e
si. mit ii X FURT'ER 'vden ceof co-op-
'Tl' Fore fhicf of tiff. eition betwn itse Air Force.
Tsotisas . White. Iis pointed out' Army and Nary is the continental
"thaln aipossci cip sililies do not defense system. A larse number of
ins<lir'u Icft"h rc'quiriment for land key cities and strategic installa--
a d )cwciir - airpower comple- tions are guarded by batteries of
ment5 these forces. Each has an' anti-aircraft guns and/or missiles.
assivcitd tiissionm ntd the talent Tihese sites are composed, in the'
aee etuipmntt neces.ary to carry main, by batteries of the Army's
ou this mission." short-range missile, Nike.
The warning portion of the de-'
C OLONEL Belsma's statement of fense system, consisting of the
the Air Force's conception of spotting and identification of the,
the missile as an unmanned bomb- enemy aircraft, is the joint ce-
er t ppears, at first. to be acon- sponsibility of the three services,
tradiction of the Army's position with the Navy covering the exten-.
that missiles are the modern-day sions of the system over the
artillery. However, the actuality, oceans.
the services are not in conflict. Air Force interceptors are sent
Each will have different types of up immediately upon observance
rockets. of enemy or unidentifiable craft.
Short-range missiles, which will When the aircraft come within
primarily be used by the Army as range of the missile sites, the Nike
artillery pieces to furnish ground is launched.
support for troops, will replace the The entire anti-aircraft com-
aircraft which formerly supplied mand in the United States it under
this close-in support. an Army three-star general. How-.
"The Air Force formerly fur- ever, Continental Air Defense
nished this support but the Army Command (CADC) is under the
will soon be capable of doing this jurisdiction of an Air Force four-.
for itself," Colonel Belasia said. star general, who reports directly
"The longer-range misiles will to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
continue to be under the Air Nelson A. Rockefeller reported'
Force," he added. "Our mission of in a TV address that there are
strikin deep behind enemy lines 'eight similar co-operative projects
is facilitated by long-range mis- now in operation in our world-'
sies," he said. wide military establishments.



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