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February 27, 1955 - Image 4

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Wid cres oeDefinit* rolm
lIl r o l y ERNEST THEODOSSIN N15 ,w e i ea a m d t presentations on them. This mans and oppulent. But beyond this black and white in roor. But the "Brigadoon," with familiar Gene
iN s 195,pweaCineamtmere itsr that a standard-siced film is en- these is little msore. scenic designer went to such ex- Kelly choreography, tried very
firs apearnce thre erelarged and the lops and ibottoms Piobably the inst glariing dif- tremes to make eveiything either hard to make use of the pas de
few ho oreaw he ar-eacingof the frames removed fiom vi- heulty is that closeups ,ace almost bla ck as while, nd the sag ing was deux. But Cyd Charisse, who seem-
ffotit oln h oo h sion. With old films. whecie cine- obsolete on the big screen. OneI so painfully stilted, that the gen- ed determined to fill up every inch
motin pctue idusty. ut omeisatogr. phers planned pietorial Iface can only fill the ceniter of the( eral1 effect was one of completely of screen, performed endless ara-
two and a halIf years later, Holly- design for a full frame, the result screen; ansd then there are yards boring diabness. besques and several times just lay
wodhsfudtcnclin-is often disastrous.,tand yards ofeimpty' spaces on the Othser CinemaScope dramas dotwni upon the ground.
va tions an inmmediate aswser to Fred Astasire wsa seen dancing sides have been eithers pectacles with
ts finasncial problems; the 1ean without feet in "HBandwagon. Vi- Another problem is that visual dozeins of daincing girsa nd thous- pERHAPS THE best Cinema-
boxoficeyers reendd. vien Leig'h had no foreheaid os adjustment is mare difficuilt with ands of extias oi outdoor films in Scope musical had been "Sew-
Cineramas has proved ef i hin in "Goiie With the Wind" cuttings from oiie sceetoaoth- which aeses and acres of moun- en Brides for Seven Brothers."
Iargely as lstraeloguteeim closeups; heads hid a'ster liossci.'This maeans sust ainecidirama-ijttwn scenery serve as a backdrop Here too the 'big six" came into
Howvevei, othei impiosisationis up- (iwiy ot disappearing in 'Ntoloii tic scentes wheemeritflexibility ' for -action. play with six dancing brides and
on the lacge screen have gaineci ous~ is almost1 impossible. One studio, Tiwentieth-Ceittury si. dancing brottiers.
great spopui-city. CinemSicotpe This diffitculty htas lit'g-Iy dig- Fox is employiing the "big six" Te"oeo oea a
wide-sreeen, Vista-Vitson rid Sitspiteatied, films beiii" photograpli-I)ERHAPS STHE bet sdrciiticii starisysstemn to fill is CinemaiScope Th "Lnsm Poea -
perseoli e atic viatin I t in eelithidesrenpoecin iment," essentially a song, employ-
erm.siiste ttci~ ~ presemittioun thus fir in Cine screen. Host to oMrryeaHillion- ed choreographed movements to
'ie a ilo iii'cisie iicttid. Bittconfiningtetioittotie omaScopeihis bieen "A StarIs afie. ThireCoins in the Foun-'feasneoacinndilth
in otoot isiti i isite -smiddele of tie ftrsue his clued Notru, iswler' Diiectot Georgte tu-tlaro,'arid'Woman's World' all sre' ofns G a n
vastnsess iwhIich was at it solti dett iitt o h/elot iihos ue h isxTiet efs -noetneed another musical for the
resing bu i hiehisitetIi tOitt pgof x ie rcet thtis e liiirisctution akeniun"the K sesrs ok siscils'itscloseup shots ~ bohe.bt h si"ss
55TOREALide-secree i~iixn {and six iust cvrthey scaldn to-
apparenit is limitatisotis. The ~ I~ et'Ah sHs stdras inlsi'silss1e1eemswl tem cannot go on forever without
ti-motioseInhlnssise e pitueconnuing ratherrIsBrn" uoraso dull1,sot heethy ak o
tiad which seasthesece ladsau-sphotisog lied fistprot0 itonil 55a!oumployed te wide-scrceen to ide tfvshiert shlimided atrmis. beoigrtrdul
an hc a hi h vr-laces' reen-the huntsimuesh55adaisest oilnmod'sidTins addition to the pictorial1 ax-
tare,'user-ttdvanta'einiprojecting sood er-
taeciv helgiimt stdfw rtirtssis. torte. The oteisnsug scene at fthse O WEVER. MOST receent seti-nsi of filmos. there has alao
it nows'gone. A film sch uas 'The IRabe," Siic Dnitc'u'i tesiieen hia md illicndcitime audio expansion. Stereo-
rTHEjATERSth lare inistalled °ii t vthere ceaptuinmepenssivedecs'or is oc t itsins thu swith of thisommysinilms -I sue deems douse fat stan- hlounicSousnd, themajor multiple-
necissi loetl s i sd " 1 1I,(, pa i'stmueshi misore hassicresaids i '1st lighs, ds clrieam-n di/ed iciees:mm'Sidrina', '"Or soundsystem in rise, has only sel-
iii" slices.suitsVthe Vtfsectlutist tiscoflHIll," donm been effective. Most of the
a sloiliusm E ftlishsdulbape eEs tissuatinsy, Pisimseo std titut the muise is .sa deafessimigas
- - dms titus iii leasty eolor ba thiug, Juliet,' Cisunitry Gist,~"Bidges to litersllIts ,.t one out of his
t~in ifle ins darkimaruytcolors ts iToko-R i."iet.,
imid mainestilt orcliiseer'aded Out Inthme mustscit idiomsCinuemma- Whateve'r developmsents occur in
i ,ountd in Stemreophoiuc SosudtScopes' is m great nuisatime One Che icdcee-screens film techniique
i the coiptihl e illusion of a singergeels lost sum theigdiscareen; ill have to be rathee drastic if
esox nded theastemr. Hee thin bignmess and hudreds of dasitermsiremne d- CinemastScope 'amd its brothers and
of the s creem s s used to tumult ed to supply a mnug bcdground sisters are to remain. The popular-
dhi-Vv(r ut suschi elfctstiare for daincerstand singers t of spectacles will undoubtedly
iflt to asctiesve .and i veteems"Thie's No Buiss Lilt Shout diminishi within the next fete
authyerarely attemptsed. Busiess" went dick to the 1919' years; stud producers will be faced
Ct)U lre~etom inspirausionsswith hundireds of awmeh presenting a really serious
expeimet i phoogrphiglbaic oveents suh aprospect is eecydtsturbing.



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