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February 24, 1957 - Image 9

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Sunday, February 24, 1957


Pnne Ninms

d, u 4 7I N Yg

Mental Medicine Men Are Giving Their Advice to Worried Students
By JAMES ELSMIAN There is some overlap between Hygiene every year, Prof. Van upon individualism in today's so- SefSoluton
Taily Saff writer the functions of the Division and Duren revealed. He reported his ciety. People are becoming less
ONE wonders, when surveying those of Mental Hygiene, although office was short-staffed because of able to make up their own minds WHERE DOES the worried in-
the many counseling facilities a student who "shows symptoms dividual turn but to scientists
of physical or psychological it- space limitations. and resolve their own mental ill-
for students on this campus, if i ness" is usually referred to Mental Prof. Van Duren defines the nesses. Admittedly psychiatrists of the mind to help him resolve
students aren't becoming excess- function of his staff as "seeing his fabricated problems. He seeks
iety rent on "scientists imnd fungand mental counselors are needed
specialists'' to make their dcisionscthet a udent has motivation for to care for the few in society who a crutch never realizing that at
and resolve their emotional prob- have serious mental illnesses, but lat anyeal ores agirary
liss pwt i oainldsr. e problem insst be resolved in hs
e'.cause 00 percent of the entering it is hard to escape the conclusion: own mind.
Psychiatrists at the Mental Hs- freshmen change their vocational that many people are getting Prof. Van Duren lends his many
giene Unit of Health Service, psy- directions before they graduate, mental counseling who don't need years of counseling, students to
chologists at the Student Counsel- the counselors are booked solid. it. This isn't toe fault of the summing up the situation: "Stu-
mg division of Rackham Hall No' other counseling unit oln mental "scientists" who have res- dents reflect the mores of the
relicious adsvisris t Lane Halt,
campus handles as many students ponded to a demand. times, constantly thinking they
academic counselors, and residence ms the above three. C. Grey Austin, tt is the fault of today's Ian- need assistance in solving their
halt stall ersiimnne1 are over- program assistant at Lane Hall, guid individual. He lacks mental problems. They don't have the
worked, attempting to resoe p- reported no waitmn list for the self-sufficiency and is the puppet desire 'o work them out them-
chotogica trobemss students can- Hail's four counselors and that of the power of suggestion. Every selves, but the solution rests fin-
not solve themselves. oonly six students visit the counsel- time he reads about--and even ally in their hands."
Arthur Van Duren chairman of ors regularly ,Life Magazine has given him com- It seems that in today's Amer-
the freshman and sophomore fac- moon currency--mental abnormali- ica, while over 90 per cent pro-
ulty counselors. is convinced s pPyof. Elton . McNeil of tent and ties, he immediately gives himself fess a belief in God, people are
rn emon"abiit and member of Ann Arbem Panity an mitospetive psyciatmic ex- metying less on Him for guidance
a mination. in solving their problems, more
ineecision ever ince the post-war Sire mdets ee ie area His conclusion is that he is af- on the scientific methods of
tmsdcisan c rsine th pot or - where students receive counel-
veterans' bulge." ing. iThe Service, a Community flicted with every mal-function- mental doctors. Indeed, contem-
Heightened University concern Chest social case agency, does 12 ing in the nornenclatume of psy- porary people seem much less in-
with the eflectiveness of the coum- per cent of its interviewing with chiatry. This is something like tent on committing their lives to
seting program was exhibited reprthe occupational disease of medi- the will of God and more intent
cently tshen James A. Lewis. vice- marle student Heeked at students, who often conmince on "taking thought for the mor-
presidenttofostudenttdffnairs. a ntathemselves of having fifteen or row," charting their lives by psy-
prsdmto udn l i pcounseimg from local psychiaitristsh
Iminted a committee to consider and analysts. twenty diseases before they fin- chological aptitude tests and the
the present status of the counsel ish school. advice of mental scientists.
ing system and recommend
