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March 31, 1957 - Image 7

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Sunday, March 31, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY page Seven .
Washington Adventure
From Academic Life to Pressure Group Lobbying
By PETER ECKSTEIN r HE IDEA is "a Washington of- "Or concern for the Admini- ! ave him a head start on teach i movie made nos camouflage on-
Daiy sIaff Wi- flee-the same st the Ch m- stations proposals stems fomingmi comparative governmnt But scios
M4ARSHALL KNAPPEN'S rest- bei of Commerce and the har d- the ide that it i more often ight before long he was teacing in And it led Knappen to ponder
lessness dosn't showv throtigh waie dealers have-to keeptp on tan Congress Is,. The Pesident tenational relations, political the effectiveness of propaganda
leislation comng before Coniess is elected by the nt ion as a whcle teri, public administration and technius. "It made us thinkc we
his h demanor eon rvaveparticulaly the ills the Admini- and isnt directly responsible to sinificantly, iparties and prsse could soork out a pattern of audio-
alppear ace and iantle smile But stiation sends. Assumning soce felt South Daktant oool roes ad ;goup visual aids us foreign policy edu-
it does shosv in the careers helha sa bill ,justified, w'ed go to batfrMssachiusets textile maiuface Wth the comnig of the wari caini"
pursued ad Ihis amitlioins fora't ad ltleople iiathe 16h Mch- Ituriersswheeas PCingressmncihlae Kinappei's mind sas turinguia in-
iew one. iga on Cugressional District and to represeit sectional inteists ce-asnly to the "Oxford discase" BACK AT MSC Kiapien set to
A political scioetistv tho ieer the third Ohio and the 13tha Newe And as Kiaptpei sees it, thec na1-the Riodes idal of esnmmeuity swort oia paipalts explaiiing
tssk auahsur f tslitical scieice. Jersey knowv hose their Couress- tisial interes is otenu sonetluuua servce "I luaucthel idea in a 'en-'the pros ansf cons of tec Marshall
Krnaippcnais. at fle ace sf 56, ess- oaris sas tting. We'd use the us- more ththe Isutrauuof seltioial (Plan ad t.eTrut sout Doctriie. all
inuh 26 sears iou academie liu e uu 1,1 puesure fotis suuchacroupos itetets,,,' theactfme t'yig to duilicate somsa
Isutau kltots an - i:n u to be eimpuouu. "I dou'I bam tune luinduiua lul of ths" Am's efertiuenuses iu get-
pule XV sli.oao obyistcsoat "'mtinkiung of oore of an Conuresusas - as uu ed o tne actrss is mess age ouu canou-
'ovl istro 'u eioalci11body"a''nainaoseextsuin ueurusenc~t lhusdui.tc :s Ineretsfl a e
I 'isut b opta dentyt'(e Io stetspoeyu''field,ouethu fuat'oad olsnom s lsticsfthssysottui Inu1941 locamrtothle Uivie'g-
ft it an uimpouls'e wuit usKa-so oul tubeuouerneuulwitillse 'ulctlou triti oo "suol at oos i, otuatl Y o'dcvi uo"hlotimuue between
lpenus tathor',oito rep'ore'ents ahe 0 I sot o oleo nuto P ofcis lit." tur- Ilot 0out lo o" Itledot - n cutout r o 0sr'o'n Iolcy 'td sdolt
tionotf oasnie oa soeloflotooovrot p oosoalstaof thotp tl a ' louh't' erlettnostisto):t~eta of mosolilichu
a leol.fst oaool'a h opetatt swoutd tao pusied Initt;tootleeotactatoat uscusttao'e ofolich
too qoorolys silet t taoe, iso o t t foe iowser Dcrine'foro toce t II yV1S5Li Pi's te tattrotsElaae -tt e hcit' nouslod awih -
pr o t ,1 t rd ooe'o'tion,. lforini 'ri 10 i tolllt100 ItotO ' a'nOd'ttle P IttltaIt took m an e s too cr vt
as'"'pr' fll tuneo' Ia'' nligtohl" ls,0a105 pto p a'otosedcit ittoatoiota I firost i clai w 'nt0hs an is --'(lsltasoeoi sout atortariotos
stuate o usttrr o~ulosuaver's mTohoate. er eho'lt tt )s taofe ofots to'vlvo ot s tot
'omil'. mooedotwoytfroool 0 tO ito to totsheo oust Os
THE 'i MINIUTIAE e brottoito otrto g Th' loaotaa -e' lo stu)d
irmth0001 "rip at0 omilcu'o4 s l 0eondtoeustoitha<nInwiuhth le
pp G ])ere"of te toilriotc iassmybloast ap010teil t rotaco-
F' ors Stories: -\aro\Atuowl Reao='Is te mrinIs etsr.001 0, tat Bot ithe
oal.l o le 0 1r0senutotionits, "th e
YniIt e KIlotp10000 00P0ob0etrio rI soolao i a s tteopl'v stot t':ly e.
