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March 31, 1957 - Image 5

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Sunday, March 31, 1957


Page Five

Sunday, March 31, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five

Mystery & Measurement
A Look at the 'Differences' Between Humanists & Social Scientists

1 N1896 D.Andest Whit pis
dnt of Crl nt Cm iiits hpub
bisbed abok caled A IHistory 5of
the W9atfre o ciencitrae inthIrie
oot' il Chiisendomn.71: beek
slim - te med ocithe him d-
inton e ctuetea ,t itiTime chasli
are: that o titttis' (ptseiPro-
res. Tiss td mettoether
wits the conciitoriy iew that
between science ad reingion there
could, by definihion be no real
conflict. peisades D. Whites in-
teresting ad lengthy account.
Yet, howee mistaken in fact
were the enemies oalGiltranaid
Darwin, the anxieties ad values
toe which they spoke ae too ti-
damenta1 to be dismissed merey
as error and bsentrantism. And
te isstes they sitsed hive now
emerged in asess ad cruialtcoi-
text as oiaitsciettists attmit
to focus the scietiic attitude
uponthle studyttoa man himsel,
Proftessinalthiteoloetians ae
stow a relasisly scatteed band;
their place as at ticlte sokes-
nteri for tte role at alses its h-
tian lite is stard tla ty hubi-
manists .._.iwite satists, critics,
proessorsV/len usanstsolrt-
temtplate stcat1scienceIley ot-
cit raise twooinds at obetiiss
irst, social seneustitlies and
enscourages a degaingtss and fatal
conception of mana'ss nature se-
oend, the atempti to sieai with the
psyholoetcat atd socilt lie of
mats in tn "ojetie" wa is both
inhterenly msnstos isntd leads
to mntisoss cosistsios
It would be shallost to dismiss
ttse objchioist as vsi es oat
mediesval1dog'matim, as supersti-
tins, as pesese ailsjs to kees
ts with the tismes as b any at the
other tomulas sitwhirls our
aecavoiids uncomostable tes-
tonss. The anixetie at the h-
manistsse ertinesst adsigifii-
cait. It resmains to examine bass
str they ate ,jutified
O' NE alsowrities a rtuttin
Ilborsuder te necesit to
deselots his ptonsntsvitws, s0
tttatll maysee tetse eta
whichli e atistsBit to piy tse
devils adocate is to r isk ditots-
igthe dilspotit atfsvess sit
fairly; it is aslo'tanawkwar d form
of exposition. For thesktatffic-
sess ad hiitthi hetefoieI sill
tkie excetIsfisn s The Mesre
of' Man, a tbooh b the emient
literary csitce Jsstitt \VWotod
Krutch and sinoti'ra N atinial
Booik Awaiidfot 15, a ste folnt
tsr isty discu"ssis, ilt irWi
:itndta n is nly ts stit
mtitbe I-l)t1',itdi by itas. Te
Mmiser scir i .e iseitattdst'hcisi
sseise 1 to7ext 're ad I
e'ctitsa shrtiin isabe cis.tits
lJust :is ilsi idealit a'frei
soiets i listtuinslss insis
v idtuals ,tt c sitissists Iteci'so
evenimre obvioscse s Its
sot ltan1 itt it,-h ,veithitch wa
ar laningti is ctullyctonl
the ieitible reutltosithts
tass ilreayihapisnet.Uest

