Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday. November 17 197 Pa.eSixtee..THE.MICHIGAN DAILYvMAGAZINE Sundn, ,uvember 17 1+: Emily Di (Continued from Page 12) sors, of the sovereign self-suf- ficiency of the individual soul.j Testing the validity of self-reli-a ance by its application to the1 inner, rather than the social life, she became convinced of the E transcendental power and beauty of rational perception. Her poems are exercises in proportion; like Emerson's "Compensation," they were re-creations of the theolog-t ical paradox of spiritual gain springing from earthly loss. At best, they reflected the moral' stability as well as the intellectual ferment of New England society, mingling polished artfulness andj accuracy with idiomatic roughness and "the rugged power of sense." ' THE LAST PART of the book deals extensively with the' structural clothing of Emily Dick- inson's thought. Her poems were essentially simple in meter and form, adopted mainly from the, lyrics and hymns that she knew, but like any artist, she struggled to match her thoughts with her1 expression of them. Caring little for the niceties of perfect grammatical structure and absolute rhyme, she nevertheless discarded them only when neces- sary for meaning or contextuala consistency. The imagery is always clear and often startling; usually taken from nature, it becomes as complex as the thought to which it refers. Whicher follows the ckinson JOHN AUB shape of the metaphor through (Continued from Page 6) several levels of Mias Dickinson's intellectual poetry, from the mere down the last detail concerning n o t i n g of mental phenomena someone's birth or death, and to through similes, to the actual per- undersand the problems he would sonification of the abstract gen- meet eralizations derived from the dis- tillation of this data. DICK WRITES of Aubrey: CONSTANTLY SEARCHING for the confirmation of her poeti- Sometimes ,too, he asked so cal truths through experience, many q u e s t i on s that his Emily Dickinson shifted from ra- friends took pleasure in tdas- tionalist to mystic to transcen- ing him: "Dr. John Newton-- dentalist to humorist with the -he told me he was borne in speed of spilled mercury. Whicher Bedfordshire, but would not sees her as an anticipation of the tell me where": while at other future. Realizing in her loneliness, times his repeated queries "the full implications of the in- seem to have exasperated dividualist's defeat by circum- them: "The Earle of Carnar- stance," she created for herself von does not remember Mr. a dynamic existence, within the Brown, and I ask't his Lord- static bonds of isolation, ship lately if any of his serv- This Was a Poet is a pain- ants doe; he assures me NO." stakingly complete treatment of There was also the problem of Miss Dickinson's life and poetry. accuracy with which Aubrey had Despite the author's claims to the aocuaywihwiceure'a contrary, the critical part of the to cope: book is more valuable to the aver- Tombstones were scanned age reader than is the strictly for dates, and often proved biographical section. W h i c h e r fallible, for though Aubrey claims for Miss Dickinson a posi- noticed that there was some- tion closer to that of the Meta- thing wrong about the follow- physicals than to that of the ing: "Pray for the soul of Romantics commonly associated Constantine Darrel Esq. who with her century. Whether his died Anno Domini 1400 and conclusions are entirely justified his wife, who died Anno depends primarily upon the in- Domini 1495": he had no way dividual reader's experience with of checking . the poetry in question and his will- ingness to accept the universal THIS, of course, raises problems validity of the poet's work. in the reading of the Lives. REY: The Determined Gossip Some of the stories he tells can for additional facts, many of the be easily discounted by the lay- Lives are short, incomplete, odd- man's knowledge of medicine, as ly-constructed passages which - can the incident in the life of Dr. only give hints of the real person William Butler: and make no attempt at a com- A Gent. with a red ugly, plete description. An example is pumpled face came to him for the Life of Richard Lovelace, the a cure. Said the Dr., I must cavalier poet: hang you. So presently he Richard Lovelace, Esq., he had a device made ready to was a most beautifull Gentle- hang him from a Beame in man. the roome, and when he was Obiit in a Cellar in Long e'en almost dead, he cutt the Acre, a little before the Res- veines that fed these pumples tauration of his Majestie. Mr. and lett out the black ugley Edmun Wyld, etc., have Blood, and cured him, made collections for him, and But how is one to judge the sto- given him money. George Pet- ries of Aubrey's which sound so ty, Haberdasher, in Fleet reasonable and raise no questions Street, carried xxs. to him ev- in the reader's mind? The infer- ery Monday morning from Sir ence in Dick's prefatory essay is John Many and Charles Cot- - that Aubrey, as well-intentioned ton, Esq., for many moneths, as he may have been, believed but was never repayd. what he recorded to be actual. One of the handsomest When there was a doubt, Aubrey men in England. He was an usually indicated it. extraordinary handsome Man, Credible or not, however, Aub- but prowd. He wrote a Poem rey'a writings have a vertimili- called "Lucasta." tude that rises from the author's apparent conviction-unless