Focus, O blique I roy^ i oloweta'clt-fottools'bent."1is trolto aeoalaicearyduayssbloes.
atrtdi tole r al t-atnod ouf a- 'SIA~6l 1 LL KNAPPEN Auotaet reasontheflay uioc'oioti rwa
CniuefrmPc3)ie hdbtbenmntrandoI ot more rlete s tat iseole
---hasve comeu oose: It at lr'st laoirted out in rioa n pusfelf the r oa's nothin thuy could
tro sot is ar mdo sseot sle Thtroe wcas oa title end ot=I bout durctoui lHe natioed in Otrik is I toay but I ddin't hav tefle fo do"
to soie .t mdemmoabe showt il" tirouith ie slott is at iar eCollege of Woosteriin Ohio crson usforiginpolicyunithrie IWhsenipa tiipita isnullcr-
by the audotn is 'sof isght thaft i sot flannel trosrs .-. le as putrt of Iis platetolooraii war." The socil scoecseslad jucotouspojects got ethtsusistic
allowe ti. to form a sympstlaetic fet. gtolt 'nd rd alic -e -b- tatls uo a loc isds 'i osendlreyatateand askedswhsat tey could do,
Aac inapo it ic;theaa t erio a urstoe tlad onetlo'')';t' t scholar partly becouse of hisaaableaau i l ftet'~tD-Iletrers could do little clsc but
oth hitbyii"or sossi-c ohetn hr wass drssed l yas 'alonus-diane rumnnet. pe son ut duing, World War reily, "KCep yourself informed
of heli '.',bo in"D,.i-,r ftat basot suppos0ed to shiowu' -We w ere gien the idea Itat II a pnofficer in the Air Corps, anid talk to yourarneighbors." Af-
Path to ig lop' ' awhose roIroocrs thien we oweud someocommunity serie Knapprn grso to beliee thtr " icrIthat, tere as little tat cold
Oicec more J F Poweir Ioc c as Rhodes schola r. It prys on guded misile miht be more dan- drow iseole to a second course.
'WRI ING: a fle carfl dssertiot-of0 the jhe mndaus of ithe fellow. vn now getOts tan a fallingat tockma- O, aeuyardesin
fit slufts.of trI port 1,0v' taa'luhen they gettogether." he.S , FL atnyardvsi,
to dotble-dainlats ergy'amen Ot returting from En lad e His major ontribution in te Knappn wasusback in his pe-
so[lm hile Carsois MeCillets-adl Iae deided to stoy htstory at Cone-11 seivce grew from a knoxledge ofeaofa-m iedyord-
Southern colle acespiobe suarct- as an addd tool for reigions the hstory of the 0eran state- termined than ever, not only to
nla n the small cornnra of por."I le centered his inerest on chutch elationship. He knew that im5poe Congresional conduct of
C o w ey decayinartwtailigt lorild One of thec 16th and 17h centuiry hstory I the goenment tr ditionally sup- foreign affairs, but nose also t
Czja y stance, describes the bewildrmntr his dotorol thesis he later elab and guessed tlhis sstem would worthwhile activity,
Coniued a5frs or e so of a newspaporboy whlo hisais ttoated into isi fir.t bok, "Tudo bicak dosn with the occupation,'True to his Chicago pte, he
-- - --- -- been inf o"'iuCObs a tic u 't' 'd Purtansm" "I knew thredbe trouble umless has tayed on at the University
- rclne ,nkohr okthat lotve s tlboul answer we were pepared to carry it on, long enougha to get Iis lecture
does not neerssarily mean sles. THE ROAD froma "Tdor Prut a 50 I kelta sking qustions." When rten no into a textbook on cur-
Cowley regtets the reducton in iTHE'SE ARE the ba sc ama 'i ii- tanism" to Wa sinton lobha' 'fle Italian occupation force, en- rent Aerican foreign policy,
'avenues of exirscson"amnd tells ea of the modern shorr soy at beenme slightly clera when ; counteed just suds trouble, which was published last year. ot
of the publihets' dlemma, "'Ah'e iand, toi1,are C.xtent, of thetiKnapen wihdrew from the mi Kuapp is',eCarlier qestions led Ihfedecidedehoeseathcte lan
