Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, October 20, 195' Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, October 20. 195' For the LATEST and BEST in BOOKS visit SLATER'S YOUR COLLEGE BOOKSTORE season ticket for winter-time fun! P.F. "Cozy-Coed' By AKIRA "TEDDY" EBUCHI IT WAS an invaluable and un- forgettable experience that I was privileged to attend the 10th N a t i o n a l Student Association Congress and see for myself Ametican students' ways of think- ing towards student activities. I landed in this country with my head stuffed with a precon- ceived idea of what American stu- dents are. To my pleasant sur- prise, however, I metsomedAmer- ican students who showed great interest in the basic difference in the interpretation of the student's role as student between the United States and Japan. Peter Eckstein, the editor of your paper, proved to be one of those who was willing to listen to the Japanese students and eventually became our scapegoat on whom we poured our accumu- lated frustrations which resulted from attending the Congress only as observers. ONE DAY in the usual discus- sion with him, he referred to "the Michigan-Waseda Technical Agreement Case" as "Waseda Riot." The wording shocked me and urged my pride as a Wasedanian to dissolve this misunderstanding among American students. This is a brief sketch of lsow the incident developed: In April, 1956, Waseda University con- cluded a technical agreement with the University of Michigan, with International Cooperation Ad- ministration acting as an inter- mediary and as a financial source. According to the agreement, the Institute for Raising Productivity was established in Waseda Uni- versity to carry out a joint re- search project on technology and the theory of industrial produc- tivity and management. Japanese students are fully aware that this kind of research is by no means harmless but es- sential for the development of Japanese industry. This agree- ment, however, met a fierce op- position not only from the stu- dents but even from a segment of professors on the grounds that it might infringe on academic free- dom. The opposition movement developed after the signing of the agreement and finally came to an outburst when Prof. Charles B. Gordy and his colleague Prof. Ed- ward L. Page, both of the indus- trial engineering department, ar- rived. {r f IsIT F fleece-Lime A RIOT? AS AN editor who covered this such an unprecedented aree incident on-the-spot, I got an ment, the Waseda Universit: impression that it was one of authorities concerned did not ap ply adequate =onsideration 'ans those few issues in which keen in- adopted a secretive attitude to terest was shown from both pro ward professors and students - and con sides on a university-wide the two important constituen scale. Many resolutions concern- parts of the university. ' ing the case were issued as an Waseda students are vei' outcome of those discussions, some supporting, some opposing. proud and conscious of th You think this is "riot"! The fact that their university was es Waseda University authorities tablished as a fort against -th condemned this action as "being bureaucratic control of any auth instigated by Red students." One orities. Academic freedom hssal commercial paper supported by ways been their motto, They are the Foreign Ministry, for one rea-therefore, particularly sensitivg t son or another, denounced these teeoe atclrysnii students as "racketeers." If you any assistance of this sort whirl define "riot" according to Web- might infringe upon acadei ster it was not the case. "An in- freedom, no matter from wher stigation by Red students" - it comes. might be true if you follow Mc- Academic pursuit in itself sa Carthy's interpretation. "Racke- teers."-circulation-conscious and free interchange beyond pa Let me analyze the reason why tional borders is indispensale America, o I f e r i n g aid which However, the principles which ars amounts to 2,000,000,000 yen, adhered to by the opposition5 ti raised a heavy crop of opposition the Michigan-Waseda Technca as its first harvest . agreement are: that this inter As a result of careful study, the change must be achieved betwtei Joint Investigation Committee of countries on such an equal basi the Waseda student government that both countries are free frn came to the conclusion that there any economic and political inu would be no guarantee that aca- ence by the other, and that an: demic research would not be af- university should not be used-a fected by political control or mis- an instrument for any politica utilized for political purposes. purpose, The Japanese student move THE REASONS were as fol- ment has often been frowned ip lows: on as being too political or parti A) ICA, an agency of the Amer- san in comparison with the Amer ican State Department set up to ican conception of the "student' handle foreign aid programs un- role as student." There are dif der the Mutual Security Act, is ferent sociological, economic an political setups to be consideres undoubtedly acting not only as a when you speak of differences ii financial source but as an organ social classification, social funic through which America is to re- tion, and rights and responsibii alize her foreign policy - in this ties of students here and in J'p case the possibility is shown in an. However, Japanese student more obvious form in the "Basic distinguish themselves from oth FOA Policy on University Con- ers as a privileged social class tract" which is a basis of this privileged to be able to learr agreement. privileged to be able to think an B) The raising of productivity pursue truth and to act foii movement, the central theme of without down-to-earth calcua the Institute for Raising Produc- tion. tion's research, is sponsored by Paradoxically speaking, there the Japan Productivity Council, fore, for the Japanese students,i which was established by a strong is the student's role as a stun suggestion and financial aid from to act as the salt of the earth o ICA's predecessor, the U.S. For- a nightguard for social injustice eign Operations Administration, as we have seen in Cuba, Algeri According to the student analysis, and Hungary. this movement is a tool or new form of American economic con- trol over underdeveloped coun- Akira. buchi was assigned by tries, the Waseda University stde/t C) In the process of concluding nwspaier to coer the is/sas last year orer the Waseda-Michi- "an Technical Agreeicnt. Ht is i najorrsng in journalism and V I L D S working hIs ay through sro, once by working on alternate dais as a fireman on a 24-hour shift. "Teddy" arrived in tfis ousnty recently to study for a iyar at the University of tis- soa i nder the National Studeit Association's Foreign Student Leadership Project. His fits large-scale contacts t ith Amseri- sss can students occurred at the N'SA Congre sheld at the UN- rsils this ssmer, where NSA's Polics of representssg students in their role as sti- dents"wu as idly dicssed. Stius/ssts in Japan and lsu hrec sften riect this otion of sti- dent unions limiting thenselrs to acti it ilhin the esdia- U C U T tional comsnit y aud consider a-nec: adacti it , in th conrtt of society - as shole. is eding poltsial e Shetland aitation, to fe a pa/, of the rted lambs-siiit'sl, P'rofessors (Go/dy iss/Page or are iss'still at WVaseda, on lea i to acquire fom the Uniersity, ihere they a r eportedly accete by the other members of the srca/er 'rs commni'i iityi i/espite some Con- $4 OO tinuingi sisgi iings abit the value and purposes of their ni- sion. 0position to increased 'nechanizsation and in/ustrial I- ficiency has been oPoseis in japan as in the West, by iany segments of the labor iovemest out of fear that greater produc- tivity-per-worer leads to un- emps/loyment. 'le Ipilior 'f,., " wills fetyNwarm lintin s." 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