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March 31, 1957 - Image 2

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Page Two



V u uu'i I IV1411 ~71r 17JF


A First-Handl Account of Rioting in the Hungarian Streets
By JULIOS TORMA human. Maybe the party is not who, upon realising the unarmed I towards a human form laying some resounded with the deadly fire
HEAY, ilk fo coere th ,everything, maybe there are also crowed deirsed nothin except a 20 pares fiom us. It is my brother of arms and the shouts of dying.
A. EAY sikyfogcoerd hefeeling, thinking human beings peaceful demoisstition, admitted They killed him; it is him_ Some in the rear with disfigured
overete tofnuas t, slangtoThere was a spontanieous outbiust it to the building This heaitened She waited to rush oct to him We faces and strained voices ured the
hide the teiiible events of tihe pre-( of cheering, isses were heaped the ciowid which nows buist upon hd to estiain les. Let me to I doss be shut. A bullet just fosird its
viou wek Tu sotil seondupon them, ci"'rettes weie ten the suarse shoutig" We sr no want to die too; 0 those damned wasy and disembowelled a young
morning of the irevotition ad it dered aso the shout sept thet fass itswe ario f asscfsts ,. bests ., "Anl xplosnve bullet hit; man This very moment the young
semdaoilhymaicht a tet the Russians had joined the boy beseen the eyes His siste gutl euyin for her Most brother
shaken tie slespy toswn and uso ...E OCCUPIED the thretstair-si sass how his bainsis see blown sit! slpped asay fro me; aso I cauht
cemented the( populittson i onie1 sin and oeijoed we sang amnd sleihad to e focsd to tke bhra I noticed the small hole on
single. isul sating bs'ng had loted HEFIRSTiHungariaisnsfistias aante Natioinal AtheS coscias she sohbiiglyt riesd to lie forehead thateinded ter liie,
aledy fos a veiv Ish is"elnac Iised upon a RussiaunPuner comafort the miortaly ssosuscd t i clinched my fist as the tars
The to" favoredithue resoluion s nb'arings'oiiits turret a bhfisSssdesly the dimsssas icasng dioped ona iy ihasd ais roled
asries ands it asso favioredclthe scseIolstariris-('ed ysunsgs"resolsi n- ithe Russsan tanks hiegausto shot ifiom thcirconto tes'youing sssstr
poicse sswIo 5''cc blys crssing arseit beganiito rotimnisil itstoss.fThsy hbegaiito shoot ask 1t'
ost hssiniosolnes'.s' tosswca s eAilsmise lhsosse Ttse ' the AVOmes, kllssng one othirss I TE DOORWf\AY ppaeda
I filts sss Irresrais lsts srs's'tssstar s ass hiastd detscidi a ftashtssucind 'offisecs araidcitsoofIhsei men'I5Theys'r'esisucisssssncommsas'singss" is
insh is retaot ake i'deep !,s act sir05ou1totse P sitimnst 5'is iecsi s'th Iheayfire theuer(to lessve an tie crossssss shesusaso
brhs ofsa ebrezusi ofee ' NothIsisgebussthie trustsssf 1)111esa.c j .'"isssrs 01 te ss isurningIhoses. isto tseslstohetsa'Ihese ssas a
dor andstobe nie5to ssssoe po tss snlassThe' lcrowsdsts'rlnIlsa '' ~AVO friens as'ere 'issis" peossle momesn'slul.iSoe-stswenaty1sofis
T ei ra1d 1 cio'bl ''s:e asi thn< Si" a 5 i i" ut-r s 5 ss'sl ta'ksled a th iocesnt cic0550. risc seres- i~j iiilsi st of t01ocsrer lc dc "" ith s
055 Sisi sst 5 ass s~a is 51c 5 s'sid ss sa s f estsss' 'asse i l l- t s of t the kiss ocis nssss isilacit 5 ss sossis ssseo s' i ssac