oth- ANOTHER of the shortest of the erwise noted. And the author's be- . Lives is the two-paragraph lief reflects on the nature of the story of Sir Everard Digby, a con- seventeenth century, leaving his spirator: writings to represent, if. not the Sir Everard Digby was a truth, certainly the seventeenth most gallant Gentleman and century viewpoint of life, one of the handsomest men of his time. ONE OF these viewpoints, or at- 'Twas his ill fate to suffer titudes, is the concern for sci- in the Powder-plott. When ence that was growing steadily in his heart was pluct out by the that century. The persons Aubrey Executioner (who, secundum writes the most about are the men formam, cyed, Here is the of science - Francis Bacon and heart of a Traytor;) it is his Advancement of Learning, credibly reported, he replied, Halley and the comet, and Wil- Thou liest! liam Harvey and his theory of Indeed, Aubrey seems most con- the circulation of the blood. Aub- cerned with physical descriptions rey says of the latter, when his and with deaths, the most-in- book came out, cluded information in the Lives as that he fell mightily in his a whole. But he is not above di- Practize, and that 'twas be- gressing, something he often does. 9a/tk4 fr . CopLALECjcd NOW.. AN EXCITING COLLECTION t: FROU FROU Petticoat of Nylon net and lace The Belle of this season's social whirl will surely be the style- wise woman who makes her se- lection from Dillon's fashion colleCtion of party and cock/ail dresses. CHIFFONS, sik failles, poidcsois, satins, velvets, and wool jerseys. Priced frosn 17.95 to $49.95. J U N IOR S iz es 7 -1 5. Reisalor-petite and folls 10-20, Hf szs i 2'2 to 24' 1555 lolt ';1 $5.95. A must for your full skirts. Left - LUSTROUS SATIN makes this stunning Princess Dance Dress with Jacket o$29.95, at $49,9-. Extreme Left - SATIN MIDRIFF makes news in this flattering velvet sheath at $19.95. Ur leeved by the vulgar that he was crack-brained; and all the Physitians were against his Opinion, and envyed 'him; many wrote against him. The new science, the first re- fusal, the old superstition - Aubrey has caught them all in this passage. Halley's life, how- ever, a very short one, is primarily superstition. Bacon's is science to the end, where Bacon himself dies of exposure in an experiment. There are many other promin- ent lives that Aubrey describes, too. Of Shakespeare, he says, "His Comoedies will remaine witt as long as the English ou is un- derstood ..." Of Sidney, "He was a reviver of Poetry in those darke times, which was then at a very low ebbe: there is not three lines but there is 'by God', or 'by God's wounds'." AUBREY'S faculty for descrip- tion of features was well- developed. Of Sir Walter Raleigh, "an exceeding high forehead, long-faced and sour eie-lidded, a kind of pigge-eie. His beard turnd up naturally." Since Aubrey depended on in- formation to come in his direc- tion and only rarely went looking Yes! Its True! GENUINE $25.00 QUALITY for only PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES for mo t oipnt ne,'es . .. diamond- prir a pInt 5115 SE.ry PFAN TIE HL Diamond nodeis mode from a tiny V HOLE SOUTH AFRICAN DIA- MON. . not a chip or splint. * Esery PFANSTIEHL Dia m ondj Needle protectsayour records ... I FULLY GUARANTEi BY THE MANUFACTURER. 0 Evary FPFANSTIEH L iamond Needle lasts 20 times looger than sapy;l'iae ,..AT A PRICE NEVE BEFORE HEARD OF,- ONLY $9.95. 300 SO. THAYER, PH. NO 2-1100 Just We at Hill Auditorium Half of the essay on Bacon is a description of the country home of Sir Francis. In the life of Sir John Birkenhead, Aubrey relates the circumstances of the gentle- man's death the "pined away") and then concludes the Life with : I remember at Bristow (when I was a boy) it was a common fashion for the woe- men to get a Tooth out of a Sckull in the Church yard; which they wore as a preser- vative against the Tooth-ach, Under the Cathedral-church at Hereford is the greatest Charnel-house for bones, that ever I saw in England .ha poor old woman that, to help out her fire, did use to mix the deadmen's bones: this was thrift and poverty: but cunning alewives putt the Ashes of these bones in their Ale to make it intoxicateing. BUT THESE extended com- ments, often more than any other part of the Lives, present a candid view of England in the 1600s. The conflict, really just starting, of science vs. superstition and, eventually, religion, is one whose beginnings are easy to recognize. Aubi'ey's ability to create living characters in a few words is com- mendable although probably un- conscious. But the most pleasant moments of all in Aubrey's Brief Lives come with the short, off- hand comments of a contempor- ary historian that today have a different meaning and context for the world. "He wrote a Poem called 'Lucasta'," is one of these. Another conc ides the life of James Bovey, a merchant who had seen most of Europe: "In all his Travilts hr ais never robbed. Another is the comment on the person sought by a potential pa- tron, but who had abait Ihung two weeks earlier:o"He solucitly lost a good opportunity of being pre- ferred." The Dick edition of Aubrey's urief Lves has ndeed many re- wards for the rea'oa s ekin" ac- tutyCiigland. Thecsolaloose- evar, will wsto r etussnato ithe origisnat editios, s00the ps(-es-t one is intended for the general reader, who should find it very instructive gossip. 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