ttse tnpredicisite indtlhie his-
r ttt iis", i losible, theis hue

aln it ' le e sin of as
St eses
BUIT NOtW i tthe u ciii tnisio
btesen t us ndItitt lute rec
itt 'a ticuil'hform':t' tf srstr e o uteris
Ilt c iti t hel ln tos abot
ubsau ft hepl . iad io-u
hue lusiti a p si thsi o ute
ttlv tx.s' oft si ed ofysusa eiss
tus e a dhout mn i it ispte
tn thniss etashwxtslssceis-s
ssticsseiuts i su h ipu lse, go
11tbn to denyreerence tatif
no lipe wne . ,. m tn' fosibthwipotctd den,,courage,nta
WFI" Cerltaitfosy, thensioth n wilbing
cot'fr eeiinin o ecm ta, e n tc-it hc DnQioewetrdodtm eents ibsh~ ught, peraps
Doshua reeo' eed crigftute utgatdte tg napedi1flyMn'twsesc ipae ihsto thoeprecipiatued
utisa asiredicabilty? M st w immese vriet of atorswhich and ' iss, aripartofltse wrldubltherise kfiphsicalandtiod,
Icaiim i re opeeu bl t hoinfgicthehisfutueemassauratdiin nececeitnin the
ntingsty renscetreof Garliseon
Jred H? N areseAiTS isnoTHEdROeOF iisMpoedytitadar i tm aywlindwicae Krutc
K nout lippedir ingtuuitemateetal thepcausali1,t'" biswkichttpatIrtoehiscitcatibn
p rtes:dadenorgd
iea n pdeltu esolionsm d a tr, a ndScah ol Ifutre ndexcty teed amhi srbt f gth e rtai'nlstesoitiasianwpsychriog-
effsoiriitsare mtreilluiont~s u"c now iic e patwel esi u toiwtisceh isDoQoewt, rid-e itmay aertet sesb'othe aree-
diti uret, ieacatalty? resustwse im tndevretys oes atr sthctantumbluaepo fthe eespir or'lf-coparabliitg thesextrenpally d-
tocitc oslba tetiditcau'ialetboesodelatnlgywic.hhs b'seadAprasormaits.treanlysgialtendesaraterofwall bacts
ter is tmes. rdrt peeve(ailty e to iflenec.is oifu tu e yt urcgtedsih te fcs'ty, fats oisreinsceanto ast eo atea-
fedmnese withlikasira noywlieglittlmats imnotis e a',isfar ey ay tatselhuissm frpr
Krthsafim to se stecanriiue tucews avern athe oevent sptsatiea'ytond.t tai - tic p rpose in atitheyKreu de-
misae ' ecus 'i heL roi nri utt e siiut t a e lsentirset,1to itu ee Iht mbeordstheatcmanes orathe "ftesca n scooi
1,ea upedtriim n e hud xedhsgas;bti h a ceceby ithfacsihngthe
tr i m cts-st ir dtttsaatits'hog Lr O snet u wat ich lbtieto i rne stgrale'mle sssrtr ith erhich theyhae diemo-
asifferetbetri afIsadoesisembeect ile ' der tand)sots oter las t mbFacits r o t onlyedp.ir to stsf- oneraiistliteral, t eadly truth
tou eani thirtieeenmi sclehsntoentenria i atsi 'isssptecholoy l(h of h te siuationitssth'arcesonlby triedsaam erng osi all actscn
shil naoem sd irietic satity to ilnence).lSomefilsrit- brat's mth thr efapotsbt. acs pno sad ttoekno b eash
eoan'sabtkttycsssuittieshtveitittletaaesnoAtitscehemysifostehen may can neitheruknowssa fr esacb-
etscehis itiuiteoItnitsnbestekcsaovterathelse e ni ode diemttsji- nt\ the wlsay tarI tsireezaitic aibrossthathceang tode
fam iuu~ sedtissst bhiy btuy;eoth terikepym in rt eesadyofitshene, eMine r aig cam
IeclareD shut rib uetd l~th ndcs eie pstt ladtengi btneer fwhthr tr dsAtheSgr Pa e osten spotd ytefctte h
ifx ith th pe- do he tntuuu s ,utd b etsuii sayithsenthatetosithe;sed. tacthawsdcluteea'haone ofthe