staste ts move.sWe hadsdscide'""if siss es ri ishalefsissnlsismtacs ~ co he as' e.s'sB'Hst hly d it id
not to wocsk untiliouisscssssdssisons uebu"c oeefr eodre o issos ad still w s keas' wsep tes''xfr
basd hasn metss sa rtd ~a r'l''s s 5p 'eiar' i s'sl sis ill as ca d"""si ~ 51 sat ' sssis swits a s nsssmomsest al tas g a 'iss'ssc 'iny t'he s'ie
ilhs censtser of the tsasstis anks1,iststok thehit ci the rbusrt sir"ii 01 isis iachesd t isa' cmrthsrwresonulyi
the tlac i ehi' rag t l s, i tas'if af te sistif 'gp redIie of ialet Gihss Ii's Is 5 uhis c
hefore't.'earrve inthe, u'r i e o th .' ss. ro'I n he Rlussis fies '5usd ls issuisiau y110ss :il "asr'c isrsc"sic
fiositsa in. h i lbs ii'i:"e r rir e of tisttew lsa d oe6V1 at us n: lu xe su' 'I
siliise o'athe11 y iuutis g.lean.i' ;'a The i s ii'AVO' fise cd i 1is i slits c. iii gAc'c ssld
nlsssi 555i5 si tuese tu rs ofe5 t.iii ci n~, asunset isabut ris s , c
'surlsdsis'e'fursil''5ttis chi sisiociniitseci t
liass iiof i hesifau itsie5 as iipen 'cdaie 'lire e sslils tiasilastcossisi n o d ani feaI c issi o
Tci'y'g'oists scisas' isis sls'ndcieli Al M wI 1110''11 sct'our fer In frosst e 0505tal terror We felt as itsic
annuncdsisi rl } eJ1sf15 1555i5T'i;ho'HiseIsis' tlothhng butaitinder'fiishhail "icasysdsise our hes, it wss
off wee oind y Kthe Ginbs, ou Fthela01;f haseci'oss oS iiig hteedelsoplse itsto se othics anioss.'Ihe demon-
~uppscl ed yas 5555cc 15pawl nSieIthicf ianosa 0 si,11 'f'ies weren t eslyts' tilrest door slss'opeInsilce'dsh.tlse i s i u tsssss ss rioitouesr
isgthe burnisinssi"rociotof tsefNa- (stirs inithis mmenasst, onliy SHillsmistsisay for thils e t'cgation o in s stlass's'fect ..finaisecifo isa I snoiicid citomiy
Itonasl Mida' s 5 therVe5 liioi 5a eriinsswshosihlarsts isecicthrsoh- decp ilsii'e, our of whlom suit rinicot uwas soking ws ic5th
poswer oniarthsithI latcrossd to I ii chisfoIisthes'falless herosesti cii isis unued oia the ack of oneiA T41MT H M ashoutnt usp ;blood I hass no isea senasait
reeige fIrsall thsa underlshe laF'gHo las's straosathteachuge stoiae lionsa goisisi hethis ckoo siwoien lit'et in1-happieied Wilit up sd etered
Ini frsint 01 thi Mussumithericecossistbhrfatsei oi moruiringthe enitr ace sisd,hoarsase wits a h k osoos fte ielagi a osciuest of some
weric oveturnedis cturiedii clrsam- thssa fhscmtuseid cirowsd. Thearnessousnaie's, iii t e r p r e t eci thac doors of the pariameintlithitled;siter We diakrested a hilte
carsanad soic iveuss'desre'ict tanks silaht of liii Police helartrcssassaage of Iae presidieit of pais into one of the cictlashblons.and heddifosihona,
their trret"(liiups ilted like me icetiih nolu licat;I It 000n s samperd with peole On arivig in the m a I n
crushed flowsssapokisag cirszily sillcusswsnisiths the red sar, dowliiiisss "L 1iseia Mesa.lI just talked to Iseigrfm s ltaig as formsthoroughifar sic met thaesecond
sioe down orstup into thearr.in Gror.The radio lies, liar AVG Dsbi. Ie tells uts to to honae off, shoes were lost in the melee. is'ae of demonstrators, led by a
Bsnide the tanskacor pssOnliar mcii secit police arcsll I0ui pe acefslly Ileithinskoit i.sn- IWhere is Fr ak irh s, souted a ( dark old mother crr'tg the blac
corner the amoingirecisk of aiilcdrers! Tue voices bcaersorsear mecessarcy to dmostsrate He is' mun and everyody ted to find flg of imourning.
