Page Twenty THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, Novombw 17, 195 Page Twenty THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, Nov.mb.r 17, 1957a I N Greene's Ideas on Achieving Cleanliness: NUMBER FOUR IN A SERES m E aa NAVAJO KNEW - do you? Years a,,o, when Chief Sjttina-on-l lands saw the leaves turn brown, he k new winier was not rnany moons away. About the best hc could do, though, was squat down and mahe a sand painting. As be once put it: "Navajo know painting appease Creat WJhite Father of Winter. Keep snow from piling too deep. Keep 'wi warn from icing over. Navajo know how to put Indian sign on winter. Seems the Chief goofed. \Vinter is stilI with us, and this year's deep freeze is almost here. The smart way tor you to put the Indian sign on winter is to send your warm clothin,, to Greene's now, to have it ready in time. Greene's can clean any bulky coat, the heaviest sweaters, caps, gloves . . . even the man-made furs. There's daily picik-up at quads and dorms. Sororities and fraternities can telephone, day or night.4 Indion point sign - get along fine But he Navajo - he not in know! P.S. Bes medicine for your cernmoniol robes: GREENE': 51 6 East Liberty 1213 5. University ,..: