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May 26, 1957 - Image 19

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.Sunday, May 26, 1957


n_ w "

.- _- '-,' " age Nineteen



Fdor Legitimate Fight Against Fear?
Contoi fez frooe Po(e 7) of a psychology class agreed to mi, oht wonder whetheir the increas-'
pirobleimsarise Tiranquiizeirs catnx tke on unnamned nill on hour bc-i z useof menrobamnate means
only be sold on a pirsrliption basi. or the let.Haltf the studentso
setected t 'itandon, received a'tl-nthax t xxv hove many drivers ain one
Somiiii inoerepuoono deolers a01 x tightoayov who aecntnl
0300 1 rg on.Tie es t reel i d a btonk ieenttt
capitaticinilOnitin ncnut i is no cfftct hilntheh"dopedt ti"'or woxioov re?,iono are
Pit"~ttLccz 011 hi to Aloso eire eti z t t soto' citTheeil ctlt 1 toRe-
th lttio iir intro tshore their supl !Pc'ifox inre uc nthe' roat wasiserhfiostitnie e ts itiiivtxro_
of lti> xxwitti i iri ix i inptxnoei'o ix thoslit'oxrin txx to vlic.ii idtuitt{e I: nit it
anPuie xti bil 00 cito1no tiheir ocre ier
ab le oiite xlii ox clxi velci lxxvi doolx,
mayxacc1 eptthetiiranquiutrzersoastimes. We'ttliprobotbly cisoereiwix
siubstixute for the psxethotheri yaiiitbet tevrxxa'ivoof uiioiio"em.o xi
wh ihi ti y fto e quiio ie foii txi t-fBut titke atonmiceerry an
quate minalthittic.tii q' iitiers rcat botth ereate' 'nirtddi
The Ameiican ixPsyxirticieAssoitrox'. Tthe'o'0003hel1p1sotxvetie
cialionIhas xxxiard ttie puliianloo1'O trobl enmof Jiviilte deltinqitenxc
coutti tors ttthee cslxxitnoeof ytvoiiofnrmno"desttie n
these ctriugsto reievirexiux nix eoiiitgibte chitdten into caltincon
tetiinis ixincdic ittx uiondnoit!opieiative, axix«oxi1tb(heto x tilt-t
consitucs pulicdaner eii o-tinu nolntei i eoio toopsxchi-
Poe- of thxese d rt ''thi' Assow i- atricetito t01fctp ixmtieOr ittitxo
atilu -- x x io maxi'tyh lox ao'.iot xx-ii 1ixoetxi -inox ootii
cr roil itiiixii 'icontriillin" th ie n ds anito 'ix
ti'iO:e _ O - - ' Oiii lx x i n : t ill - au.i 0 F'li-illy if c iv es.lx
maintain 11he life anotd io iiiio1-xti xabrouio ttli'bso ll it I tirixiirero Cilliar si-o l
Thy r itci.i l'ix'i 'fth tanui- tie ci iooniiierix(ls' 000 Pohe xtirae of this.Tioe 0atillConuxres
- 'Ti'prerii"ifItei-i l1 lefflnvxnlxeheo t hi rovflxided the deott pi-nalty,
fettle crno.n fi rimntinailt tinesseof"' xii !,,siidnoptirehenolcn oxwhichi foi to ri 'oiixconviced titreefdixoes
carries xwith it non rie'itnon fointteifire ithiecfficenc'y oil examsl. of i'otttg natrcotton hais tratec
~contittuing aotoisaloitnot supeir-' Ontuoodent wontank a fifitoo ixtlo litit iotorsifto reerreton
vision b hyic tins;fultlyxxxiire hifote a Frenceh 3t finalflastet frantiltizers. fn doing so, it
of the psycthtatrie symvoms otin-imsemetrlifer remiarked: "I stiff:soamed Di. Gerard the natinxal
volxed aixci the poctintials of theitrfooda few buteflies in mixv chirmain of the advioryynaitionial
course of developnmentaltlertfinn stomach bitt I didnx't worty shout committee for file us of psycho-
or remxission."thxem" phaimasceuticels
Tihere doesn'f seem to he any Tramnoutfizers may hase heralid-
T~HAT'S A pietty big aider fat imminlent danger of Miltown ie- ed a new era in meidicali research,
'the family doctor to fill. The placing No-nods as thxe pre-examnxdoting which acientists wiil unlock
burdena of a general piactice often' apeitif. many of the mysteries of mental
precluode a complete knowiedg'e of Living in an automofive ag~e, we and emotonxal disturhances.


psychiatric procedure. I- -
Evidence that doctors may he
suceumbing to pressure from the
public and drug companies comes
from the fact that of tixe 10i con
pounds moot frequentfy prescribed
fin 1956f thtree 'were trancqutiies
What ate the social inxplications Ia C'
of having a large sixare of the a- ti
on ntr anulzrs r ile!p to speculation that "if this 1j r~ §- y r
~ - -~L7WIN

air. .. anywhere


Tt was more than a quarter of a century
ago that "Saffell & Bush" originated the
style and quality of leadership in Men's
'Wear that has made them a leading suc-
cess on the "University of Michigan
Whether or not you've heen to
"Saffell & Bush" - we can't say. But
of one thing we are certain. Until you've
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clothing education is not complete.
When you arrive on the campus,
come in and introduce yourself to the
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to put you in the "Saffel & Bush" trend.
For Over a Quarter Centur'y


Winithrop smartly combinoes sturcdy nylon
with a real straw look andI top
,quality leathers for a refreshing new look.
A cool change for the warm
weather ahecad. t

trend continues a'e may lose our
-Yankee initiatire, We mtiy lie ;
doon and fet the Hussans come'
We might thope that thranqxuifiz-
er, property used, x-fw ihep us
operaite at peoikefficiency, on-'
hindered by' ineee~sary worry and
axiety. ft' too earfy to telf -hat
ixhe net effect of tranquilizers upon1
our soct-ty wiff be but some cfue to
the ansxer may have come in a
recent experiment at the Univer-
jN CONNECTION with a regufar
midterm exam, the 276 members

619 East Liberty NO 2-0266

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