armnored cuss.GOn the stiies load- hut in lrot of the Amnericsnsi a to talk to us oe the radiho." fr i e n ds and relatives. Some Sloan. flee' in the air ad the
tug to lie ardsio the legioniiaiiesaioin we sange the SsnainA He ewaited to continuie ut thiefaintd,. other, vomited, wounded next thing I remembered was tha
spoting their armuba'ds discussedl them anld ackmnowedgsd thacewarm ciossdc shouted hie ons: does lie people were bought in, some died fI linked aems with those of two
else details of tise siege of the gieetiings ihat steaedcitowss il not dar to shows'hiself? What is t mce others were dying. There young demontators shouting at
Radio buildling. Thirsbadajed Ii fiom cise balconies. e afraid of? H.as he .ome dirty w'as no air and no way in or out.I the top of our voice: "This is our
wound: arid seek old boaidwrie lisis to hide? If hr wee Hun- We veer w'led in and could not' Fatherland, let the Rusias return
an eloquent commen a t garian he would joins us!~ Dirty venture out beasie the square stil lto theirl Ruskies go home"
they discussedXXE DID HOT CARE itiaIny helps AVG ilsintig
wa orthicomingAmeric'ns
T~'HE RADIO buildiunt was punc- or Russaus wht we wantcd was A ORE'AT SHO00T'bhinketed that
tuned like a sirsei In firont. of it00Iiudo ore'htbmttca squasre'IThe emrowdcibhioke into
Clieeoiss vr i citysuhaw ait'i ihancie mcssmaller groups discosumac excit-
bordeinguonifrm i tsyedly thiss exssper asingreuff: Dby
th'Hungr'min fladsmany a spsY
of the sr et l(esisci'FPomsaunder Amiast the amreetinis of theima one of the ulng, clqu who
the flag lilaccould anee the liii en Amecricamsssalbstheapp rovalof outs1hiasemrsug iHunamcry ydurimg the jC O N E T
mg pallor of thirusfairis;they icwRiussa allissweu'kept ons i st twelciiyearss tfledtad
calledi to miscountuthcon ssscis ce of :umosies" in thai disecstoun of the dour everything to prosgate the
the bysandrsa IMisstis' of Aa'scssitume Thisua- oseissrst ciieidMciedii s, tliss BLOODY THURSDAY-A first-hand account of rioting in
Sonar shts wippedl in ou001 istuc huilding Iases Psriamset tbadcoipy of Rako5 01 Groe the l
dim ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n elsihsttuioiimiiimgslhassWe usc ssd uit wesiswnen "buildsr"o the Ihted mimaistee of I te Hungrian streets. Page 2.
by their fastenscomuradess dd ntswurkng t theirucliski. Itwistheliarntrior Lsaslo Prosconamoly
mind. 'Thaeyss'sr hinkinguss of a stussuge, tboughii as ire passed knossnm as the inmnoent. .Wi MALCOLM COWLEY-No shynss about tec expression
future sit fussedomn rd fusrthuri hy just ssild sudclsed thur.thscusht that liar justice of ours' ndel mn fhspisPge3
momemtuthirhii ts lleiiucfillsecito Windsowsathat wereswies open di5casuse will cousincd respcte. We'e vlpmoefoigwt ard vr-ni hn tfrtweddntfro htcmuimad, H IRSOND isOpINon S N-ageese3.
where the wals sdore hucwounsatchan'bsy uuiotunces to thus. tier se incompatilhe . ,TEMCOCP N OI IS NAdfneo
of liarfft gis t1ins', Amhluiac sThs bg tainkroled into the My eardrums 'rc it by a the 'minutiae in the modern short story. Pge 3.+
scatterd ammscunitionu acidumouecsqusi wills its human loud crack I saw seaes of whe.at
and more civiliain fredom fgtesns[follwerd ha the coswci Whema falling ao the people mowed down REFLECTIONS ON NEW DIRECTIONS-"Jttiton, the
We noticed the corps'e ot the firtapeople nounce the hai amet by , uddeus burst of guns fell;
uniforme uIassian ins frunt of the buihlmng easuuardeel by Russian befoe they could seek refuge] udgment mon we're in a hurry." Page 4.