changes if they are needed." David No Proofs
W. Baad, assistant to the dean of H INCREASED number of
men and executive secretary of the , students seeking psychological
Counseling Committee, said results A '- counseling was explained by Prof.
of a questionnaire sent to 1,270 - McNeil this way: "Our culture,
students would be made public because of a freer dtscussion of
within tawo weks. mental illness recently, is aware
of the existence of emotional dis--
The Long Wait . . . THE THINKER turbances, and we know how pro-!a
... a roe inlife fessional counseing can be help-
oNE thing common to the three e no role e life ul."
most important counseing untsHygiene. The Division takes a role He said that, although there
dnt Cousengnd c H em Stu-in vocational plannmig as s has been speculation about it,
dent Counseling, and aadmic er prob s of pychological psychooists have not yet design-
advisers-is a waiting list. growth and development ed a way of proving people are
Dr. Theophile Raphael, a Men- becoming crazier.
tal Hygiene psychiatrist said the Lieeiia U ' *Thus, we have a situation where
staff of two psychiatrists and eight; ]) "** tdet ""ti'cmpsan
Im ed c oins'lrs - HE acaemc otisetngstudents on this campus and
"specially tranedAcounlors" T THE academic counselng people i general are flocking to
wooiking esoterically in office 218 offices for freshmen and sopho- queue up m waiting lines outside
is "not lare enouih" to nu't the mores, more than 100 students are psychiatrists' doors.
student demand. Dr. Rahail de- referred to the dis sion and Mental This situation is a reflection
scribed Mental Hvgiene's w-ak ---
"more climieal" than any otheriK
performe d on campus
The psychiatiist repor tedsoi is
you've never really seen your color slides
<It the sludenIt bluy aSa n
"cul feemrifwnu al thfelso - till you show thenm on our new firrisDolo u f col .
itns'uation and d ansferrial to
m"ci-t ue eiam- Keystone 2"x 2" SLIDE PROJECTOR
rInsr.:sslecd inithse miost seirus Key ton
Si Paients repor t the Tin-
tirevuise technique is widely em-
Itin-conusuimsltatuion.Thus cun- -
suss viitullsy in cle patientstlk- - - - - - - . -i -
us:Lo th 1e waith uile ttii counselor 1'
r :-rs no moe encuragement ~
than "Yes.... yes ... umhuh "
Like all other University con-
sling, the Mental Hygiene pro- 1
"ram is voluntary, confidential,
and free of charge.
Brig'ht Search . - -1 95
COMMENTING on the seemingly
large number of students who ItI
have emotional problems so com- KEYSTONE K-500
plec they seek help in resolving, (-watt) 2" Slde
them, Dr. Raphael remarked, "I This isee if the fesI Slide Peton we'oe ever Proector. Complete with
don't think you will find any more offered! Its superior optical and condensing system De Luxe two-tone carrymg
mental upsets and anxieties in our gives you all-over brightness .. the sharpest, case and u iversa 40-slide
highly intelligent student body clearest projection you've ever seen. These new 1. 9
than you find elsewhere in society." Keystone Slide Projectors accept all 2" x 2" glass, $.00 downi-$1.50 per weekDa
At the Rackham Hall Student cardboard or metal mounts. Exclusive "Eye-Ease" Dramatic widow PonEpdid tocotton
Counseling Dlvi.sion, Pm-of. Stanley Filler etiiiafei blackeif betwevi slides. (iKhf n hllumlefrafid) US ~yim
J. Segal, of the psychology depart- ) Restful blue-green light prevents eyestrain. KEYSTONE K-300 and silk makes a marvelous dayime
ment and acting chief of the div. s a iese o eaifain (300-wal)drs' a -
metadatnYhifo h ii Ask our salesmen for a demonstration. w gry 4t dress topped with ac r isp linen cella r.
Sion, remarked his unit, like any ... only $79tc
other psychological counseling '$I8.00down-$1.50 per week Sizes 5-15.

establishment in the country, has
a long waiting list. The division's ihi i
staff members handled nearly 600 Purchase from
individual students last year and
expects more this year.
Prof. Segal thinks the increased
work load of the Division results
from the search of "bright people
growing up in a complex civiliza-
tion for their role in life " He111 6 South University
thought the University's support of NOrmandy 8-6972
extensive counseling services indi-
cated an awareness that the ability EA T A C217 $. Main St. 9 Nickels Arcade
to learn is somewhat dependent YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC NEEDS 29
on emotional stability. I' t ',,. ::- m:':zs---ka 'e is- suh- '

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