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May 26, 1957 - Image 8

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Page Eight


Si inAnv Mein 'f; 1 QS?

With 'Journey's' Success; He Enters A New Phase
of Popularity and Interest
By SARAll DRASIN hossever, is Edwin Engel, assistant! Chicago, wheno all soirts of eseit-
D ciSaf ie prfesoo' of Enhlsh at the Unisci - ing thin s sire hein" done. 0'Neill f
ITH TtHE stasggering snccess of sity. Shortly befoire 0'Neill's death, asa a hot product then and all a
nisgaga nua payn LogI le roegachiialscioteon dainahldautecnatonfo Mea oNekl' olys diiinintd Iwoleloid t f isii thren i 3 Y cir mi
hiys JureInto NinigIhHtntwhichonll sosolnit seehirr o
a Jorn sInt fi i sslii H eriores of EuorneO'0Neill, Har- foui plays a ieek t10try and sati-
rcently wss s c irdcci a Pnlitzei vad Uniersits' Piesii73. 10o stetlis fi sciiistion 0'Neill held
PizesEFo r ne 0'Neill, dead inos him las t t0 O g o my otheirs, a ieat iattr ciii for me then,
for nearly toifoul ias anil oidi. Li' io 5. llismd 'cssswaha<niltisp 1rton Icir ?se i
eiedd erad a ly r t ftand i tiot ihiiP Isttaci 0 o c sbeisv, sot
SISOy yearis l 1dsi e h a ert etn i foi e iiiist p1 is i rght fii siiipass- lHe ioes tI itarevisitlutf iiothsei
11i ltce as ei" Ainrnrictasa- c iny ofhis ooii n isnoi sic st f0Nia'niesdSon o
sii i f mi niuusculsIteoratstu oii Siiof . l sen :s nis ii His frlssMe
Thssfact is, iest ously' sit 05- 1.,,,'--Itusoc r icrtsot lukov i 0ei i dris ruis O'iNePill'
tltedg e6bs is hae is od Isd Seses' t ier Is oro cs' ccr" ; 4i
Vooiir of D7i'.1 exsieticc5 i i i" c1te eYs ee
C t i i ee iiselcs



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-Ills ~ ~ ~ i n pwthiftlis
I ressfeae tus c es r neccsIO'cele,
hefunc thrge atss a ceii
Thoughimirccced on te stile tic' u55cr
hesectsoct O'Neicls esse'dbyir its
sen fortisthtfisue~c cutu''edns n o
I aNt11tudelhichsci rthe Isisunter
hueilfo ld esotreat isfthet. LN .YSJUNYIT IH - cn rmteBod
Foi his motser, he felt a great way production at the Hlnen Hayes Theatre, featurin g Florence
sense of closens'ss and sympathy, Eldridge, James Roh'ards, Jr., Bradford Diliman and Fredric
caused w'i'h gulit felings shared March. It was directed hy Jose Quintero.
ith tbe cilt which O'Neill feit
wcas is fathr's.tured livea of the characters of From time beginning of O'Neiil's
He sutter d from a reeply whom he writes, and, indeed, of writing, sws can see this revelation
tioubled conscience on these ac- Whom he is one. In the piot of taking piace.
coumnts amid altern, tey searched Long Day's Journey Into Night, it The deep preoccupation wsith his
,e for an cisw'er to this suffering' and is almost unhversalily agreed that mother wa first resealed in De.
punished himself. These personal O'eiil haa portrayed quite ex- sire U~nder th e Elms, written in
agonies0'Neill transfornmed almost actly hi. own life. 1123, Prof. Engel explain.. After
intacet to the plots of pltays, anmd as In Journey, as in O'Neill's rcea1 the position of O'Neill's feelings,
the title to Prof. Eng'ci's hook amg- lite thie fa thee is a famous acetor, he seemis to make a concerted at-
gesl~s his hseroes arcinde'ed hasunt- but a tyracnt, ha ted by his son. tempt from themn on to finch the
cut Once ocs the stag'e, they take The mother, like all time mothers anos'era to it, to salve his haunted
on anmothesr dimensioin, unisersal- of O'Neilplapys, and like his owin con.science and timid his ow'n peace.
ity. Thae tide. of O'Neill's troubled niothier, is the object of time hero's All throughl his folloswing plays,
lite ae "ranmsmuted" into the love, supposedly driven to dope the themea of a smomsau-a mother
tides of univesraullife, and O'Neill's addictiomn by the fatheras tyranny. moat often-a hasunted hero a nd
stentg'he' become the strugges of a sea reb prevail. Strange Istec-
c veiry mian: "life versus death love "UT HER', unlike his former lode, wcritten in 1121, is about a
v ersus hicte, faith againust scepti- attemnpts to finud the answer to 'oa ho is "all thsings t l
rucim and tics confusion of illhusion his owna life problemsiii his play," men-daughter, mother and us-
and ireality." Prof. Enmel points out, "he has
E<It takes littie cffort to see how come to oome sort of a realization
the lifesticam of O'Neill's agons- - a realizathouhboist his muother
ized real life flows into the toc- and about himself." 55THlE RISE, Page 111



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