a ftut ism."mIss oesiscu ideedltu e -eeTar a ts ocialdttoti itSnte led o' a-tssd aen t nissu es criten si- ered st erlyadalytuh
outhumn feedm -whih w < ialtccnolgymans ptenialof hs itaintheaeaThe chteb ItRissmtChinpgawhithianrfct-
willlsoetlyiandi eftlybusdeie ss aotesetso iflpetat b isftutrr'.in-ria 'te rldof fatsi maty ne- oa fodt knwbcueh
Thi's ais y et ui nlytols ubi e seed tus tnot lca sttdeteralsiyin c a ethdeepknawbisa en e-r
iuillism ure. Iosissestynoas ea proof nodrd iareflection knot ', . .leget ithe oe an dto e
Butt Calirism.ph eerr tnen.ing iur itybtenfedad the I of RELou ATeSIPThe steestI aieystie" oaonr itowd
'sitlaIedltrhitnd aai r teadysnfic'- p ostlaeve oet tthxmatiha fth ecetihnoruec-hampoan soe
mae h or teft ue an eir ic ausll de arid ofacPianem auteorwtatneothe lrto goac.as opt nt
doat trntoe tsitrilsexfistencr T yr artsetatiocald theiise- t isrvle on h at. e Itat hc emgtm
tn t perab rThertwohisde stity. uki sofpstvehaontributri t eter an dth ly.Theatchurcha outCeSt poisy. onrelet
Ths accestainy, nitlrbi eo-ncomsonaBedtierrlifem t isa othe 12thf fcet iu stuat amand hpasbialaysfearda
truasitism oni' suils ss twhat . ,Tis pr ti~l e uhi of1r'Jutg manu s ad.Te ftspestahe iely a s iedoa wiede, t hed
BuertheKtutchure, inciiincomTex reoisiitedo inii fGdl tt hth a es de fEe tsaprds
elusvel throuch he prutuo of futdiicis isho acat ae texHimpl s thatnftsee omaetri, notuonlyaof-hysa lseon uirityh amid
catsal ida'sr-iimberthphysei e ndi- Risey, hoevet os o St o teaofeman that isth oartI ta am u fukoig
bo locin e pst'hagiteifutuoasis tanreetisatweenial'hi end ma sisahm i rfo of m a igrness Gads antrutionsstooAdam
unlogical .'h tohve and 'bpottiseycosughbtiotoo plaed omat theiddeapit ftheo IteosioslOfteteeo-h
Cautal tts'sare rocese iot Te ony tlia,,ahie ,cuisc a nuscisetha 1t henas y, b ot e:v utnow nedge of wgood fand ei, tho
tearlss oly 5state thet shatse c..isTaelie rittheisc et of Jsa eserved saltnoteetfof i:hforinkth
sfe the itutur', itreprivcof s ex- Isortlth edost lnsa,1cisnti Whnatwatdlysenatt detsttita ,noest eeofThou
Stie ist asertthatac t is at c a t e it he umig t oft Godi , 1 that isuty hthms erve it rduen agrEenthasomepkradisea
tausia'l toiug thepeaion tfitniccs)soti texecturagethuieSsa thseyiuse ihsae fole hnos 'hedgefareyfatal.scrt n
acsa So wgo -i het her physiatlyr tnderinc, .to miackfinodito -bthebas of the ,lo hstIisth att Is ii t utaknoledgeu iso atn'sn estate
by th sa~ie hic'lsva o a he hi hahsteniug , ." Ia phssse ais aidsaiseansasGotr-sIirust truictiosa sustscatyao
logiuical, crsanihufat tisth e luh ' oni doi ..t.0 piaeplants the cmittde pt e t h sus rereeusinos: itisftsthistreisse thei
isetis aw cruaolssesio cihrulytif trtshitoscinces udivetat tsnh ay'ebetserdo n olre iso sokaenvof ,astblis
Tndstetic til stae kthsia hircan athe raiste dsco eryiidsu1cc ndircuahseiou ites.t" e hsr shaltnvotg eaeusofitseforiduthen
fisrthubktueitrlse i ofte uhithfeatimods t sucoducititdtWh ss en unronuedItblite fatesoils thAahus eatiest hmsefbecaus
oat. Thuse casuit" eterminism slk-T heonyutiane it iisels tuhs eo asuhes nou shalseu elttutes ."sitS nIsis a'o'dbe
