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May 26, 1957 - Image 5

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Sunday, May 26, 1957


Page Flvo

Sunay My 2, 95 TE MCHGA DILY+aev'v

Fad or Legitimate Fight Against Fear?
calming the nerves of millions of schizophrenia and other mental Dr. Karl Jung, 81-year-old
Americana and helping them lead illneses Swisa psychiatrist, has pent a N
happy, normal live. lifetime eeking the emotional
Patients taking meprobamate THIS doesnt necessrily mean causes of schizophrenia - the
are able to continue with their that chemical agents caned hellish disorder which afflic
:obs and in general live normal1 the illnesses Some other factos half of America'a 750,000 hopi-
lives, free from sne.asonabte feas may be responsible for both the talized menally ill. Last Decem-E
and anxieties. Miltown and Eua- illnesses and the blood changes ber he conceded that cehaps the
nil are used widely among the na- Another indication that mental causes of scizophrenia should
ion's 10 million neuiotic, people. upsets may involve chemical fac- be sought in biochemical pro-
The popularity of the du,, trsocentrted wxhen some scien- cese.
prompted comedian Bob Hope to tisseie expeimening with d- Dr. Sigmund Fraud, the father
quip th.at "Miltown comes in threce of modern psychoanalysis, said
strengths: quiet, very quiet and that bhind every psychoanalyst pp
Perry Com." stands the nan with a syringe.'
Until recently we haven't had'
BUT TO doctors, tranuquilizers"' " drugs to pit into the syringe. Thisf
are no 1.aughing matter.-) is rapidly changing. .
Pioneers in tire tranquilizer field Just how trainquilizers act onW
warn that the administirattin f I rg the central nervous system has
chlrroimazine or reserlaise isa ne'ver beeisexplaiied compleely.
se'nsitive and skilled procedurce
BfrusnthdrginmnaBICEIT atteUie- ' diseases, they sa.y, the general, sty and esehere are current-
practitioner should consut withla ly pobiing the mysteries of diem- .5
psychiatrist oin di.'nosis anad r- iv.al infltences on the r.in. Teir
eatery outlook. resea rh on esrpie leads tlem
One authority on tranciuilizer, s to theorize that reserpitre acti-
Dr. James . iler, ot the Un- 'vo.tes a horone in tie brain
veraitty's Mental Helstsh Researchli +called artonin. eseritetrig-
Institute, says, "Pcnqsliiersar ccgers the release of serotonin from
not a cure-all for inural illiness. te brain. The seroiinin acts as
They are it a total sluton. I r a tranqiitier evin after the c-
am ,togyopsdt hi cserpine wersaof. Seroinin, a ,
tine use 's a sotetreatment. 'lTesimpiler ctompoundc than re rperpit e
nust in usanys es bIe tised itotinut adciini'teriedt directly to pa-
ron unt iomi wills the iiter typestientsisbeauise it camut pais
of thetr( r rs oundtryerteien the blood ntl
thursic is st, n .~e cites te bhinii . Sientisscalli thisthe
fr ti inn',ransquiizers. In camloiniro ii
bine ;threumwaith oliherrforms oat1 Put this ~is jst liii tentrttive 'rr ~ii" r. ou fi )ue fuss ejiiiue Of ofJi fsiorJaie to
tr ,atmen oneotribleimswesicfrie 'inswe. cScience irs just egusn to take la, J. 5 ni iirifmoh as. rawingi sb, r 50 tAldel,
isitt patieisottetr feel bst t ier1 19i57 nba lvtreu miui-Ths te Nerinoteaazionetie
ii i takinsgitraiqruiizeeisanid osiz'rstout kiiiThaie Meital Hrath bhrsitsibetweenscit a tsy ad To tie psychiatst of tomr
thirsidlestre fir further neecdcutRestarcii.listituteptanis fcirthet tie othert metictat disiiietehn
Sros, tie littt hiack ba noy be
Is runho- terpy" : r eseastiltalots, this lite toir 1s ,k dotsnPsshoilogy i
Ajustscienistssaexiposthtie mined a promissiir nc'sw s medicl speci- ss as iipotant as the cotih.
ENTAL patisents awhoseiers- to th ire os oe ~ete artihicil y See ITRANQILIERS Page7
is hasve been utleiated wsith1
the hicls of tsanuiili'era often
nisn tsrinue to ake the drugs
after release rotm the ho.spital. lyreig acid diethalsiide They
Dr. Miller sa.yas this continued is- fouind tihatminsiute doe of fir
cc airpoaiby b ensiere ~chemical (called LSD ot sort)
nrmal replacement af chemicals could hring on nconsouri.cahi
whicth e patient should lars its fear, confusionsetamiled pr-
his body, correopndin" roughly eitians and -- usually - hs-r li
tor the use of inulia by disheties. cinationrs.
The many satisfactory result. A walk acros the Diag. while ,
ith tranquilizers probably mean unider the inluetnce of LSD miglt
Out body chetitry pl.ays. sig- well ceemble sadringstrough
iticat role in mental iltnes. a jungle ith distoted sarsesoh
Aisother hint afthfis came last tme and pace ielationasisa. l s r-s g f s l f
yeri nexperiment at Tulane Dr. Ralph W. Gerard, one of 1P ur i n f s rn n e
Uiestwhere two mntally Dr. Miller's colleagues at the Men
healhy itdiiduals received in- tat. Health eseach Institute
jections of a chemic.aI compotund says that "when expeience leaves t e f e i l p c a o
isoiated from the blood of men- on enduring trace (an the minds
tally ill patient.. Bth men it must be sine sort of mateial
schizotahrenia. For about two ats be no tikted thought without
hours' they experienced hallucin- a twisted moleue."
ations and other seiousperon-
ality distortions. Chemical sub- TJHE possibility that chaemical N iseiaatstlot'
stainces seetare to have produced processes ma.y be prtly in-aFothsmretlki'Spctr
snae symptomsaof mental illness vlved in mental and emotional otc~tt
in these men. disturbances has been accepted bys
A Swedish biochemist recently some of the originatos of the .ti-sae Tire Fexibe Spectator ias a lss'1P
anued a new hissd test that 1ets-talk-it-over school of teat-
can itdicate the presence of meat. lank .. a design of beautifuci clear
r lines .. . witlh gloae-soft flexible
freedoia. These cana be yours in blue
and whlite or t a and white calf.
YOU Will always find

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