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May 25, 1958 - Image 6

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Page Six


Si mr riv KAr v 71" 3 QIiR

Colleetion of Letters, Essays
Relates Their Frindlju
Wels a n(Ia e: Pheadti l



HENRY JAMES AND 11 . Ilttero and essasys reltihng to the
WELL S: A Record of their debaite. edited them, and per-
Frien hip, t thierPEb.hate en the et ':footed tie soirk silthan irodluc-
art io Fieftor, aI~tb-r Q r Ion tht1lisi te etail n
E tc3Ed ith a nrdcli in by aom ?)Iaises teJ _ri,-N oils can-
[eta .d.id Goro n tiesoxet y a lolsout izin-'o deeide
2 ptp. U .Univ-ersityoheiher ano1n01e wSri--hI
11t .Fe: JO.There aie 64 lettot,-moot of
B:Fi ON i sinmsoritt' n ho J^sin'_1 Is:orecro-t
a - f ft:i''Ct 't 1's0oo seralcore, oon
IN 1 i8, ii roetanff noeecmephis ta--astd six es-
Loso etd1i ifsbs as in tiseolleetion, and to-
nosek s yi oeme-He:: ethGie they tetl how iso i2en
James a t 5 50 poldate: 'arened the cdtfhnition of the novel
ls ar.1 i-i oforrttnors:and oise"test his tCTenre:
hairihsohitenreositTire ecitot: 6( "reel an unport ant
ida n mret0tobe. h ysee: l )1Sit e ltioiso in Vtils,
Ontotite c h tod failed to va:tosse tosseicilo;satuos oas more
aeh'sled-eJanes, soned lte: us earisn fni in Fi land at the tin
}'y r 1itriu ieo-ie aind1 iris of the oeluio ,aind tiey se no its
ciie-te 00 ,,1-at and is expin Wells\' ct liiins tirrih-
wherrt fir niret oi isd oiltlthe peirisddth ufuit esay
tn i7-rsidbiiyOX WelSh l\ iisthtirhonult 1u cird to
O ise rose otls'es ho tse ftiendship.s
noel2 rses n tll y r nd 5 is etao h trooesto dscus at NWtite ris friendosiisNes
~ s' f rdti s ishim soaten-'lit soti it esi'it rothe lear.-faa eaeh of iris often-pubisheid
it GVtttun3 nauthirin t= li s Otiss ritohitsisp sfeJun oia n
stise'reir fr ands srd omato-toreato e ret "Debrote ott)lire critile, is hntere-stin,' to falowo
Ire ,r\e soe oto is th te :ttrt ofI r.etoii' ~it rremr.:;.ii e uhe disctission of the tosscilithat
touhit ut rotso tirtine ttlis s ir ri tos e unesovedtoiay. ensues remisthe itorie ertieirt'
teae oito isirliel i result of the eeae
F-or sotoreiSTneassthe tsos J FON IF-EL atndiGordion N. NR',~ lAMES was sisosYs; vi'oros i
wrt- -csi'ei si rsndeisee its °t-y Janv:,s antiH. .;'-his enjoymnot of Welits troveis.i
tra~tiirto us srlro t !'.>ills -."tosse i-otolit tiser ier le EH)is telers s1toss 'I1 Iap .istee ift
At this time the management of
1a~ wishes to extend

Foerswrie Jartoes could in a so-o
> setrec ate whta Wells srote, and
-- 7 iie he couid perhips cotrre-
seetdno-y -he erorts in his
oc:erlierom of NWoils'tovssohie ours
" otcess adctedt sto ad
Pte,:ctged io a quit. difrtlcon-
ki ctothelstniovel.
"THIS CONCE PT, as James clear-
" l so'as i its leteres is otse
in ithichonrelat(tic onn
of innsid men's life is lie cats-
o t it ectneern. Foat m res, t.oe tosoe
had to oh-oib lslt of lite arndo-
ot peciatae itriile utdrstoanditng
atdri iodelin'- tie sutli'-ies and
tnruaces, the is o s aind toirntihaot
1 aete to heerundis it alltrat mn
Y did.
Yet Jams was trot ecocened. as
it l°poits outsowita rorstersi-
ostata ihappentins.s lchtaraeters
did cr01 iold sesoioints hut its-
11t G. WEFtLS Istead tInteduitailttton Is atb.
sothitig allt tie; co'ri.d frons lie
fot wisaltWeiis couild do as Wlas lit5tlealmsost insignfintfse atriters
lcrtics of wstirihie cddtrot.do.'tesutiing frond-o-dact-- ela-
"I hasva ctad ayott," Jamses a-role tios. A complaeteness in tire study
Wels, "wits atn itensified sensoe of character toss inteecat to the
of tihatltife otnd foree of temotera- nsoel that James Natoled to see.
mset,tht ulnttess of etidoswmet Whsat James ddntolcritecize in
aind easy inmpitdetnce of getnius, his ltters Is Wels-and, ontheis
vtrlcts nake-s you so extr-iordiniary ,- ir nrh of kinowsitngtwhat James
and wichet have tone climednsa ' tisought of the tnovel, this nmist
utrol 'ited admtiratiois . .." Irate been a good deal - a-as
Blutaltte same tine, James brougt out intshieit vsihs atid,
read Wells aith a complete abdi- unfortuna tely, unsrecorded.
cations of allitthose iprinciples of
criticisms' .."aith which iie per- F OR WELLS, ho-eve, the novel,
sued i-he more seriotutswritinsgs o by its very isature, a-as not to
tire lime and a-high he set f or isis be so clearly defined. The Etnglisih-
ownnsIandards. See Page 1
108 East Washington -- Open Monday Nights Till 8:30

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thank you !
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3 dily i1.95 Mostly strops and ihe msost of fashion in the
sakigcolors rompant this spring.
Eseiting in (Insert colors). Also black potent.

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