Sunday, November 17, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE PnA Fiftia value.. .until they are symbolized ...' I (Continued from Page 14) ried to his work for mass media white drawings of architectual fa- the same exacting standards found cades with a strange eloquence, fine artist can match the articul- in his museum work. Foliowing perhaps because they are so clearly lation of his brushes in writing but Shahn's example has become an facades; he brings a marvelous Shahn has done that, and in artistic necessity, upswing to his chorus of singing words that for expressiveness, for angels who respond to an angelic V sheer high quality, will attract HAHN'S OWN high - quality organist's pipes of ecstatic praise. "not. . . only the customary art work has, in fact, become ac- The essay provided by James public' but, one hopes, "a new cepted to the extent that readers Thrall Soby is excellent, for un- kind of public, a great influx of sometimes have to be reminded like the text in most art books, it people . .. that an isolated illustration or does not stand in the way of the It is the images we hold in cover is his. This is partly because plates but complements them. It is common, the characters of nov- many readers fail to look at what a model of art criticism by a writer els and plays, the great build- they are seeing, partly because who admires his subject and knows ings, the complex pictorial im- Shahn's style and techniques have how to do a most difficult thing, ages and their meanings, and been so widely copied, partly be- express praise: the symbolized concepts, princi- cause his graphics fit appropri- ples, and great ideas of philoso- ately whatever is at hand. A draw- phy and religion that have cre- ing of Shahn's in, say, the New ated the human community. York Times amid many uniformly The incidental items of reality undistinguished makes his virtues remain without value or com- stand out. Soby says rightly, "It mon recognition until they are would be hard to think of an symbolized, recreated, and im- American artist whose sianature is bued with value. The potato more his own. Shahn has only to field and the auto repair shop touch pen or pencil to paper to make his personality felt as clearly rem a i n without quality or as in the most ambitious of his' awareness or the sense of com- paistings.' munity until they are turned in- S h compassion, :uperbly to literature by a Faulkner or a clear in the portrait sketch of J. Steinbeck or a Thomas Wolfe Robert Oppenheimer, has been or into art by a Van Gogh. widely discussed. Compassion is, Or quite simply and truthfully nd.ed, a distiguishing quait end~~~~ ~~ prfudy yaBnSan inerd askinishoinow qalito and profoundly, by a Ben Shahn. Shahn's work. To see the Oppen- heimer sketch is to know a great " . BEN SHAHN. HIS GRAPHIC deal about what harrowing experi ART. Text by James Thrall ences this man was forced to en- Soby. New York, 1957 dure. What is implicit, of course, is an estimate of the whole shoddy George Braziller. 140 PP- affair in the form of a question, x $10.00. What brings man to this? ' - Compassion is so apparent a HE GRAPHIC ART of Ben quality in Shahn's work because Shahn, with a prefatory es- of another element - elegance, say by his friend James Thrall born from that human mastery Soby, is not only a superbly pro- over material called craft. Craft duced art work, it is one for which never makes a man a great artist, there was real need. It makes for there are his mind, emotions, available in small compass a selec- and in Shahn's case at least, his .,,g, tion of th° work Shahn has done capacity for moral fury, still to be as cover artist, book illustrator, considered. But craft enables a poster maker, record sleeve decor- man to develop a style and a style ator, and pamrphlet and advertis- is made elegant, in the best sense, The drawing of the drummer ing designcr. when the artist's control over his (above) was one of a series com- Shahn is perhaps the only ideas and his ability to express missioned in 1956 by Edward R. American artist in this century to them fuse completely in what he Murrow and Fred W. Friendly achieve a significant body of high produces. Shahn's control - over for the film "Ambassador Satch- quality graphic art. Graphic art line, rhythm, form, typography- mo." "Warning - Infat ion executed for mass media in Amer- is never in question. Means Depression - Register - ica generally has been at an ap- Vote" (below) was painted for pallingly low level, the nadir being HAHN FINDS the eontrast be- the CIO Political Action Com- the folksy covers of the Saturday tween the heavy hands of a mittee in 146. It is owned by Evening Post and the anatomical- iman in a field of wheat and the the Museum of Modern Art, New ly, but not erotically, preposterous delicate stalks he reaches to touch; York. Esquire girls. Recent years have E he makes social satire of no more seen a gradual shift--Shahn, Fras- than a tangle of television an- coni and Baskin have all been tennae by opposing them to a commissioned by magazines- profuse natural growth of Faster - largely because Shahn has car- lilies; he imbues his black and (Shahn's) drawing often has the autonomous vitality of lines put down by Paul Klee, one of the twentieth-century artists Shahn most admires. But it can also be as exact, condensed, and immune to forgery as the engraving on government currency. It is this quality of vision-the poet combining with the squinting precisionist - which gives Shahn's graphic art much of its power and fascination... . . .. 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell?' To Shahn might well be applied Swinburne's words on Blake's great book: 'Passion and humour are mix- ed in his writing like mist and light; whom the light may scorch or the mist con- fuse it is not his part to con- sider.' Ben Shahn: His Graphic Art is a fine book of a special sort; it is a book which one buys for its excellence, does not give away and does not even loan, least of all to friends. CHANEL N'5 fOR THE PURSE * Slip into something comfy... Slippers by DANIEL GREEN BLACK $600 108 Ease Washington -- Open Monday Nights Till .:30 PERFUME AT YOUR FINGERTIPS WITH THE MOST TREASURED NAME IN PERFUME CHNE The Quarry, Inc. 320 South State Street