Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Wednesday, January 15, 1958 Pqge Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Wednesday, January 15, 1958 A 4 Maine & The Artist ITS LAND AND PEOPLE PROVIDE ENDLESS SUBJECTS I 117MICHAEL KRAFT changing panorama of the sea. pattern of tides rising and ebbing, Daily Staff Writer The Atlantic reveals to its on- waves breaking into surf, and the RIVING rain accompanied the lookers a continual flow of change endless wearing away of the coast dusk sweeping in across Maine which represents, if not progress, changes only in degrees of inten- from the Atlantic. The town of a ceaseless cycle of rise and fall, sity. The height of the waves may Boothbay Harbor closed its door fury and quiet that has long at- vary: the shape remains basically to the darkening wet skies but tracted artists, writers and pho- the same. along a road near the edge of the tographers. And in many ways, Maine's at- old seaport, one door remained To be sure, Maine is dotted with traction stems from its similarity ajar. glistening inland lakes, potato to this aspect of the sea. Even An apple tree was painted on it. farms and forests, but the artists where the Atlantic's force is di- tend to look away from the green minished - in the protected har- The branches, unmoved by the of the Pine Tree State to the bors - the surface facets of life gathering wind, stretched across blue-green of the sea. may change but the pattern is the frame to the wood-shingled Along the 2,400 miles of in- generations old. bearing a sign "Gertrude Stewartd ented coastline, the raw force of "It only takes a little imagina- a inter" Sheltered from the rair the sea endlessly batters the gran- tion to see things as they were by an overhanging porch roof, ite. But frequently, protected har- 100 years ago," a visitor said, several paintings leanedag bors soften nature's lash, and finding a firm link to America's the wall, since the first permanent settle- past along the waterfronts of pic- They were firmly stroked sea- ment at Pemaquid Point in 1625, turesque Boothbay Harbor and the capesy 1 usira ting schooners civilization has covered some of old shipbuilding town of Kenne- tossed by the angry Atlantic and the coast's barrenness. bunkport. waves pounding against the rocks The sea, whether hitting the Grey, weatherbeaten pilings and protecting Maine's shore. Eery long-exposed expanses of coast- docks still welcome kchooners and lnon the powerful canvases iny line or tamed with the ports, of- the fishing fleet continues to cling line on that Gertrude Stewart fers continual contrasts in moods, together in the anchorages, per- dicated both lively and young. Mrs. Stewart, who began painting haps seeking a security missing seriously after her husband's out among the waves. And where death 17 years ago, compares the the waterfront is lined with masts, IT WAS enough to arouse the sea to fire, "turbulent and bright, the adjoining crooked and narrow curiosity of the hungriest tray- which will sometimes smolder and streets are dotted with artists' eler driving to the haven of some then sometimes blaze up. Person- studios and galleries. cozy restaurant. - alities are often like that." And it did. HIOWEVER, like the ocean, the "Do you like my paintings?" an ET, while the sea appears to surface appearances of the inviting voice inquired as the can- change continually, it is only ports change. The schooners, last vases were being examined. a surface alteration. The basic of the great Windjammer fleet The door had been opened by a small figure hunched against the cold evening air. Her grey hair shone in the warm light of the studio and her smile brought more wrinkles to an already wrinkled face. Gertrude Stewart, as she later confided over tea and cookies, was 79 years old. Her last couple years have been, spent lame - the result of a fall - among her paintings, frames, books and mementoes of a life that began in England, included 30 years as a nurse, 12 more on a farm raising poultry, and the iso- lated war years as the sole resi- dent of her once-bustling resort at Oceanpoint, Maine. Inside her present home, which once served Boothbay Harbor (pop. 1,810) as a school house, self-installed partitions covered with her paintings and magazine reproductions of the Old Masters separate living quarters from the cluttered "studio" and "parlor." Vigorous oils, "done entirely with my fingers, except for the signa- ture," depict in swirling depth the Jtlantic's restlessness. They stand ex t to sensitively-drawn sketches of lishermen hauling in their nets and delicate pastels of a Ionly, gall tingd wth She evening sun's ng glow, APT'iURED in the studio's di-- a ,suited display i. hthe t- which issued forth from Maine's shipyards to circle the globe, now carry landlubbers on vacation cruises instead of cargoes to dis- tant ports. While fishing boats may carry sails, they depend upon the engine below deck. The ship- yard at Kittery, which launched the Ranger in 1777, first ship to fly the Stars *nd Stripes, now builds and services submarines. . Streets which once vibrated to throngs of whalers and seamen now are jammed with cars, tour- ists all the way from California and resorters escaping the East Coast's hot cities. In some areas, establishments designed to trap unwary 'guests" almost outnumber the lobster traps piled neatly ,on the docks or submerged in the nearby bays. But to many of the artists, both those who feel sympathy with the creaking piers and those sporting their first beards, the layer of tourism is transparent. Away from the noise of U.S. 1, which links the state to Boston and other coastal cities, Maine's old pattern is visible. Weather forecasts, radios and more powerful engines have eased much of the fisherman's load, and the lobster fleet keeps a careful eye on Florida to see if the resort trade will be lively and thus lob- ster-hungry. But, as through the centuries, fishing remains cold, backbreaking and sometimes dan- gerous work, AT DUSK, a woman waits on one of the docks for her son's boat to enter the bay, "Two years ago,>' she explained in the peculiar soft accent of the region, "my brother and another son were lost in a storm." Raising a hand to shield her eyes from the sun's rays, she told how another son refused to go fishing. "Do you think I want to drown too?" he had asked. However, as their fathers and grandfathers did, many ignore the hazards, continuing to mend their traps, boat them out into the At- lantic, and stake and bait them from the smelly barrels of red- fish shipped up from Gloucester and Boston. Others, who travel offshore for codfish and other va- rieties, still face the perennial fisherman's problem of keeping nets in repair. Meanwhile, the fishermen and their boats continue to provide absorbing, if not voluntary sub- ject matter for local artists -- a vacationing commercial artist painting in a precise realistic style can be seen commenting on his wife's undisciplined attempts. BELONGING to Maine's core of impressionistic artists, Mrs. Stewart has been dubbed "the Grandma Moses of Maine" by lo- cal papers. Her sparkling eyes seemed to flash when the nick- same was mentioned during a con- versation in her parlor, "Grandma Moses is a primitive. While I start- ed that way, I've passed that stage. "I'm more impressionistic now, for I think getting the feeling across is most important. My mind doesn't bother with details; in- stead, I like to soak up impres- sions. At night, when I lived alone at Oceaclpoint, I used to lie in bed listening for hours to the roaring sea." Her favorite subject was again compared to life. "One never knows exactly what- form a thing will take. I like to believe that there is a Law of Compensation - for every disappointmeit, there will be some ultimate value. "In a few months, the money I have now will. run out, but who knows what will happen . . , or be sold. My accident, for instance, put a crimp in my nursing. But maybe it's better that way be- cause the fall down the stairs left me with more time to paint. Life, like the sea, turns up many things." And, as if to prove it, she limped to her parlor to display an inter- esting piece of driftwood a little boy had brought her from a near- by beach. I I