printinga book that will iell ounly jnioel and drama s w'll. Terr.ity four years after he had been someone toask "" 'Whe re's that so- fed."isaeo, rpot is fun;
two or three thousamnd copes s focus is ar ros, but sharp and od aroet. "I rached the saea nd sowho thinks hec knows it' the reetriion tat gets dll
coa1 osuadoag tthey typically exipress a keen n- ceraian nunbr of miniser rach something about reliious a- oud be surprised hos many
"I lok ot id toan ~ sght stong symupathy or com- af1ea tiayave hail oo many une fatta ad lis beatue at adisra faculty members, wshenm tey get to0
Inom1pba"oa. h frad aauafr rearcra adasalter. They get too clo on relgous problems to OGaeralberotd4,'t pretty weary of
"we ayn wobsoma~ -ie ligtht, oftentimes obliqu, to the iproblem of evil. I just found 'Luius Clay. "the fi dinrsosi h
boanhaalttemie oir aony This is not moealisthue o t dffcult to s y awat a mnsTeodnr esni h
hesita te to have it puvately arefoa~s lteratrre by aymoans etan stpsetd to say whoemn a man' ij r H EE exriemnces In hta Air aaei vidcm nt ak
prne n d b dIt usseasrhing', proing liteatuaec dyana oh cancer." Foce carer affected Kiop- a career of it, But I always had
But thes 51te op Amicaletters 1ItGdosn't make for great lter _ But 5101515eusdecided to con- pnsthinking ,about the uture ue ti rue-nhti m eti i ok nBiihhsor h is a enrl"ashv aobeings. Itfist a thoug
ifleo aa onef , neeisapoetry, ct'gretted. But it does not exlude; even ater his oriinal m otivatioti I a, ay of m king political sien- But "it's ben a lot of fun. I
rifc aoun o god, ew oeryit ithr ist woder Singa fw bzzdon'tsowat anY misailrhensions
and an entirely different approach ttcihe. It is not, so to speak. had disappeartae.His Rhodes ex- ti odr en twht bttt
to ur onnr 5 ltertur." a gardeat of rank a'erus in which I isrietce also had something to do bombs flyig oeread makes you abou tht. Every dy's a bi dy
the fair and surpassin bs.som witth his decision. "on cam't live thinitk there is some more nteli- tr etos o snbg
HE OLTatne ,~ cannot row. In any ase, geat in Engl nd two years witlout gent way for a man to apend his ge
HENCOWEY tteded inr literatuie cannot be manufactured 'soaking ap b ckground on that life." And some incentive also
Ameyrcatertwere noffre whaty mposng a desirable attitude srt of thusng." came from the exchanges of auto- K APEN recoguies that his
Amran itdas re olyifeedenthay.ohwrt Ha n ilo u- le bean teaching at theUi- oh- raphIics among felloxsa mse caner constitutes "a ccea1
was rea was rad the iitch IalyAotypicalitereasetisnilofnstilt-gamble, If I aemarried and had
"The situation has changed com-' get.vniyo"hcgbt Iaoa a family dependent on me, oaybe
'pletely noa," he reports "Perhaps Great literatre reuies, firt started to gmow within him" low officer to Knappens ocup, - ~wukntb h oln tn
thaat3 er c see o nd foremost, a gret andmaded- ban to feel thrccwas something ion as a politica1 scientist was, Iamoulntb h oln tn
cloely there really wssn't 00 pedent mind. It should however more in life than to explain wha t'If you'd t ught beter this would""I'posbetainayroro
much writtena that was tha t good," be said, in all fairiness to M. Wi- a great marn Edward I was." not hve happened" Kiappens "tspsibetsti aya ns
son, that our culture might ell He wroase up his lecturesa in te; retort wa, "If on let me ot ofa-wemoay b able to get the thin
thi.ervaion nhetesttifoceflart benefit by another, more positive field of Englsh on.titutional and here, beliee me, I'll try to do it going on a laational basis.
