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May 04, 1958 - Image 2

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Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, May 4, 1958
INTERPRETER-He must interpret the parts of the blot plus the over-all view He gets four min-
utes in which to interpret. Sometimes it takes at least three fourths of the time to think up an inter-
pretation. Blots sometimes resemble only blots.
Different Approach
To Self-Analysis
BOOKLET HELPS-A animal interpretation of this blot might
Y P s h o T dpoint out an individual, according to the booklet accompanying
-r TOrthe game, who is immature.
Reflected in Parlor-T gypey Gai e terpreter has something to hide- to turn the trick if we are foolish
and who would not be suspicious of enough to be taken in by the
that person? And if a person saw current craze of motivational re-
By THOMAS BLUES average mentality who cannot rise likes, dislikes-all important to nothing but a blot in a blot, this search, and personality testing.
above the common place thought the team concept, would clearly indicate that, as Used in a limited respect, these
HE LATEST IN parlor-type levc " the booklet tells us, he "probably methods of looking at human na-
games, Person-Analysis, should leve"HIS NEW GAME certainly has has an unusual lack of ideas and ture might be valuable, but when
not be any thireat to the die hard These helpful hints continue in iTs ngs agmation." Horrors emphasized to impossible extremes,
Monopoly and Casnasta anls. Based abundaince and remind one of the is place in the evolving social imaiain orrlepaie oipsil xrms
concept of togethernesscoopera- to a point where people become in- 1.
sn psycholoical ink blot tests, th penny scales which tell fortune ion, and suburbia-the idea being ALTHOUGH THE GAME prob- terested as an everyday matter in
object is to guss who interpreted with your weight. Tue bookle t onrnd s u te ided ably is not especially danger- looking into themselves and into
a given ink blot. Of course, there draws the line on sex, netionPg that controversyist be avoided ous, simply because no person is others the thought of the resslts
are secral fringe gimmicks that that sexual interpretations will sois er ve going to reveal himself even to
mae ta ise Tereae woiipalybegve y eol ntassociates aid their moiv es evalv_1 i-son orvelhmefevnt ussnbearable.
make it a ga . There are two prbabl be given by peope n d, oterise susicios may be his best friends in such a situa- Psycho-Analysis, while not the
tramns, e, eh atte mpling to out- easily embasissed anid may be a ed tion, it is a danger signal of the bugaboo of our society, may in-
internet the other, a point scor- giveninoe feequcitly by ien than inroads that psychology is making dicate the trend and point directly
inc sysnsm, slightly less compli- by women," an amazing bit of in- If carried to extremes the idea on our lives. Certainly, psychology at the dancer of mis-used and
cated than pinochle, a pad on sight into human nature, of having to know everything has its place in society just as overemphasized psychology in our
which to jot down interpretations, about everybody, snelvdig your- physics and medicine have their daily lives.
aid a booklet xplaiinin' wst eer- SHE PLAYER who is forewarned self, nobody would do anything. places. But one wonders how far
tam iterpretations might indi- is forearmed in this game. By We would all be too busy evaluat- this relatively new and unproven
cise aboseut the interpreter. reading the booklet before the isi our motives, deidiig if they science can go. Like nuclear test- YEJ LEN:
If taken lightly, the game iss game he can later reveal a stalwart are valid or wielher thy vosd ing, too much may be dangerous. *
mildly :!musing for a short time. personality. A 'shape and color rouse suspicion when compared to If used to treat the mentally di-
One team is shown an ink blot. interpretation" might indicate a the norm turbed it can be a valuable aid to
Each member of that team puts person with good emotional con- ship has ever been able to suppress humanity. But when used to re-
his 're at she tssp of his "in- trol and reasoning. 'A' person who for a b g pesiod of hose, veal the minds and motives of
terpretation sheet," and has four would seldom offend others and is The easy way out for the mdi- psychologically healthy persons, it
inites in glich to ite out an often helpful and civic-minded." vidual who wants to keep his mind is rather disgusting. Freedom of
interpretation of the blo, When Or, a three dimensional interpre- and motives private apparently is thought is extremely precious and
time is c'l ed by the "master ase- tation might point out a person to cheat while playing the game. is one freedom that no dictator-
ist" thc icnterpresing seam's cap- wt h "a goo isih ineto hlimself But this wouldl not do becasise, of E OILPESRat
lain mixes upc the sheet, plsls one and the fimer iitellectual caua- curse, heatinig on an ink blot, ifYE SOCIAL PRESSURE, a tre-
at'random uand reas it to te cities with some special talent or caught, only reveals that the in- mendous force, might be able
members of the guessing team. gift." THE PASSIONATE SHEP-
On the surface this game seems HERD. By Samuel Yellen.
IT IS THEIR JOB to c'etermine, harmless enough - if played by Knopf. New York. 245 pp,,
on the basis of the interpreta- children. In the hands of adults, ]$3.50.
tions who interpreted. (Before be- howevever, it may be slightly onB
ginning each player recites a brief the dangerous side. The vision ofAN By DONALD A. YATES
personal history). Points are amateurs fooling around with psy- I M A GA Z IN L AMUEL YELLEN has, for many
scored or subtracted for correct chology is rather chilling. Vo. IVNo 7 Sunday May 41958 years, contributed to the pages
or incorrect guesses following - Although the danger is not as V, of the "small magazines," scholar-
cwhich the teams switch positions, apparent as it would be if there _y on t nev"s ies," schl-
sometbisi on the order of base- were do-it-yourself atomic fall- cations for the most part.e puhas
ball. It can o on for hours, de- out kits, it does exist. It lies in thei developed a certain facility for
pending on the durability of the basis of togetherness, personality Jstory-telling and has a sense of
amnateur analysts. tests, and the team concept-the whsto stiu ds a sensewof
Tedirection hoeoIlet cleems ideawhat evoi netknwal Ofo sonosstitutes a stor-which E
Theidea that everyone must know all Different Approach to Self-Analysis removes his work from the scope
that the game is "a revealing psy- about how the other guy, and our- By Thomas Blues.Pg Two of the popular and slick mass-
chological game for adults based selves, operate, There is iso pri- ,'T h mas Bles PgehrwoRof rte p arands
on the latest psycho - scientific vacy in this concept, not even BD Y The Passionn e Shepherds"--A Rview hirculated magazines.e
techniques." the mind sBsneYaes__ectPge Two n Tme Passionat e Shepherd he
"You will see," it continues, A New Capital From the Ground Up bhes selected a representative group
how your mind operates, what oth- "NE CAN IMAGINE a group of By Ashok Sibal _ - Page Three of sis tales. Lovers of a good story
ers thiek about you, seeps them close friends after playing Nuclear War and the Future this point. The truth is that the
selves and how their minds oser- Person - Analysis. Comments and By Lone Vanderslice ---.Page Four bs pos T tch ispp atnte
ate. though might be, 'I always had a Students Visit Detroit
The booklet helps the players in- lot of respect for Bill, but when By Thomas Turner -__ __ Page Five ; r'5BTB RVIEWER was unfortu-
tr-ttrH-r-REE-Ei dR read the