dos ttirh sutser ist ie ittutu i h ealmotffer istch one estainithisat ina is st1i7-h 'te btuyshurhma ub- routes pire ha s om eiidsit oefl
wetuioegoithiti, wei i llhuts ivte othued sinwtsi ftu''i ltle blssotsheelogyetmidf tieetus das Bit knc ledeisr mant'lu estinaS-.
bythtre r'ur obseameetlo I sit i atn sih i sts aeamupethingS h ,s "ss uarsplane t h nyo eliranag'usv-I0i'tucsdts himsito theut bake o sso
isusetu nuiuu ehasec int ta WIasut the reitisiionbshAh Hasipsiti5itue utitGaie ,ud eslrshse
i nrl~aw .ltoh vethunusto St ur atstu''e ttpleasneti ettut itsusd it anturbe htan, itarnsia t iin his sdt~e'nsetat f
heaven.via scie t fc fcsto vle"suhgettiig aebendn 'in re i pkn o sbis
rTheilore uti theys~eakt of i t i ' delecibrodi litse tknhut hree 1spciihal huosei ofa ut Chita !H vng e en o te frbd n
"'tou chtktohe seb-knolede insmiy mtitbutete owamdi ethisdcrneece.I hr r -teAa ie isl eas
ofte ieoal sltyriwithr' u esin aetustust h i tc o es 'tutu h eussean'hs ord e
'Mlity.hIscralscs" ctut s e si l-it ke o Kruetciimt''fns o1nssehulr t i t id cin vaif, heytii mu st e it it co lit 'e'ituepanfl'net ire sll
ise natturis,,siufus---b tw ich alt andmaulueae t eusushmi Oh itt ;10ecds t thtowtsctnm t eir ihb-jpn isg.Simishrl', man's attemptui
etuisursnSilh uue is them tub e ikd - ht ifi exa uhptu tit tued siti'eid'ilim Ad m'); itrmetelitivst s fuursie utd s
dic fe civtuey mi'toh itiredo , i n tutuecfiih, ie mat tillu.deu- isHo c tnthet ict hirm o.-intt;h itasco d atit brke fatsown
ist~eduDii c hatsce utinhiruan-m atuothusi hoh be s is nns ii et isis oasu terk? HOWthanm' WNi"d'mull.whenu sGaIis Huha it stler sotwSc
clonres i tolik i tochas, t seis t u iooliuesthattoexpertsitien benredesole y it uhuSav'ior'"values 11trne theitt w asiniffrtt ole isvii-
ikal ui nthieisene if t ann t dvlce faitit tss ilhssan i he us ro usetofrut int luce's e it sutsntse if
cuitus h leHnses's u fucuts uuttui eti tutu tribtsiu tusess hiite met sGod'te s eta a nd tus s ltStiinaoueely bsr s:" tt-
th tau oina s d iaut wtat textivstott wat thu 'llts ened te old ti s otoci'ttt rilodf albi'ou"esyitull usis5whicth
usuate P uuks latt i hut-ii atithear5 sust ucs bllhaeuto t is nii inheret i ai leo'stue i hu rt S sifl apob.it o

is atuialls si .te i iutu'bie rcc:"gidrsto cotudutctsunS _theaver-_______aa____of__a__)refeele' ce, hedoars
stilt of wa t ha us nut ha- a oascoes the storm, Tim 5is bthz ash l onaotut itse one
MrcriseS" rauae .1-only unfitriouss ottdttiutt pseudo-ralism; actuihia t t StSitrissaacraiie;im 'or examinetiuctuuoitluetiossoof the
thsa Ilsrri s ta singl,'t u ur ubie: I isosnouts cynicis, ee oet sytil y fltiit ' t' s,tInyuctut hIsocvith
othet bittis.ssisis ii c sis oaths
is l a ti ud;ie accounts tar ill Iu Pitn Bs Kruihi's s1ccu,'r.s s i Ie is also dtre 'nor of tie ;stut hut' ontatsoie
behatvior. Gusts if tis aerec ti r c;tily imossible. IieL uusr ota Cliie Fim '.tuts e""'ited itsproem ncut 114 s
oUtiuteruntpreseut site iue (iaseous apl1)' bs 1 ''I:see !itsmutuus 'ee' fY, ilpitge6

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