ofhis woinsthe Cosy'trcenuthphasattitude towvard self-aalysis than lutgal history, filling a need fora btte."seodingt otiIa higo
.the comulsie one so prevalent an uip-to-dlate American text but Another experene came wile . .. cothi

about thastee i'sio ,nd dioesop toda'. Suit whether or not this didu't remain at Chicago any Knaippen bcame imprcessed with "weight aonda. May'be you don't
metopi pnos ohsmnd, has adirect bearing on the crea- longer than was necessany to a'rit woorking 'on Gen. Claysa staff, hv ogt1 rc.to h
enofhsoitiusTohs tion. of great litetrature is a moot his books. t he way he, as a bureaucrat, coutld people on 'oum side to get a bill
Eliot', extremes of Catholicism I I througthCogesMabsipr
and Communism offer only rejec- question that mnst beleft for a "I bcame rather re.stless abouut 'be hpersuaded to let one grouptof cent 's Cnonughs timybessix per
tion; life takcs reveng.e on Joyce retrospective posterity to decide. history in genersl. It requires a visiting churchnmen see Clay awoilegrsmnfoidubfa'esC-
an Post"frben eimiatdIn the interim, there is sufficient narrosw specialty on a small period rejecting another group's request. g"h rmdutu district,.
and rous fo beig eiminte"The professor usutally gets on
from their ealculations." enough reward to be derissed from of the pas. i Normally, if a histo- It was naot so muach a quiestion of pol nWuhmstnbcueh
Malclm owly oftheEngishturning to a story or novel that is nian begins itching, he just moves numbers of worshippes represent- ~fc
deateti o ntehgnufree from pondecous views on the into a more recent period." But ed, but more one of "how they deeraheanever the' businessman balk h rtr ecm oftlt n/ribclt fmn npe a a lce ytetrw ter wih rud eist on al.
admire in maturity, he is "wacmer kind, Heasuranee, not invective, presence at Chicago of a leading Knappen the future lobbyist cc- Hsttn iue h oii
endl nearer to ourselves." is our most pressing, need today. authority on modern Britain, "and members well swhat Knappen the' cal scients oso,"ab ' ehspse rm"h o u ieauerfet hsne nm alwc ngaut ec-braca ere.nttergtsr od t u
summers of ping-poog, and the ito search ton thse redeeming qual- int ended with the 18th century," But it was an army movie on can tell someone else when t
waiters and people arriving and ities in ordinary people, camouflage that diverted Koap- pound. Aftcr all, the whecel that
more plunging in the pool," and In brief, one can appreciate the M~iICHIGAN State College had pen from his present gsal. "It squeaks gets the grease,
from the "winter that had the microscope at least as well as the soine openings for political showed how a group of soldiers "Maybe nothiog'll happen, but
'taste of raw alcohol diluted with telescope - and, to strain Mr. scientists - "they weren't so par- tok a short cut through a whea t anyway, there'll be more of a
pale gingerale that had gone flat." Wilsonas metaphors a it further, ticular in those days about a field and left tracks. Their oath chance, I don't claim ac're going
"It wan no use regretting the one might suggest that he con- man's qualifications-and Knap- was too clear, They were spotted to make a newc heaven and earth,
past: he might as well drive on," ider the stethoscope as well, pen's grounding in British histtor by the enemy and blown up. The hut I do hope to havye some fun."

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