terpret the interpretations by in- he interpreted that blot to be a brsRpesadBertenntenogtoeathttl
deeding s list of what certsn in young girl being crushed by a y d. Pge Six st
terpretations might mean about steam-roller-well I don't know." BEhardtppmanPstoryfirst.t is an excellent story
the interpreter and which 'can Or, Jack is a nice guy, but-that New Philosophy for War Films about a colege professor who
give you some insight into the interpretation of a beir rug clear- By Vernon Nalhrgang - -- -- sae Seven realizes one day he has lost the
workings of human nature y" l indicates a reflection on his Faith and Communism essence of his real being, that be
sensuslfeelings." Accordisng to By Michael Kraft Page Eight j no longer possesses the quality
'HOSE WHO GIVE animal in- the booklet a texture interpreta- Attat iderelifs him to his friends
terpretations (most frequently Lion might "be given by an mdi- MAGAZINE EDITOR-Carol P' insas aIhumnbeing.
made, according to the booklet) vidual with strong sensual feel- PICTURE CREDITS-Cover: Upper left-Kirk Douglas in "Poths of But, unhappily, The Passionate
may be "nervous, quibk, active, ings." Glory," photo courtesy Bryna Productions, Inc.; Upper righ - Slepherrd is the best piece in the
leeightesosnqi rkhaveatveMarlon Brando in "The Young Lions," photo courtesy Twentieth collection and no other story chal-
bright, and might hlave a tried- It mcuhelpounmashil Century-Fox Studios; Lower- Photo courtesy AChok Sibal; Page lenges it. The balance of the pieces
eny to enelieneel i oateisy. name rold help in nany social Three: Photos and Map courtesy Ashok Sibal; Page Four: Asso- are facilely handled exercises
"General isnterucetatiocs," sich and business situations. Consider ciated Press; Page Four and Five: Daily photos by Bruce Pailey' aclkel handekd r e
as ge rahy. datdscape, vge- iinviting the new neighbors for a Page Six: Cartoon courtesy Colloquium, magazine of the Free Glass Jaw, develop a nice emotion
table, 'might mdiste e pecrson of little game and then evaluating University of Berlin; Page Seven: Upper left- Parley Baer, Dora
their potential value to the group. Doll, Lilione Montevecchi and Marion Brando in "The Young without ever seeming to get it in
Thomas Blues, Daily ass.- In doing so, controversy might be Lions," photo couresy Twesieth Century-toxStud o; Upper a ipoer frame.
elate personnel icor ,upn avre.O themlormit right-Alec Guinness, Sessue Hayakawa and Geoftrey Homne en Sn the presence of this collec-
l rson neourslooireg, ipnk aveits newt employcver m r "The Bridge on the River Kwai," photo courtesy Columbia Pic- tion, one is impressed by the ap-
long hours lacking at ink have his newest employee over for ures Corp.; Lower-Scene from "Paths of Glory," photo courtesy parent difficulty of writing a really
blots in preparation of this a few hours of blot interpreting. A Bryna Productions, Inc.; Page Eight: Upper right-Daily photo by !satisfactory "small magazine'
article, review of the new man's mterpre- Fred Merrill; Lower left-Photo courtesy Ashok Sibal. short story.
tations might reveal his ambitions,

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