Guttmain stoic. It ws unumcove'rd'tanks. theicea to a suaden halt emroucing again.sCtthe parliamentI
and nobody caed 'scitosbomerohim.ad fanued out in two durec'iosialls behind har tanks, between' MYSTERY AND MEASUREMENT-A look at the "dif-
His teeth sereri'rulng 't us, a A sicall delegation wuslked sp to thueim three.ds, on the ground frne"btenhm issad oclsinits
macusherigmnacese larsihowwin- thur com'mading Russianu ofice'r cispeuately trying for cosere .ecs"btenhsmnstan oilscelss
dove' were shatter edhbut lsthe _______The____ lirAVG began to fire' fom, Page .
good. thesy dishp1.aed were all' Mr Tormas is a 25-yesar-old surmoumadumngoot tops they spin-
there. intact. Rit o thu r se ungarin refugee hoha kled with bullets the umarmed.~ ADVERTISNG-Awoy, but alwoys, the thing is to ell
another corsearis wfieand etil- h n~teVuie Ch~ inumnoesutcrowssd. The crck of Pge6
drerskeltussthidautshams rins. anury.sagle shots tbe bursts of'ronmmy
Three lovela' hunmchecssitfflwss ewsepleifo egunssiwept thursquare, n an
coerd iu' es sicwos daAt InIv aple51tofBdfroeth instant the shiny concrete of thI WASHINGTON ADVENTURE-rom academic life to
the cssrner sif thinhIthl Astoria fte his iarents were classi plac was soaked in blood. It I presure group lobbying. Pago 7.
heer were fire Ruu salinks ad'f, la"Ksk" o 1~ meant fr ightfuml wounds or de.lb
thr smscies s i fsiistst and aes in Bodshst tohsewowrebtitao SPANISH ART--Critics need knowledge of social and
actiomn. It wasfouridden to gather , duing the' entice revoiution, en the blood curdling ferocity
bu iofoyohsldciheh situshnNembr155, c i oppessor and fle totals intellectual history. Page 8.
but nbody bservd th pr oiama- On Noembe 3, 156,-hre-I

lion.fHsiureds ,wre; s'.a'inug' turnd tishis hnie vill'acc and I foud m 'sel srtewl fte TEmOEOeWEINS-lnigovranwfd
arounmd the iunks.T01hey suirrousudedl ?,0idsa's later slipied acros. the Ifonmyefathwllfte TH COE FTW DNS--G ncgovraewad
Che surlsrised SRussians 'asuc tried border into Austria. On Jansi'ry Pairli.aent half hiddemn ha our of I Pg
Co 'xpisimu t Il~um the ugthe stonselhonas while the squa re Pae*
nificance' of the reelion. liiitsy.rhe1'ture emuptited its 'rowed into the sur-
for lbs t nitrd States. UPEETEIO: retTedsi
The eare'russonsstssiy'cdomaosmie-enoled rounding streets. Explosions, theIUPLMN COTREse5Teesin
whsat behsind. We haci been thaure ir the IEn'lish Isisguage Insti- whine of race' bullets, taukeuns PICTURE CREDITS--Poge 1s courtesy Prot. Haoltd Wethy; Pose 2
h.ardly a fie mincutes wshen tn ea thenierit d, and uaay machimne gins under-
aoe a elmehl osuat tomawithe rui WolfgandSti~ cewts ad, eiDao te Pilyphosograph by tri Hendrickson, Page 3: Daily photographs
threa tensingour easedrumns ass ivper's tmlyProf. tolargs ofte oen.by Charles Curtss;sPate 4: Patty photographs by Chasles Cursiss
bringingr tears to our seyes.irma memher of the economics de-sp oimrgu.PnaHnsnIosmhitadhihr
those 'ho were brouthut up undhemr W'~E WEE six deep in Che shad- Gastith; Page 5: sighs photograph courtesy University News Serrice;
a dictatorshaip 'nesod h r orma is still a little ow of parliament and I was Page 7: Doily photograph by Leonard Cyr, Pate8s to photogsaph
trt forcundrsoddny hmscbulie the Mute covering as well as I could from courtesy Prof. Harold Weshey, bouhom Daily phosograph by teon-
decide'c to join our fight. Por the States er much. He i' plan- reing hit. A beautiful young girl arcd Cyr.
firs't time in twelve years it dawued ning a career in ounlim leaned aga inst me and cried outI
upon us that they too might be 1 ______________ her fear amid anxiety. She pointed I

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